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Real name:
Tom Allen
Davisburg MI
Men's 55

Messages posted by TA

April 10, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Senior vs USSSA balls & bats

Going to play a weekday senior league and players younger than 70 (that's me) must use USSSA bats, 70 and over use senior bats.

Can someone give me the info on ball core/compression used in SSUSA vs USSSA and what USSSA bat would be good for hitting senior balls

Appreciate the help

July 8, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bobby Chapp in Lansing, MI July 11

Nevermind, it's the big bold thing that says "TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE"
July 8, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Bobby Chapp in Lansing, MI July 11

I don't see a link to the schedule anywhere
May 26, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: RIP Glenn Thompson

God doesn't make them any better than Glenn, he will be missed, loved that guy
Oct. 18, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Torn meniscus

Had my meniscus repaired about 2 months ago, and it helped but still not the same as before, they cleaned up some arthritis as well, healed up quick but still have knee pain. I'm 54 and 6' 215lbs and play outfield. I have found that wearing weightlifting style knee "sleeves" work very well to keep knee stable. Here are the ones I use "HVSKY Fitness Knee Sleeves for Weightlifting", and I go a a size smaller (medium size) than they suggested, they break in and feel perfect. They are rigid/thick material but you'll be able to run just fine in them.

I'll still play outfield, but they won't be able to give you 40 year old knees, its almost disappointing the results, but does feel better than before.....as JamesLG said, might be best to wait and try and workout and wear some knee sleeves, see how it goes.
Sept. 26, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: SoCal 50 Major Outfielder

Still available if someone needs 50M outfielder.
Aug. 31, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: SoCal 50 Major Outfielder

Looking for a team going to Vegas that can use an outfielder.

Played for left field for Pony Express for last 2 years

Tom Allen
March 6, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Southern Cal Player 68

I have a friend that is 68 (looks 58) his name is Danny and is a tournement level player, he lives up in the Lake Gregory area and said he can play just about anywhere but prefers pitcher, 2nd base or infield. I told him I would post his number for him on this site.

So if your a 60 or 65 team and need a player give Danny a call or text @ 310-218-9902
Nov. 25, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: The 1 day Tourney Movement

Sorry guys I should clarify that my opinion is based on Southern California, we have many fields and a decent number of players all within an hour or 3 that could play a round robin tourney albeit with night games for the finals. The jump from 40's to 50's is of course the ages, however the 50's are almost always 2 days with 4-5 teams, that's a one day tourney even with round robin bracket

I do understand the playing at night issue but we play at night in Vegas for worlds.

I have some friends who are getting old enough to play 50's but dislike the idea of 2 days in Hemet or the other desert area fields

And again I know the bigger tourneys are 2-3 days and that's fine
Nov. 23, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: The 1 day Tourney Movement

I know the big tourneys need to be 2 days, but I think we could get more guys interested in playing senior ball if we had more 1 day'ers. And lord knows my wife's softball traveling days ended years ago, and I don't blame her for not wanting to drive 2 hours to Hemet on her days off to sit in 100 degree heat to watch my old behind play softball, she's weird like that. I used to joke back in my "real" softball days that you could tell if the team you were playing was any good by the number of ladies in their dugout, the newer teams/guys always had girlfriends and wives but if you played a team with zero women in the stands watch out, these were guys that play so much the wives have quit coming and they are probably good!
Nov. 23, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: The 1 day Tourney Movement

Just wanted thow this out there.......

I've been playing senior softball two years now (age 51) and enjoy the fellowship and competition, however, do we have to play two day tourneys with 4-6 teams in the tourney?

I'm in SoCal and our tourneys are usually two days and a good 1 1/2 to 2 hour hour drive away, which means two days of long drives or a hotel for something that could be done in one day.

Maybe I'm missing something but at 51 I still work 5 days a week and would prefer to play ball on sat and have sunday to spend with the wife or patching the roof or whatever.

Of course bigger tourneys will require two days, no problem there.

This is a problem when trying to recruit my buddies who may be 50 or so but don't want to play two days and have to get a hotel to play the same 3 teams 2-3 times

What do you guys think, maybe I'm off base here?

Tom in Torrance