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Details for k man

Real name:
Rich C
Long Island NY
Men's 65

Messages posted by k man

Oct. 21, 2022
k man
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: List of teams

Go to tournament page and click on 60 teams
Oct. 20, 2022
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call:

Bob, As to your 1st question, you would have to analyze if there are runners on base and how many outs there are. For instance, with a runner on 1st and third and one out, you wouldn't do what you suggest because you would see if the batter possibly hits into an inning ending double play rather than give him another crack at it with 2 outs. There are probably many more such examples.

And in answer to your second post. Yes, the out of order batter takes his legal turn.
Batter 2 is supposed to bat, but instead batter # 3 takes the at bat.
Upon appeal by the defensive team, the out goes to the #2 position and batter #3 now takes his legal at bat
Oct. 16, 2022
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: You make the call:

Coach should have waited for the completion of 3rd batters at bat. If he had gotten a hit, then you challenge it. The batter is then out on challenge and then 3rd batter bats in his correct spot. And if lead off hitter had been on base he returns to his original base.
I was keeping score for our team in winners bracket finals Ft Myers 60's a few years back. Man on 1st one out. Batter gets a single. Men on 1st and 3rd when I noticed he batted out of order. So now 2 outs with runner on 1st. Same batter then flies out. Rally snuffed. We scored 5 next inning and they never recovered. Turns out manager switched the order from previous game and batters never noticed.
Oct. 16, 2022
k man
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: teams

they usually post them the day after the money is due
Oct. 11, 2022
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 11 Players For 65 Brackets

Not sure if this had anything to do with the committee voting for the 11 players last year but I remember there being some griping when a 65 team had to give an equalizer to a 70 team they were grouped with. Many tournaments had 65 and above playing together and some resulting in 65's facing 70's. The equalizer resulted in the 70 team getting the 5 extra runs AND the 70 team also had the 11th fielder because that was the rule for all teams 70+. I think some felt they were getting a double advantage. So by making the 65's fit under the 11th player rule that was approved, the equalizer didn't feel like a double whammy. Makes sense? You be the judge.
Oct. 7, 2022
k man
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Tournaments in Florida this coming autumn/winter

If you get the SSUSA Newsletter, an update was provided in todays addition. Decision will be made next week as per article.
Feb. 28, 2022
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Probably a silly question, but asked anyway.

Very good points by Scott. Cannot overemphasize defense on the part of the pitcher especially the ages where there is no middle fielder and the middle is wide open. The ability of the pitcher to retreat and clog the middle definitely a plus. Also of note because our 60's pitcher does it so well When a batter hits a ball with a man on 1st, he's already on the way toward 2nd base to take force play throws from 3rd or SS. It kills the momentum of the other team. Also allows SS and 2B to play further from the bag knowing the bag will be covered.

Also, I've noticed that many of the better pitchers make use of the 10 foot pitching box. Once the pitcher has a strike on the batter, moving further changes the arc of the next pitches instead of the same relative arc.

Much respect to those who have pitched and put themselves in harms way!
Feb. 18, 2022
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

I just copied it from their website ISSA
Feb. 18, 2022
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

stick8, Yes, the runner can then be put out by a play at the plate or he must step on scoring plate/pass scoring line to score the run.
Feb. 18, 2022
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call

Some call it a smart play while others refer to it as a tacky tack play, and I guess it depends what side of the play you are on.
FYI- another organization has this as their rule to eliminate that problem:
" A tagged runner after the commitment line is not automatically awarded the base. The ball will remain live until the scoring plate is touched by the runner or home plate touched by a defensive player in possession of the softball"
Fact remains though that we play by the rules we have.
Dec. 5, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

IDK, I think you are confusing teams with same rating and teams of same division.
70AAA and 65 AAA do not have same rating but both are AAA divisions.

There is a rating index table under rules and 70AAA is rated a 3 while 65AAA rated a 4.
The higher rated team gives the 70AAA the 5 run differential in addition to the fact that they have the 11th man by virtue of playing as a 70's team thus appearing to get what you call the double whammy.

