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, MI


Messages posted by Chip »Message board home   »Start a new discussion

Dec. 7, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Quality Softball Glove

Thanks for all the input!!
Dec. 5, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Quality Softball Glove

Looking for recommendations for a quality softball glove for outfield play 14 inch. Thanks!
July 27, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Great Lakes SPA NIT

My team from MI is not playing in this tournament. If you are in need of an outfielder. let me know. Can play 50.55, or 60 AAA. Thanks!
June 29, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 2017 Dudley Lightning Legend 2.0 13" Balanced compared to Addias Melee 2 Balanced

Thanks for the feedback!
June 27, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 2017 Dudley Lightning Legend 2.0 13" Balanced compared to Addias Melee 2 Balanced

If performance level is similar, what about durability? I see the Addias is about 40-50 more in price.

June 27, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: 2017 Dudley Lightning Legend 2.0 13" Balanced compared to Addias Melee 2 Balanced

Trying to decide between the 2. Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Jan. 23, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat NIFONG endload

It is my understanding that the Dudleys and the new Mikens are getting over 2000 hits. I just wondered if this bat is following suit.
Jan. 22, 2016
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Combat NIFONG endload

Anyone know how durable these bats are supposed to be?

April 17, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Bat Bag

Thanks for all the input!

April 16, 2015
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Bat Bag

Looking for some recommendations on a good bat bag that you can travel with on a plane with your senior bats without being worried that your bats will be broken. Also one that is durable with good wheel balance.

Oct. 2, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 AAA looking to play on a team in the 2014 WINTER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Fort Myers

Found a team. Thanks for looking.
Sept. 29, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 AAA looking to play on a team in the 2014 WINTER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Fort Myers

I should add that I currently play on a 50+ AAA MI team, but they are not going to Fort Myers this year.
Sept. 29, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 AAA looking to play on a team in the 2014 WINTER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Fort Myers

Play outfield (normally left or left-center). Good speed and bat. Team player. You can call or text me at 248-408-4268 or email revjrc@gmail.com MI based.
June 28, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Any Sr. leagues in the Panama City, Fl area

Preferably that play in the day.


June 24, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Panama City, Fl

Any Sr. leagues in this area that play in the day?
March 31, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Leesburg (Orlando area)

Thank you AB., Shelby, Tony, and others for the opportunities to get some hitting and playing time in on my trip.

Joel (Chip)
March 15, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Leesburg (Orlando area)

I will be arriving Sunday night late.

March 14, 2014
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Leesburg (Orlando area)

I am going to be in this area for 2 weeks and am looking for a place to get some practice in while here. Also would be willing to sub in any games if there was an opportunity. 55 and play outfield.

Does anyone know of a place where any of the seniors practice hitting in this area? I know the Villages are close by, not sure if they have any open practice or who to contact.

I played/practiced for a month back in Nov/Dec in Venice,Fl while on vacation. I can provide references if needed. Thanks for reading. You can email me or call/text me at 248-408-4268
Sept. 13, 2013
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for help in Vegas

Can you send me your email and/or phone number at revjrc@gmail.com? I can call or email you to discuss. I would be interested in the 50 team and play outfield.
Sept. 13, 2013
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for help in Vegas

Are you still needing a player?
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