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Details for IDon'tKnow 3rdBase

Real name:
John Parisi
Centennial CO
Men's 65

Messages posted by IDon'tKnow 3rdBase

Nov. 25, 2024
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bases loaded, less than 2 outs

Scenario 1)by touching the base first, the force is in effect and the runner come from second is out. The runner standing on third is safe because the force is no longer in effect for him and he doesn't have to go home.
Scenario 2) the runner is forced to go home as long as the force is in effect for him. By tagging the runner on third before stepping on third base, the runner on third is out because it is no longer his base, it's the guy coming from second base.
So tag the man on third, then step on third for a double play. The third basemen can then throw to second to force the guy coming from first or throw to first ahead of the batter for a triple play.

Sept. 28, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batter out of the box

A lot of discussion about using USSSA batter box rules. The USSSA rule doesn't apply to SSUSA because the pitch to strike path is very different. USSSA batters have to run up and out of the batters box to hit a low strike because of the pitcher release point rule. Running out of the box is not necessary in SSUSA rules. Leave it be.
Aug. 12, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams

We received several contacts expressing interest in playing on a 70 or 75 Scrap Iron team. This is still an open invitation. Contact info in previous post.
July 30, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Emergency need for 70's pitcher at Western Nationals 8/1-8/3

Cancel request. Found a pitcher.
July 30, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Emergency need for 70's pitcher at Western Nationals 8/1-8/3

Our Pitcher had a family emergency and will not be with us at Western Nationals. Need a 70's AA or AAA pitcher.
July 26, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Scrap Iron Club looking to build new 70 and 75 teams

Scrap Iron Club, based out of Colorado, is in the process of building new 70 and 75 teams. These will be AA or AAA teams depending on the player skill level. If interested and willing to play and travel to 6-8 tournaments next year, complete the contact us form at https://www.coloradoseniorsoftball.com/scrap-iron-contact-us.

March 29, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Partial knee replacement

Senior24, I had total knee replacements, right knee 6 months to the day and the left 7 weeks to the day. I am 70 and plan to play at the Southwest Championships in Las Vegas in three weeks. I'm close to a gym rat and did all the PT. it helps to do the PT exercises before the surgery for several weeks. It makes the recovery go faster. Total knee replacement takes at least twice the time to rehab than a partial. My knees were to far gone to do a partial. Guys that I know who had partials were back playing tournaments in 2-3 months and are very happy with the results. Talking to my doctor, he told me the full replacement will last 20-30 years or more but the partials are too knew and not known how long they will last. One doctor told me I was a 50/50 candidate for a partial in the left knee and if it didn't work out he would just go in and do a full replacement. No thanks!
March 26, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cancellation of Tournaments due to weather

Dbax is correct. You only need to attend a qualifier to play at the Worlds. Winning is irrelevant for Worlds. Winning the tournament gives your the team the option to play in next year's TOC.
March 24, 2023
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Pitching Net

BJ. I like the pitching net rules you stated, but am puzzled by rule #5. The rules I have played is the pitcher can field hard hit balls up the middle provided it doesn't hit the screen. The pitchers is behind the screen after the pitch but can move outside the screen area after the hit. The safety protection applies to balls hit directly back at the pitcher and not to either side. Also popups are okay for the pitcher to catch anywhere. JP
April 4, 2022
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Playing with Eleven

Great point Stick, having the pitcher pitch to the defense, if they can.
Guys, to me the communication is key to having a coordinated defense. When the MIF was added, the three fielders in the middle seemed confused and incohesive. Rarely do I see five outfields except for perceived power hitters at bat. Most batters are just trying to find a way to get on base. I think a rover is useless positioning that rarely is in place to create an out. We don't need to play mind games with opposition's offense but play coordinated team defensive that make the outs and double plays when the opportunities are presented using a six fielders on the dirt in front of home plate. Am I right in my expectations as to who does what on the basic set up?
April 3, 2022
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Playing with Eleven

Looking for some strategy when playing with eleven on defense. The extra infielder is the middle infielder (MIF). I would think the MIF, most of time, plays on the dirt behind 2nd base, right or left of the pitcher depending on the batter. MIF needs to play on the dirt throw out a hitter at 1st, and cover 2nd for force outs and to start a DP. They should have a strong arm. SS and 2B player are positioned further from 2nd so MIF is closer to cover 2nd.
MIF is the cutoff for throws from LC and RC. SS and 2B players take cutoffs from LF and RF, respectively.
The MIF is the infield leader calling the defensive strategy. If the MIF goes away from 2B to retrieve the ball, the SS and 2B should know who has the bag. That's how I see it. Any thoughts or suggestions?
March 19, 2022
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Balls in St George

Thanks tnacty for the question still unanswered although your personal resume was unnecessary. Dave, you know most, what is the 2022 tournament ball? Will there be one ball or is that in flux for the season?
Dec. 17, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Roster Eligibility

I can't find the rules on roster eligibility on the website. Are we back to the rosters for 70 or younger teams must consist of players from the resident state and adjacent states only? Does the resident state have to be where the manager resides? Does the adjacent state rule apply for California teams. thanks,
Dec. 5, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+

I believe the problem of inequality occurs when a 70 team plays a 65 team and both have the same rating, say AAA. The 70 team has 11 defensive players plus they get five runs. That has been the double whammy that is unfair. Leave 65's alone with 10 defensive players but don't allow the 70's team to get both.
Dec. 5, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Runner Interference and Dead Bal

Sorry for the late response Stick. The umpire felt the runner going into second base did not slide or make a good enough attempt to get out of the way of the shortstop in making the throw to first base. I understand the out at second and interference call for the out at first. The third out at home should not have been called.
Nov. 30, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Runner Interference and Dead Bal

This happened at the Phoenix Winternationals this month. Runners on first and third with no outs. Batter his a grounder to the second basemen who flips the ball to the shortstop for the force out, who then throws pass the first basemen. Once by the ball gets by the first basemen, the runner on third runs home but is thrown out. The umpire then call runner interference at second base. The out already occurred at second and the batter going to first is now out. He said the continuation of the play resulted in the runner going home is also out, a triple play. My point to the umpire was the interference call resulted in a dead ball and the runner on third must go back to third whether he was called out at home or not as the play was over. Is the umpire in error?
I looked up the rules and reference 9.1 (H) Dead Ball - When the offensive team causes interference and 8.6 (last part) ...If in the umpire’s judgment the runner fails to avoid a collision with a defensive player involved in the play, the ball will be declared dead and that runner called out. All base runners except the batter will be returned to their previous base unless forced to advance. If in the umpire’s judgment the runner's collision with the defensive player involved in the play negates a double play, the umpire may award a second out.
Nov. 30, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Stop Swinging UP! Handpath DOWN to the Point of Contact creates a more level cutting ProStyle Swing 192

Thanks Bogie. As always good information even as a reminder.
June 27, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Any Update on The Stote?

Dave, In the interim, would we consider using the Rock, my personal choice,
May 20, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Total Knee Replacement.."A Softball Athlete's 3 month Video Diary" Sm 165

I have had both hips replaced and have fully recovered. Now my knees are shot. I plan to have my right knee replaced by end of season but am concerned if it is possible to continue playing successfully with a femur having no live connection to a joint, i.e. metal and plastics on both ends. Anyone with both hip and knee replacements on one or both sides.
May 20, 2021
IDon'tKnow 3rdBase
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Runner Jeopardy

Good discussion. I agree with B.J. This doesn't have to be complicated by having umpires make judgement a call. It is hard enough to get the infield fly out done correctly. Let's limit judgement calls.
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