In this instance, the double whammy is eliminated by giving 65 teams an 11th defender
Dec. 5, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

Not sure where I had heard the following in the past, but the basic complaint for having 65's go to 11 fielders has to do with the fact that for many SSUSA tournaments, the 65's are scheduled to play on the same days as all age groups 70 and above. That in itself would not be reason to change from 10 to 11 but the complaint I heard about happens when there are 70's in the same bracket as 65's. Example:

Suppose a 70 Major+ team is playing a 65 Major team in the same bracket. (Would also apply if 70M plays 65AAA or 70AAA plays 65AA). The 70M+ team and 65M team are both rated equal. The complaint I heard was that the 70 team has the 11 defensive fielders as per rules for 70 and above while the 65 team only 10, so to some, that in and of itself is an inequity.
By bringing 65's to 11 defensive fielders, that inequity (if you believe there is one) is solved for those crossover situations.

Your thoughts???
Dec. 3, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

Thanks for the quick response! Just wanted to be sure.
Dec. 3, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

If I am reading it correctly, a vote (#14) passed 12-0 yesterday allowing 11 defensive players in the 65+ division.
Since the rules became effective 12/01/21, will that rule apply to the Feb TOC or will the TOC be played under last years rules?
Nov. 22, 2021
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Answer this.

Just curious what people think, how much does having a middle fielder deter someone from shooting the middle as compared to no middle fielder? BTW, in our last 60's in Ft Myers, one team moved an outfielder to middle infield. They had 3 excellent outfielders who covered a lot of ground. PS- when I manage 65's and am given the option of 5 runs or middle fielder, I usually choose the middle fielder.
Nov. 19, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Re-entry

BTW, I think I found it in the rules. Page 27 user Substitutes Section 4.7 B2
Basically its an appeal play and if the ball is in play, the offensive team can accept the at bat or he can re bat going back to the previous strike/ball count. And that player is ejected from the game with the legitimate player taking his place.

Live and learn!
Nov. 18, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Re-entry

I managed our team in Ft. Myers and an incident happened with my team regarding re-entry.
Around the 5th inning of the game, consecutive original batters A and B were replace by batters C and D.
I told the umpire that in the next inning, they would be re-entering the game.

Part way through the inning, I noticed that instead of A and B being in the field, player A had told C to continue playing the field, unbeknownst to me.
Nothing happened that half inning so I then went to the umpire, asking who should rightfully go out there in the next inning. He said player A.
I assume he was correct as when I said I wanted them re-entered, C should have been permanently out of the game along with D.

Also, what would have been the story if the other team challenged the wrong player being out there, especially on a batted ball that resulted in an out?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

K Man- LI Jags 65+ #64

PS- I almost made a HUGE fopaux, when I was going to use a batter for a pitcher who replaced my original pitcher, but members of my team were more familiar with the rule of re-entry only allowed on original scorecard members. - won't let that happen again.

PPS- Nice job by Tim and his crew at Naples. and field crew did a good job too!
June 6, 2021
k man
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: batter interference

AJC, we had that exact thing happen to us. The opposing catcher caught the ball before it hit the mat/ground.
I didn't hear the umps call, but my teammates said he originally called it a strike. After my complaint, he changed it to no pitch/do over. Again I complained that it should be a ball since it never hit the mat. How do the forum umpires see it in relationship to using a mat. He was not going to change his decision of no pitch. btw, my batter eventually walked.
May 13, 2021
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Total Knee Replacement.."A Softball Athlete's 3 month Video Diary" Sm 165

I'm 6 weeks in as of today. finished 3rd week of PT. At 110 degrees and riding stationary bike for a week. One thing PT guy said everyone is different, you'll heal at your own rate. Keep at it L and kc, I know I will!
April 11, 2021
k man
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Total Knee Replacement.."A Softball Athlete's 3 month Video Diary" Sm 165

Just had total knee replacement of the right knee 10 days ago
Based on what friends have told me who have had one and from what I've read on the board is that expectations can vary drastically. Dr. pleased with how it went and just following the process.
Pain, swelling, black and blue, along with medication, icing, exercises, trying to get comfortable is all part of the process over time.
Trying to keep expectation of returning to softball at a reasonable level and as Wood said, not looking to cause injury to other leg or hips by coming back too soon.
So for the time being, it's more of the same PT, icing, medication and keep my expectations in check as my friends begin to get ready for ball in the northeast!.
Wishing everyone a safe softball season!
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