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Details for Turning2

Real name:
Ronnie Ratliffe
Men's 75

Messages posted by Turning2

Aug. 24, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Does the run count?

BJ - disagree, per Rule sets referenced above, an appeal resulting in a third out in an inning nullifies the run as the original posted scenario is laid out. Read the rules and see if you don't agree. thanks
Aug. 23, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Does the run count?

Applying SSUSA Rule set 1.1 Appeal play, A.1 & 5 along with Rule set 5.7 Scoring of runs, B. Note, I have no run scoring.

An appeal may be made after a third out to negate a run scoring.
Aug. 4, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Intentionally Dropped Fly Ball or Line Drive

lb16 - you’re just not quite reading the full intent of the rule, the batter isn’t being rewarded, nor the defense being penalized, the umpire rules dead ball after he has recorded an out, “on a pop up or line drive purposely dropped or missed” with the usual intent to try to complete a double play if batter doesn’t run or other scenario that I laid out when 1st runner is in a quandary of running or not running. Hope this helps.
Aug. 4, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Intentionally Dropped Fly Ball or Line Drive

lb16 - 1.37 is written to prevent a fielder from allowing a line drive to hit palm of glove, drop to ground, retrieve throw to second base to force runner (runner who possibly had jammed on the brakes leaving first because he saw a hard or soft liner hit directly to fielder and didn't want to get doubled off first) then the fielder throws to second, second to first to complete an easy double play.

You are correct if the batter hits a pop up he should be running on the play and any intentionally dropped ball either touched or not would/should not produce a double play even though 1st runner is forced at second, batter/runner should easily beat the relay throw to first, providing he is running out the play.

The umpires judgment comes into play when, as an example, a soft liner is hit to 2nd baseman who rather than catches in air takes a step back, lets ball hit ground, fields, throws to shortstop for first out at second, then SS completes double play to first. This type of play the umpire can reward the fielding team for smart and athletic play and good ball judgment in how they defended the play. At the same time, if the batter runner gives it a 100% out of the box, he could still outrun the throw to prevent a double play.
June 28, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: High Top Cleats

good discussion string from few years ago that will help in decision making on whether to buy molded cleats vs turf shoes along with wide width available cleats

Message Board Home - Under the Change Topic - scroll down to Product Review, press Go then on second page, there is a discussion on Cleats May 30,2017 that is very informative - much discussion on how molded cleats are harder on Senior players feet, especially on hard infields, also the need to get Wide sizes, EE, EEE, or Extra Wide - Alan Tanner has good info on New Balance on one comment. I only use New Balance and have seen quite a few players switch over the last couple of years also, their shoes are wide, much more so than Nike or Boombah. and their durability is much better than Boombah, Hope this helps

June 23, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Dumb Question

A.D. STARR SPINNER TATTOO Softball (12" Urethane) Copy into Google

Dick's Sporting goods, many other discount outlets also carry them, we use these especially in the early spring
May 27, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Senior force out question

CW - DD clearly answered your first question, force play at home as well as all three bags, a force was in place and really not any way to add in the rules for more clarity. if you are asking about the commitment line, it is clear also by definition, if commitment line has been crossed, runner cannot return to 3rd base, neither can he be tagged by a defensive player, only the home plate/strike mat can be tagged for an out prior to the runner tagging or crossing the scoring plate or scoring line.

As for your bonus question, if there is no force play at the plate, the fielder reverts back to his training, check the runner back to third and get the out at first base. if the runner continues to run to attempt to score and crosses the commitment line simply throw to catcher to tag the home plate/strike mat before the runner tags or crosses the scoring plate or scoring line. Remember that you cannot tag the runner after he crosses the commit line. This might have been what you were looking for in your bonus question as the pitcher was fielding the ball and running to the plate which is also okay, doesn't matter which fielder tags the plate.
May 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Here is one I have never seen.

Grandpa is correct as well as the umpire in the original post, providing the shortstop is deeper than the projected base path from 2nd to 3rd. SSUSA Rule 8.2.C.1

As to a 5 or 4 man infield, this is mute point and no advantage or disadvantage on number of infielders, seldom if ever will the infielders be playing inside the projected base paths. Also, extremely unlikely for a runner to be hit with a grounder or line drive while standing on second base, but when this oddity does occur, there is a rule in place to cover. The rule as written favors neither the offense or defense.

April 17, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Slap hit

Umpire was wrong if she didn’t chop the ball down resulting in a high hop,and difficult force out at first on a quick runner, as well as anyone that would interpret the rule as anything less than a “swing” as poster clearly stated that the batter “broke her wrist during the swing” Sad that there are a growing number of umpires that get many applications of the written rules so wrong.
April 16, 2023
Topic: Bats
Discussion: What is Rating for Senior Bat ( LUNCHBOX ) ?

Go to Senior softball bat reviews - Dave Velasquez currently shows as his second highest rated bat - or go to YouTube and enter the bat that you are interested in, chances are he has already rated, hope this helps
March 23, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Verbal Interference

gh59 -Definition below copied from SSUSA Rule Book

Interference is the act of an offensive player or team member that impedes or
confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. A base runner must
avoid a fielder making a play.

if you are asking for an official rules interpretation on this subject from your 3/20 post (also copied below):

grayhitter59 said "OK, so let be specific. ground ball in the infield, player sitting in the dugout yells boot.

