July 30, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Eastern Nationals Results Tim, it seems you and I always end up on the same subject. I just wish that one day this point would go away and SSUSA would get their act together and find a way to post updates, maybe daily. just asking. we are living in 2024 not 1984 MQ |
July 30, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Eastern Nationals Results I know its very difficult to fill in the seeding and bracket games on the board, but is it possible to write in a message the results from each age group. it would be nice to know officially how teams did. |
April 14, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: looking to play Looking to join a team, 1B, 3B, Catcher, DH. 60 division live in Central Florida will travel, can hit for high average and power. call me or text 305-989-5236 Manny Q |
April 2, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Player looking for team Looking to join a team, 1B, 3B, Catcher, DH. live in Central Florida will travel, can hit for high average and power. call me or text 305-989-5236 Manny Q |
March 18, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Tournament technology FYI, can anyone, anyone put up the results from this weekends Spring nationals in Florida? just asking for a friend. |
Feb. 6, 2024 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Renewal That also happened to me, best to call office. |
Dec. 14, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 2023 to 2024 Staff: a player who was registered in 2023 season with a fully paid players card that has now expired, qualified for the TOC is playing in that tournament and maybe that tournament only, why do they have to renew for the upcoming season? |
Nov. 17, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: New Ratings Home Landing Page What staff needs to do is refresh the whole list, it shows 60's teams from 2007 and 2013 as Major plus. Don't think they are still playing 60 ball. LMAO. |
Oct. 5, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: 35-35 Amazing! In 2018 playing 55 majors, team's number 3,4,and 5 hitter went a combined 93 for 99 in 8 games. Team never trailed in any inning, never exceeded the home run limit and swept the tournament 8 & 0 (Vegas Worlds). number 3 hitter made 1 out (32 for 33) number 4 hitter made 2 outs (31 for 33) number 5 hitter made 3 outs. (30 for 33) I think that was pretty good. |
Aug. 16, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Southern Nationals Moving up is a measure of a good team, I agree with that, but moving up in the middle of the season is ridiculous. How can they expect to move a team just before the eastern nationals and force them to play with the same roster. SSUSA expects that team who has no major plus (due to AAA rules) to go out and compete against Major teams who may have up to 3 major plus players on team. This is not meant to cry on here, just meant for staff to see how it be expected that a AAA team can compete under those rules No problem with being moved up, just let the team play under the same rules. also even if it was allowed to pick up 3 new players what do you tell the 3 that have been with you all year and have paid for tickets and hotels to travel to Virginia that they are going to sit. How would anybody who has played this GAME like it? I don't think that mid season moving up or down is fair to anybody. |
July 7, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: re classification Another fact we beat a team 5 times which is playing AAA 60's because they don't want to play 65 majors, their average age is well above 65. please explain how that's considered a good win? |
July 7, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: re classification So, let me get this straight. Our team wins in the winter national 9 team bracket, then wins in the spring nationals 3 team bracket (looses against 2 major teams) and then wins a qualifier 2 team bracket. this is a reason to be moved to Majors. give me a break! and to top it off we are going to the eastern nationals and you want us to play against Major teams, how is that fair. with no previous exposure to that division. we played against 2 major teams in the spring seeding games and lost both. someone in home office needs to get a clue. I want to play against the best every where I go, but you can't ask this team to move up in the middle of the season based upon these results. |
July 6, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Bats Discussion: usssa bats Reading the new policy "Beginning Nov. 1, 2023, Bats must be marked with the SSUSA/NTS Logo, or marked SSUSA approved (or have SSUSA logo), with 1.21 BPF or less." I hope this policy is moving forward, and does not mean that existing bat are band, correct? This is more for new bats coming out, correct? just wanting clarification. |
July 5, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Bats Discussion: usssa bats if you look just above in the green area "bat policy" look up your bat. if not on there check with home office. |
April 24, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play/ join team Broward County Florida area Call Freddy 786-663-2425 He is a retired FF also. tell him Manny sent U |
April 24, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to play/ join team Broward County Florida area There is a league that plays on Tuesday's and Thursday's morning in Pompano 4 fields. good starting point. |
March 27, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Verbal Interference Dc, change your panties and catch the ball, I paly infield and have heard worse. I know we are living in soft woke world but come on. so if someone yells bad pitch you don't swing if its down the plate or if the yell swing you swing at a pitch they rolled towards home plate. what's bush league about this is the world we live in today. Someone please close this thread!!!! Thank You |
March 27, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Verbal Interference Nancy, I love it. reminds me of a play when I use to coach optimist baseball. Runner attempts to steal second , catcher throws down, SS comes in front of the throw and cuts ball off, runner is standing on bag, SS tells runner it was a foul ball and runner heads back to first, SS tags runner out. Needless to say other coach not happy, my response teach your kids to listen to umpires not the other team. All's fair in love and baseball. :) |
March 25, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Pitching Net sorry do not ever want to see a net. |
March 25, 2023 grayhitter59 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Pitching Net The net is great for league play, that allows for a lot more senior ball players to play this game. As for tournament play, I do ever want to see a net. If you are a tournament player and want to pitch "gear up" if not find another position. Also if you play in a league that has a net and you as a pitcher make the decision you want to come around the net, then that is on you, don't like the mandatory staying behind the net rule. Let grown men make there own decisions if the want to come out of the protection of the net. My 2 cents. |