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Messages posted by Rumplestilskin

June 9, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Carrying bat

LOOK, SSUSA AND the major leagues, etc, etc, have NO rule mandating that a batter is out for carrying a bat to first base. PERIOD. This usually happens when a batter hits a ball he anticipates will be an easy out for the defense, but then the defenders make some bone headed play, allowing the batter to lollygag down the line and step on first base. Just happened today in our league. And, as for those who think the batter should be out, do not play any games governed by RULES. Your beliefs and opinions are irrelevant. And when you interject your idiotic opinions into games, it is always trouble, trouble, argument after argument. Either KNOW the rules or shut up. Too many people these days who "believe" rather than knowing anything. Games are governed by rules. Rules are rules.
June 9, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Carrying bat to first base

In our game today a runner was called out for carrying the bat past first base, even though the umpire originally called him safe. The League President stated that the SSUSA rules prohibit carrying a bat to or past first base. I have not located such a rule. Fortunately, the call made no difference since one of our players hit a three run homer out of the park with two outs in the bottom of the seventh. But I would like to know if such a rule exists for the future.
Feb. 7, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Infield Fly (not)

BJ is correct.
Feb. 7, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: SAFE or OUT

The Rules provide that the batter runner must TOUCH the runner's base at first base before the defender's bag is touched by a player with the ball under his control. Now, if the runner ran OVER the bag without touching it AND a defensive player touched the proper bag with the ball in his possession before the runner could return he is OUT. There is no rule that a runner is "assumed" to have touched a bag. The umpire must observe the play and call it according to his observations. If he does not see the play, he can request help from the other umpire. Please NOTE that the RULES require that a player TOUCH every bag in sequence to score.
Feb. 7, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: you make the call

No real issue here. As noted, if the runner is not tagged before he reaches the commit line or the catcher does not touch the plate with the ball in his control before the runner touches the scoring base after passing the commit line, the run scores and the batter is out at first.
Feb. 7, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 3rd Base Commitment line

With regard to the original query, a runner has an obligation to avoid a defender making a play, including receiving a throw. This was apparently however slight and incidental contact without any indication that the runner could avoid the catcher. The query does not go further. The runner could not reverse back beyond the commitment line or he would be automatically out. But assuming he continued and scored on the scoring base before the catcher could recover and touch the plate, he would be safe. Now, assuming the runner intentionallly ran over the catcher attempting to catch a throw, the runner could be called out for interference. Similarly, if the catcher impeded the runner while NOT making a play or receiving a throw, the runner could be called safe at home for obstruction. You need to look at the rules relating to the commit line, interference and obstruction, coupled with the CLEAR MANDATE that a runner make "every effort" to avoid a collision.Finally, if the runner DID deviate to avoid colliding with the defender, he could be awarded the base. This is a judgment call by the umpire. The runner has the OBLIGATION to avoid the defender for the reason that the defender is concentrating on receiving the ball or making a play. SAFETY is the RULE.
Feb. 7, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Interference?

This is not a difficult call. The runner attempted to avoid the RULE by running through the bag while the fielder was making a play and receiving the ball. He did not attempt to avoid the defender. He ran him OVER. OUT. OUT. No dispute. He did not make ANY attempt to avoid the defender. He made an attempt to avoid the RULE. What does "every effort" mean? EVERY EFFORT. He made NONE.