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Messages posted by kel

April 3, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Looking for SSUSA age rule clarification

I believe based on recent rule changes, SSUSA is now allowing 3 underage players ( age 69) to play in sanctioned 70 age brackets. If the tournament is in May ( as an example) and the player doesn’t turn age 69 until 12/31/2024, is that player eligible to play in the 70 age group prior their 69th birthday?

Thanks in advance Dave.
Pat K
Empire Monroe
Aug. 15, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Which Baden softball is going to be used in Vegas for the Worlds?

The latest manager email from SSUSA indicated that the Baden softball is the official ball of the 2022 World Championships. Is it the Baden Fire with the black stitching? Just curious because I have a few that I’m going to be using for BP this week.
July 19, 2022
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: East coast player has question about Western National 65M teams

Let me preface my questions by stating that the Eastern Nationals 65 Major bracket doesn’t have a huge number of teams (6) but when I look at the Western bracket, I only see two teams. The winner of the West ( and the East) will receive a chance to play in the the National Championship game in Vegas plus will probably get a bye in Vegas if there is an odd number of teams. Why such a low turnout? Is it the location in CA? Will the Vegas bracket be significantly less than prior years ( usually around 25 teams but with this combined turnout who knows?). Was the Western bracket updated and I’m not seeing the revised schedule? Again, we only have 6 teams in the East ( nothing to brag about ) but 2 teams in the West in a Major division?? Something doesn’t add up here?? Help me out.
Sept. 23, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Vegas 65 Major Results

Does anyone have the top 4 finishers for the 65 Major bracket in Vegas?
April 27, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Maryland Classic Apr 30-May2

Tim, would you at least consider moving our 4/5 game to the open slot at 6:00 PM on Saturday Field #2 ( Master grid shows it open) which would then at least move our championship game to 4:30PM?
April 27, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Maryland Classic Apr 30-May2

Tim, what was your reason for changing the Master Scheduling Grid for the 50/55 Silver division from a Sunday start at Noon to a revised schedule time starting at 3:00 PM for the single elimination while you have us playing our bracket play starting at 9:00 AM
on Saturday. I totally agree with "knowsoftball" that this makes no sense all the while finishing the coveted "third place" games even before we play our first games on Sunday. You need to eliminate the third place games for the 50M and 55M and our bracket and move us up to noon while refunding the teams involved 25% of the tournament fee. No one wants to play third place games.
Sept. 6, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: OLD TOPIC BUT

Dave.....with all due respect, please don't generalize medical exemptions and impose a longer waiting period because personally I was a much better player when I was able to use my " own two knees" while not having to constantly be concerned if the mechanical equipment is suddenly going to fail and become loose from twisting in the batters box or being in a collision in the infield and displacing one's knee. And this doesn't include the idea that I have to get runners all the time which limits your opportunities to play at a Major Plus level.....just my 2 cents and I recognize that other players in my situation with 2 new knees may have better experiences after surgery.

Pat Kelly
Carrot/Madalena Construction
60 Major
Dec. 13, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Total Knee Replacement

From week #4 to my graduation at week #9, I was on my stomach three times a week and they bent me 4 times a session for 30 seconds each. It's not fun but that is where I'm seem to gain my most bend. As for extension, I was able to get to zero degrees at week 8 also. As I said before, you have exceeded any progress I made and should be good to go. What team do you play for and what age and level is your team rated. Good luck this year.
Pat Kelly
Syracuse NY
Dec. 13, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Total Knee Replacement

Softball 4b just my two cents but you are several weeks ahead of my progress. I had both knees replaced in November, 2015 and September, 2016 and both times it took me 8 weeks to achieve 120 degrees bend whereas you are at 115 degrees after 3 weeks. I had a lot of swelling in both knees. I'm 6'1" and 218 .....I'm curious, what is your body type, height and weight? My PT was very agreesive with both knees but always commented that everyone progresses differently. I'm still going to the gym almost every day and hope to play again this Spring. I just don't have the flexibility you seem to have. Good luck with your progress and I'm very impressed with your progress having gone through it twice now. My only advice would be don't rush back too fast.
Pat Kelly
Syracuse, NY
60 Major
July 13, 2015
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Stem Cell Therapy for Knees

Has anyone playing Senior Softball tried the stem cell therapy for their knees instead of a total knee replacement. It is not FDA approved in the US but there are three facilities in Florida and one in NYC that offer this injection therapy.They are able to perform this procedure in the US ( w/o FDA approval) because the stem cells are removed from your mid section ( they are able to split the fat cells from the stem cells) and only the stem cells are injected back into your body the same day. The stem cells then go to the damaged area and start to regrow your meniscus. I did some research and found out that it costs $8,900 for the complete process ( not covered by insurance because it is elected surgery) but I'm skepital whether or not it will help regrow your meniscus in a damaged knee. Apparently, they have been doing this procedure in Europe for some time now. Kobe Bryant went to Germany to have this procedure done two years ago after he had his knee injury.If anyone has had this procedure done or knows first hand of someone who has tried this therapy,could you share with the board whether or not, it has helped your knees?
Sept. 30, 2014
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Vegas Updates. .

Bruce from AZ is "spot on" with his recommendation. I don't know the man and I would like to meet him but he seems to get it whenever he makes a post. His idea of taking pictures of the hand written brackets seems so easy and could be implemented for all tournaments tet I forced to call players and coaches I know to find out what happened. Dave I would consult with Bruce because he probably has other ideas which could help you. I don't post much but the scores not be available is unacceptable.

Pat Kelly
1B Fat Nancy's NY
55 Major
Jan. 3, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC

Fat Nancy's/Gubiotti Syracuse NY 55 Major will be there
Neck 10 what team do you represent and is your team going?

Jan. 3, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC

Fat Nancy's/Gubiotti Syracuse NY 55 Major will be there

Oct. 16, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter national Ft. Myers: What 55 Major teams are going?

What 55 major teams are going to the Winter Nationals in Ft Myers during November?

Fat Nancy's and Tri-State Merchants will be there.
Aug. 26, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Fields

FOFO, how far are the fences at the Desert Breeze fields and how well does the ball carry?
July 10, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Eastern National Championships Raleigh NC

Fat Nancy's /Gubiotti 55 Major team will be playing
July 10, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Eastern National Championships Raleigh NC

What 55 major teams will be playing in Raleigh NC for the Eastern National Championships?

Feb. 12, 2013
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Who won the 55AAA TOC championship in Florida and was there a "If" game?

Who won between Gonzalas and Canada?
Jan. 2, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Who is going to the TOC

The Fat Nancys/Gubiotti 55AAA team will be playing in the TOC
Feb. 21, 2012
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a team in the Syracuse area

Can you give me a call at 315-428-5884 or 315-289-2021 Pat Kelly
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