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Details for Lebobster1

Real name:
Bob Roy
Men's 65

Messages posted by Lebobster1

Nov. 24, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: SSUSA Website Tournament Score Updates

DaveDowell: “... I'm the ONLY person with that system on my computer AND the only user ...”

Dave, I can’t be the only one who believes this is a MAJOR business succession planning issue for SSUSA.

This explains why SSUSA has regular problems with the Tournament Score Updates being done in a timely manner. This is also a serious Business Continuity Planning issue for SSUSA. You folks should seriously look at changing this. You should not be the only person with access to that system.

Also, not sure why you take questions personally replying with snide comments. Your customers are simply providing constructive criticism to improve the GREAT work that SSUSA already is doing to ONLY make it even better!

Nov. 20, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter worlds

To not make things too complicated:

1. Have the Tournament Directors of each Tournament send a photo of the completed brackets at the end of each day.
2. While the technicians/programmers are working on a "custom solution" ...see above.
3. Have an intern then enter the info sent from the TD (if staff are too busy to do so). They can do it while working remotely.
Nov. 19, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter worlds

Dave, Why wasn't this done for for the Winter Nationals?

You folks know this is an issue for hundreds if not thousands of players/fans yet you can't find a way to get this done after years of folks raising this as a MAJOR issue/complaint?

Suggestion: Hire a high school/college intern to take care of this. Should be quite simple for them to figure out what you folks can't seem to get right...
Aug. 19, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Should a team get to compete?

@DaveDowell, the only conclusion I draw from your post is why did SSUSA wait until AFTER the Eastern Nationals to make the asinine decision they did? What happened in that tournament to change things that it had to be done NOW?...I'll answer that for you, NOTHING!

In fact, it's my understanding from the statistics (run differential) that you use as "justification", that the Eastern Nationals had the lowest run differential of the 5 you mention. Their is NO justification at that point to make the change and any weak excuses SSUSA uses only make the organization look worse in the eyes of all teams that could potentially be impacted by this type of decision going forward.

It's decisions like this that takes the fun out of playing in your events.
Aug. 18, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Should a team get to compete?

SSUSA has given themselves a HUGE Black Eye after moving teams AFTER the Eastern/Western Championships. NOTHING could transpire in this single tournament to warrant such a move! Decisions to do so have to be made PRIOR to this tournament as it is the first leg of their biggest prize of the year....the Triple Grand Slam (TGS). This leaves those teams/players involved quite disappointed to say the least. More importantly, it lessens the quality and meaning of the SSUSA product and the so called "National Championship" game and TGS specifically. I wouldn't want to play in a "watered down" National Championship game and then win the TGS as they would obviously come with an asterisk next to them!

All proposed changes should be REVERSED to right this wrong IMMEDIATELY!

On a separate note, I was made aware of a disparaging comment on this thread made by SSUSA staff. However, when visiting the thread just now, it has obviously been removed. Isn't this nice! I've tried to edit my posts in the past but am unable to. Sounds like another case of....rules for thee...
Nov. 6, 2020
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Looking for some advice

As a last ditch effort to avoid the fusion that two MD's (a Neuro-Surgeon & an Orthopedic Back Specialist) recommended, I began Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections in the L4-L5 area by a Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Physician. The injections were given four weeks apart in October, November & December of 2018. In mid-January 2019, the doctor also performed a caudal injection in the area. Two weeks later, he gave me a second caudal injection but in the right piriformis muscle only. The last caudal injection was given into the right piriformis muscle in early March. My symptoms began subsiding in February until they went away completely within several weeks. It's a MIRACLE to play pain free(to date) for the first time in over five years!
May 20, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Please, a story from anyone! Anything but Corona, Corona, Corona!

Mid-Late 80's played in a regional tournament in Agawam, MA with an All-Star team from our Rec League in CT. Team didn't fare too well in the tourney that weekend. Don't remember all the specific details like some idiot savants (you know the guys who can recall the score, inning, situations of every game they've ever played in), but will never forget that I went 0-19 that w/e from the 3 hole. Every ball hit (and there were may piss rockets) found the defenders... The joke on the ride home was that there is an 0 in Agawam and it was me!
Oct. 11, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking to Play FT Myers/Phoenix

Team is done for the year and I'm looking to play 55 or 60 in Ft Myers or Phoenix next month.

I am a 60M SS from CT who played in 10 tournaments this year, including Vegas. Eligible for all NE states and states that border NY.
Oct. 1, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Turf Shoes

I use New Balance that have a removable insole but I leave it in putting my orthotics on top.

Since transitioning from spikes to turf shoes, my feet have let me know that they LOVE it so much better!

Also, I buy a size bigger than I need due to the swelling of my feet when playing, especially in the warmer weather.

Good Luck!
Oct. 1, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Tim


Now, if only every tournament SSUSA runs can follow your lead....Life is Good!

It obviously is a huge task for you which could be made so much easier with the proper software put in place by SSUSA like the other organization uses...
Sept. 9, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spinal Fusion & Softball

Thanks Rick35, dand, El Guapo & bogie for the info! ANY info is GREATLY appreciated.

Update: As a last ditch effort to avoid the fusion that two MD's (a Neuro-Surgeon & an Orthopedic Back Specialist) recommended, I began Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections in the L4-L5 area by a Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Physician. The injections were given four weeks apart in October, November & December of 2018. In mid-January 2019, the doctor also performed a caudal injection in the area. Two weeks later, he gave me a second caudal injection but in the right piriformis muscle only. The last caudal injection was given into the right piriformis muscle in early March. My symptoms began subsiding in February until they went away completely within several weeks. It's a MIRACLE to play pain free(to date) for the first time in over five years!
July 16, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Northeast Championships Results

Great job to the SSUSA staff for updating the brackets online!
July 10, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 2018 Northeast Championships

Kudos for the speedy online results at this Tournament!!! It's a real pleasure not to have to go to the field to see the brackets and also, for the many fans back at home not able to attend.

The lack of this in the past has been a sore spot for a lot of folks, including myself.

I hope this be the norm going forward...
April 19, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 2018 TIDEWATER CLASSIC, etc.

Any chance we get get end of day results on this site?
March 24, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spinal Fusion & Softball

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Follow-up Questions: post surgery, was your range of motion affected? Has there been a difference in your fielding/hitting/running abilities? If so, how significant?

Thanking you in advance!
March 16, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spinal Fusion & Softball

Thanks for the reply but I’m not interested in playing golf.
March 15, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Spinal Fusion & Softball

I've been told that I need a fusion of L4-L5 to address a Grade 1 Spondy. Anyone have experience with this and the ability to play/hit afterwards? Have been putting this off for years now but almost at the point to have this done to address the discomfort.

Nov. 14, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: N. Collier updates for S2

Tim, Thanks for the update of the scores! I understand you were the one that did the nice job earlier in the week updating the online brackets for the 65's in Naples. It was nice being able to follow the teams down there without having to nag the guys that are down there playing.

Would be real nice though to have these "Real Time" updates each day during the tournaments like other organizations somehow manage to accomplish.

This organization HAS to figure this out. Heck, they can use some of the Saturday umpire savings and put it towards that.

Please SSUSA figure this out...
Nov. 9, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA thank you

Does this mean we won't have 10:30pm start times delayed from 9pm due to games running late?

BIG disadvantage for east players when we NEVER played under the lights all year and it was like playing at 2am.