June 10, 2024 Parris13 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to join a 55 AA team next year I turn 54 in December an is looking to get back playing. Currently residing in Lower Alabama. Hoping I can get on somewhere and roll from there. |
Oct. 27, 2020 Parris13 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to join a team in the Southeast Region I am 49 yrs old looking to join a team for the upcoming season. I play 2nd/3rd/ P/ Corner Outfielders. Currently residing in Alabama. |
Sept. 13, 2012 Parris13 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking for a team 40+ I am looking for a 40+ (42 currently) team anywhere in the Southeat. I play on the military circuit A/B and on the civilian side C/D. If you need a player call me at 334-447-3734. |