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Messages posted by Casey39

Aug. 13, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Suncoast Reloaded

Johnny Dykes model...great bat. I loved when he cried and whined after we beat his behind.
Roberto Minaya model...great bat. One of the classiest guys around. Glad the quality of bat fits the quality of a person.
Terry Patesel model....another great bat. One of the best teammates I ever had.
June 11, 2024
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: 2025 55 AAA Northwest team looking for 2 OF 1-2 IF

How about this season? My team (Vegas Hui) is not playing until Worlds and I want to play more this season. I can play OF and IF (just not SS). I am a Nevada resident.

June 6, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Numbers on Jerseys

Have a teammate that was in the 501st Airborne. He is pretty proud of it and so am I. He wears 501 with honor.
Jan. 6, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New rule on shaved bats

Ridiculous to think that a manager or other players know if a teammate is swinging a shaved bat. You may know, but its doubtful. To put this on a manager is pretty unfair. Put it on the culprit! If the other team "knows" that a guy is swinging something illegal, call them out on it! Most guys have 4+ bats in their bag. Usually 15 guys on a roster....so the manager is responsible for 60 bats?

Solution to end shaved, rolled or worked bats:
Lifetime ban on that player. Period. End of discussion.
If you are willing to risk the time, then go ahead and do the crime.
If a team calls out a player, charge the team $300. Cut open the bat and see whats up. If the bat is illegal, the team gets their money back. If its legal, the player gets $200 to buy a new bat and SSUSA keeps $100.
So if that 130lb 2nd basemen hits a ball 320, ask the umpire to take the bat, pay your $300 and see what happens.
Oct. 17, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: World Championship Medals

Did anyone notice the size difference in the Team MVP medals given to each team for their tournament MVP? The medals this year were like 1/3 of the size as previous years. Did all teams get these tiny medals or was it just our packet?
We would have been more than happy to pay a little more than the $870 entry fee to get a normal sized medal for team MVP.
Sept. 9, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Illegal batter substitution

Donna, thanks for the clarification on this rule. All associations have different rules for minor things. In most associations, a properly appealed player is OUT once he enters the batters box....so good to know this rule before Vegas. Thanks!
Sept. 9, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Illegal batter substitution

What happens if the batter takes a pitch, or fouls off a pitch and then reports as a substitution?
I am only asking because I have seen this several times over the last 3 years and it always becomes confusing for the umpire and both coaches.
Sept. 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Duplicate jersey numbers

*wear it. Sorry, public education.
Sept. 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Duplicate jersey numbers

Can we have duplicate jersey numbers on the game roster? You know us old guys love the number 5 and we have a couple guys that want to where it in Vegas.
Sept. 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Illegal batter substitution

At what point should a manager call an illegal batter substitution if said batter had not been entered into the game? When is the batter considered out?
When he gets in the batters box?
After a pitch?
If it is after a pitch, and the illegal batter puts it in play, does the play count or is it a dead ball? Can a manager wait until the AB is over to make this call?
A lot of questions...I know.
July 26, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Eastern Nationals

I am going to guess that teams would rather play teams in their own age group, regardless of the rating. That stinks for 55 M+ that there will be no Western champion and no USA National Championship...kind of defeats the purpose to play Eastern Nationals. Anyways...at least we have a 5 team tourney spread over 3 days...plenty of rest for everyone.
July 24, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Eastern Nationals

Curious to know the thought or reasoning of putting the 50M+ and 55M+ together? Why wouldnt you put the 55M+ in with the 55M teams?

So now the 50M+ has to play an equalizer to earn a shot at winning a #1 seed in Vegas.
May 18, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 50 Major Plus roster

Thanks. I stopped at page 61.
May 18, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 50 Major Plus roster

Quick question for anyone that would know. I tried going through the rules, but I am old and couldnt find it.

What is the current rule for 50 Major Plus rosters? In the past, I believe that a team can have 3 players from non touching states. Is that still correct?
Oct. 12, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous

No idea what you mean by "revive"...you must have me confused with someone else because I never said a word about the crazy theory; however, if you dont believe that this hasnt happened this season, then you havent been around.
Oct. 12, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Look at all of the teams SSUSA moved up during this Covid season. Teams would grab guys from eliminated teams in tournaments to finish out the tournament....yet they still found a way to bump up teams without an opportunity to play and appeal.
Oct. 8, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 50 major plus

The Midwest Titans did NOT withdraw from the Major tournament. SSUSA removed us from the Major tournament.
Aug. 12, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Vegas Worlds

We are all in and excited about coming to Vegas for Worlds! Everyone has their flight and look forward to a great weekend!
Quick question....I know venues rotate every year....any idea which park will be hosting the 50 Major? It would help in securing location of hotels. Thanks!
Aug. 6, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Las Vegas

The guy from Area 51 went to the doctor because of his hip. Standard procedure is to give a Covid Test. He has no symptoms and he feels just fine. He tested positive. Wouldnt be surprised that it is a "false" positive.
Aug. 15, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Player Rating

Sometimes guys just want to play with some friends and be active on a weekend. A lot of us bring our wives/girlfriends and it is a social event. Always seem to be punishment when a guy wants to get out and play. Not people in the USA can do what we do, yet we continue to hinder healthy fun.
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