Verbal interference?

can staff or Dave confirm?"

the answer to Verbal interference? Absolutely not verbal interference

if you are looking for an answer to why a TD would seek you out after the game and tell you that it WAS verbal interference, just accept that they made a mistake. BECAUSE you don't know what story they were told. They may have been told that the runner bearing down on the fielder was shouting out BOOT BOOT which then becomes an umpires judgement call as others above have said in their response(s) above.

Sounds like you got a bit "butt hurt" as once again on March 23rd you are asking for an official rules interpretation on this subject. Refer back to BJ's comments where he quotes DD, (I'm going to steal a slogan DD always uses I'll know it when I see or hear it happen.....and i will add "that's the sign of a good umpire")
March 22, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 9. Make safety bag plays safer

i have delayed responding to this rule change hoping that SSUSA would possibly comment as DirkPitt has alluded to above.

Also the reasoning given by BJ and others is very sound. I agree that this change in the rule might negate the need for a double bag at first base, puts even more onus on the runner to avoid collision as well as to "require" the runner to change course but not the defender.

The use of a double bag at first is intended to give the defense a bag to tag and the runner a bag to tag thus minimizing the opportunity for a collision, at least i think this is the primary safety reason for the double bag. When a routine play is made the double bag has a home - safety first.

As this new "amended rule" is read by me and many others, you now just have a 1st base bag that is twice as wide as a single bag, 1/2 in fair ground, 1/2 in foul ground.

And now a source for possibly more disputed calls (fair or foul? did it skip over white bag or orange bag? did the defender tag the wrong color bag? did the runner tag the wrong color bag? or was his foot wide enough to tag a portion of both bags?) and more potential collisions.

Just some food for thought from another one of the older guys playing and still umpiring. thanks, RR

March 21, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Cleats

Hog - As answered above by SSUSA Staff - no metal cleats - see below for reference in published rule books for three most influential softball organizations

SSUSA - Section 3 Player's Equipment, para 3.1 Metal cleats are prohibited

USA/ASA Section 6 Uniform, para G Shoes Metal cleats are prohibited

USSSA Rule 2 Equipment, section 9 Metal cleats are prohibited
Feb. 27, 2023
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: 55 in N.C.

Mayhem25 If you are close to Wilmington, NC and want to play during the week, text me 919-796-6397 two leagues to choose from, RR
Feb. 8, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: legal catch

in the original post, an umpire uses the following sections of the SSUSA Rule book to decide the proper call when ball control dictates the umpires decision

1.10 CATCH

the original post should be more specific because he asks, "does the player have to remove the ball from his body and maintain control for it to be a legal catch"

if the defensive player is "in control" of the ball with his BARE HAND against his body, this is an out He is not in control of the ball with any other body part

Another example of applying the above definitions from the rule book - A catch of a fly ball can be made in the crook of the arm, cradled against the stomach, or other body part so long as the player at some point controls the ball with bare hand or glove BEFORE the ball hits the ground.

Another example of applying the above definitions from the rule book - A player with the ball in his control via bare hand or glove can't bump into a runner with his elbow, shoulder, hip etc, he must tag the runner with the hand or glove containing the ball (under control)

You can never simply arbitrarily rule that (The ball cannot be trapped against his body.) If it is controlled by his bare hand against his body is the Key to making the correct call in the original post.

Webbie25 - i am in total agreement with you on all the replays in sports today, no wonder people complain about the length of games, basketball is getting just as bad as football and baseball

Jan. 16, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Senior player bat speed

Rob64 - thanks, but my primary interest is only the bat speed as it relates to a playing groups collective age. Ball used, bat used and other factors contribute to the exit speed. I’m just hoping that some of the folks that run spring clinics for players or bat reps that have open sessions for players to test their new products have a general feeling of bat speed by age, good educated guess is all I need but if there is calibrated speeds that would help even more. Thanks in advance for anyone with some good info.
Jan. 15, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Senior player bat speed

To anyone - What might be the typical or average bat speed for Senior players, if anyone has some data based on age groups possibly? Data would be used in a general discussion of Sr players in our league to discuss difference in BPF 1.20 vs 1.21 and performance at different bat speeds. Or if a graph or comparison of this sort has already been done, point me in the right direction and thanks, RR
Jan. 11, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 1st Base force out

DD - curious why you wouldn't comment? And BJ, correct this is a force out play and not a "tag" on a runner. Glove on a hand, same as a shoe on a foot, for this particular play.

DD - on another note, with the rules committee meeting concluded yesterday, do you know when those notes will be posted to the website under the Rules drop down tab under the Tournaments tab?
Jan. 10, 2023
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 1st Base force out

Any part of the fielders body, including his hand inside the empty glove can tag the bag as long as he has control of the ball in bare hand as you have described. It is a pity to hear and read some of the calls that are being made by some of the umpires. If they are certified by an association they should know better.

Oct. 22, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How would you call this one?

to all - i agree with the call, batter/runner is out for passing previous runner as originally posted, but what would ruling be if the runner on first is tagging with foot on bag and the batter/runner ran straight down the right field line after tagging first base with no feint or perceived attempt to continue on to second base? does he come back (is this a requirement) to first to resume running the bases AFTER the runner that was occupying first base has exited? or does he resume running the bases BUT makes sure he doesn't come alongside or pass the other runner even though his path is well outside the path the 1st base runner is taking?
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