Nov. 20, 2019 Jethro | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Looking to join a 60AAA team My email is Please email me your info and I will forward it to multiple coaches. Also I operate a hitting club here in crossville Tennessee. We hit whenever the weather is right! We also take the hitting club on the road to Chattanooga, Knoxville etc. whenever we hit, there is always multiple coaches hitting with us. Btw, crossville is north of Chattanooga by about an hour. We do,hit down in Chattanooga with a bunch of tournament playing seniors. During winter we hit with older bats and our aluminum bats, so as to save gamers! Brand new BP balls! |
Sept. 5, 2019 Jethro | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Need players for 65aaa I am available and eligible to play 65. My name is Jethro... please contact me at my email address. |
Nov. 13, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Product review Discussion: Batting screens A lot of us use Pitch Safe screens. Fold up into a nice small unit! Research on the internet. Look at Woodlawn Hitting Club and Florida half century for various videos as well as the website. |
April 22, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Women's softball Discussion: Valdosta tourney - August 2018 Oops I didn’t read your data very well, I apologize! I should have read better before I put my questions on here! Sorry!! |
April 22, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Women's softball Discussion: Valdosta tourney - August 2018 What age and gender and rating are you? |
April 22, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 63 year old looking to join a team. Please contact me at Thank you, Jethro |
March 8, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: wanting to buy a safenet bp pitching screen pitch safe has a website that you can contact them on. I have one for our CrossvillTennessee Hitting Club and on for our senior team. Love the. Nets! Portable, easy set up and take down. |
Feb. 15, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: New 65 team forming Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, areas Please pass the word to all the seniors you know....a new senior 65 age team is forming. The y are registered for tournaments already. Just need some more 65s to fill out their roster. Their coach is an awsome guy and you will enjoy playing with him. At this time the new team name will be: Southern 65’s. Please contact me at Thank you! Let us all find one more senior player per person and double senior softball this year! Just one per person... |
Feb. 13, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: New 65 team forming Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, areas A new 65 year age team is trying to form at this time ! As we continue to grow senior Softball in our area, here is an opportunity for some of you guys wanting and are eligible to play 65! Team will be 2A or 3A depending on players and their ratings. Players need to,be from any state around Tennessee or Tennessee. Please contact me through our email at: I will forward your info to the coaching staff of that team. Let us all try to grow senior Softball! |
Feb. 12, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Ed Blackman Please contact me at Thank you, Jethro |
Feb. 12, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Senior League Play Old Corps, I think I mixed you up with another contact. Please contact me at the above email. I do,know coaches who are looking for league and travel team players in all age groups. There are leagues in Knoxville, Chattanooga, Tellico Loudon area, Crossville etc... Our goal is to double the amount of senior teams over the next year. Thank you. And again, sorry for the mix up. Must be my senior moment for this day. |
Feb. 12, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: Senior League Play Please contact me at I received an email,today from a gentleman saying he was looking for a team for his father.. I sent a reply with info. We have coaches looking for players in your age group for sure...Tennessee Softball is growing. Btw welcome to,Tennessee. Home of the great Smoky Tournament and the Pic-o-Dixie, |
Feb. 10, 2018 Jethro | Topic: Bats Discussion: 2018 27oz Big Cat Yep, we finally had great weather over here in Crossville Tn. also. We hit Friday at 1pm est. so as To maximize the heat of the day. We also hit with the new Big Cat 2018 model. Yep it is awsome. Those who know me and hit with us know that I love swinging that 2017 Big Cat. I call it the orange cone. Well, I am not one to chase the latest “hot bat” but I am glad to get one of the 2018 and darn happy I did! We now have 200 hits on it and it is a great swinging bat and has a huge sweet spot. Launches the ball hard through that all important first 150feet and drives the ball long as well. We also hit numerous other bats and this bat by far is superior. Btw...I buy all my bats and do not get any money for this wish I did though... Hey lefty, come over sometime and hit with the Crossville Tennessee Hitting Club! Now hunkering down for another week of crappy weather. See you all in Myrtle Beach! Our team is The Titus Company/Southern Thunder 60 AAA |
Feb. 8, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Helmet I believe my friend Curt uses a cricket helmet. He shared it with me to try in Valley last year due to sun being in our eyes when we pitched. It had a little bit of a visor as well for the sun. I liked it. He also got a severe knee injury in that game after a batted ball struck his knee cap. He introduced me to that style helmet and I introduced him to broom ball shin guards. Love them both. However, I now wear a lacrosse helmet.... Just because I like the fit around my lower jaw and side area and I can get to pop ups and foul balls better in it. Personally, after seeing some things happen lately, to include death of a top notch pitcher, We just need to go to the nets. |
Feb. 3, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Hitting Club for,you all who can’t get enough BP. We have a Hitting Club in Crossville TN., for you all who really like to hit. The Crossville Tennessee Hitting Club is modeled after the World Famous Woodlawn Hitting Club in St. Petersburg Fl. We have a Facebook page and you can visit the page for more info. Always great balls to hit, pitching screens, videoing your swing if you want. Great fields. Never know who you will run into! So, if you are traveling through Tennessee stop in and we will hit together. Cost is free! Again, check our Facebook page so you will see our schedule. We will start as soon as the weather gets right! |
Jan. 11, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: ASA 44-375 Balls I know that here we have city park and rec folks setting our rules. And since the leagues are on our city parks and rec fields, we. Have to,go,by their rules... therefore, I guess you are right there Oz... it isn't our league. Now my hitting club, yep. Mine, My money my purchasing of the equipment etc, we do use Alan's ball as it is called. Along with the evil BP ball. Been trying to,get my hands on some nx3! |
Jan. 11, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: "team "player Great answer there swing for the fences.... Dug out attitude is huge to me. I can put up with a lot of things, but I choose not to at this age and time. We seniors are fortunate to still be alive and still playing. |
Jan. 9, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: ASA 44-375 Balls Sorry for all of. My misspellings and syntax errors in that last brain and fingers aren't getting along this morning |
Jan. 9, 2018 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: ASA 44-375 Balls The Alan tanner ball is our ball of choice here at the Crossville Tennessee Hitting Club and for BP,with our former team RDG Chattanooga.. we love that ball. However, no where on the ball is an ASA stamp as the OP asked aboutt for league play. When we travel to Knoxville Tan. And play in the Monday. Night senior league there, it also has an ASA stamped ball, mandate as well. We use the tattoo ASA stamped ball and like it. ASA bats are also the mandate there. Bomb hitters get there bombs and the non bomb hitters can get their burn shots on the outfielders. Btw: our. New team the Southern Thunder Also uses the Alan Tanner ball for practices and BP. In fact, I. Have to get some more! |
Nov. 15, 2017 Jethro | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Trump Softball Check out tanners says minimum 44/375 other balls say maximum 44/375. We wish we could hit tanners balls. We do buy his and use them in our Crossville Tn., hitting club and love them! |