June 27, 2024 Fleck14 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Best pitcher shin pads that cover the knee I have tried several types and can recommend those designed for moto-cross or BMX bike racing. They are light weight, durable and and fit nicely in my wheeled bat bag. After several years of use they have help up really well. Cost around $40 |
May 10, 2024 Fleck14 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Bat standards I really appreciate SSUSA putting the effort to address a long standing safety issue and level the playing field for all hitters. We have been testing ASA bats here in Alaska for many years and the process is not time consuming or complicated. If the bats pass the test they get a sticker put on them, if they don't pass you can't use it. You don't get suspended for having a bat that does not pass. I keep a fairly new backup bat in my bag just in case. If your bat is cracked or breaking down it needs to be replaced. Some guys use a tested bat from a teammate if theirs does not pass. The testing process takes about 60 seconds per bat. We show up 20 minutes early on the 1st day of the tourney for testing. Sometimes one guy will bring 6-8 bats at a time and help their teammates with testing. I am excited about this improvement to our rules and look forward to working with SUSSA to help make the process as smooth as possible. Thank you!! |
April 18, 2024 Fleck14 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Southwest Championships -- Posted Game Results Dave, we really appreciate the effort in posting the scores so fast during the tourney last weekend. Thank you!! |
Feb. 7, 2020 Fleck14 | Topic: Product review Discussion: Clear plastic facemasks Take a look at the Worth Legit Softball helmet/mask, it provides good visibility and is light weight with adjustable fit. I used it for a couple years then went to the Cascade CPV-R Lacrosse helmet for better protection when we bumped up to Majors. You can cut out the middle cross-bar on the mask for better visibility. This is similar to what the USSSA Majors players wear. Good luck and be safe! https://www.hq4sports.com/worth-legit-protective-lgtph-slowpitch-softball-pitchers-mask.html https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/cascade-cpv-r-lacrosse-helmet-w-black-mask-16casmcpvrlcrsshllxp/16casmcpvrlcrsshllxp |
March 4, 2018 Fleck14 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: pitcher getting hit I have found that one of most helpful things an umpire can do to protect the pitcher is to enforce the batters box rules. Having the ability to throw the ball inside and making it hard for the hitters to "barrell it up" the other way, or up the middle is a HUGE asset to the pitcher. Not to mention I can anticipate a ball up the middle based on where the pitch is coming in if the batter is actually in the box. Last year at Vegas it was about 50/50 on the umpires that would actually take a stand and require the batter get in the box. You can tell the teams that want to cheat out of the box when you see them kicking the chalk lines away at the start of the game. The lines really don't matter, the batters box is where it is and is is pretty obvious when the batter is not in the box. Sending out a HUGE THANK YOU to all the umpires that enforce this rule, you are making a difference to limit injuries to pitchers!! Thank you!! |
Jan. 27, 2018 Fleck14 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: FACE MASK I have the Ripit and Worth masks in my bag, they both work really well and provide good visibility. The Worth mask comes with a built in helmet which I HIGHLY recommend as a veteran pitcher. It's adjustable so you can make it fit good to wear over your hat turned backwards. After the the last out you can take it off and you have your hat ready to roll. The Ripit works best for me at 3B on a choppy field or bad sun, more suited towards infielders. Either way, always protect the MoneyMaker!! (I heard that from a top college coach) |
May 15, 2014 Fleck14 | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: 50 AAA- Need Infielders, Portland June 27 - 29 Need help at SS and 3B for the Jim Sherman Memorial Tourney. Email dflecken@yahoo.com for more detail. |
Jan. 11, 2014 Fleck14 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: where are all the pitchers *Batters Boxes Do Matter* I think they are key to pitcher safety. Gary- the reason being that it is more difficult to "defend the strike zone" when the inside pitch is truly inside on the hitters swing. More difficult to hit the other way with power, and up the middle. I totally agree we should remove the rubber, it is just a hazard, chalk lines work fine. I don't mind the mask too much, go with the Rip-It. It is light weight, metal, and less obstructive field of vision. |
Aug. 22, 2013 Fleck14 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: another senior ailment : TOE NAIL FUNGUS ! I'm treating toenails right now with Lamisil, appears to be working but time will tell. Have lived with it for 30 years decided to try to get rid of it. |