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Men's 60

Messages posted by ffdonnie

Dec. 16, 2024
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Definition Please

There is still a little sanity in softball, from NCSSA email:

Penalty for the use of bat warmers is the same as for shaved bats – suspension for up to 10 years.

Now for the positive news!!!!

Managers at the NCSSA annual meeting voted NOT to accept this rule.
Therefore, the use of bat warmers will continue to be considered acceptable at NCSSA tournaments.
Play NCS.
Aug. 1, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Westerns National Championship

Wow go figure, someone actually got better, played the game, and beat an almighty M+ team. They didn't even have to quit and start whining on social media that they couldn't do it. Bet they had fun too.
March 28, 2024
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Batting Box rule change Left handed player called out correctly, entirely within the box

SoftballFreak has it right. I got called out for the first time I can remember, on a short (read flat) pitch not called. Most of the pitchers in St. George 60 M were throwing short. When they are 60' back and hitting the front of the plate it's very difficult to keep that back foot in. I usually can flare it to right, but now I'll have to adapt and guess where it's going? Yep, middle.

Staff, this new rule might work for utrip, but it doesn't work for us. I'll apologize now, but I probably won't latter.
Jan. 3, 2024
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New rule on shaved bats

My 2 cents, shaved bats is a disaster waiting to happen. When someone is killed, then maybe we'll see a change in our sport. I don't agree with the people that say it's easy to tell which bat is shaved. I play M+ and there are a lot of good athletes with good swings that hit hard. You can't say they swing dirty just by the look of it. Sure if a guy has a weak slow swing, then it's obvious.
I don't agree with the thinking that it's the younger, or higher level players that are the problem. I know of a handful of 70+ aaa players that swing dirty bats. Stupidity has no boundaries.
I definitely don't agree with penalizing a whole team for one idiots stupidity. I see some of my teammates only a couple times a year. I don't know them very well, and don't know their character. But ssusa wants me to be their morals police?
The only way to stop this is to have provided bat tourneys. I played in the World Police and Fire Games several years ago. Three bats were left at the plate for everyone to use. It took a little adjustment, but it was still a lot of fun. No pitchers were blown up, no bones broken, and the guys who could legitimately hit home runs did. There was even some defense seen.
Will ssusa take this step? Hell no. There is a lot of money to be lost by doing this, by them and all the equipment manufactures. The all mighty American dollar wins, we lose.
With that said, I applaud ssusa attempts to discourage shaving. Who knows, maybe if more people are banned lifetime it might help. But not by throwing innocent people under the bus.

July 20, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: ISA 44 .400 Baden balls

Not sure this is the same ball, but just played in NW Championship in Salem. The ball was a Baden stamped with SSUSA logo and there is NO compression or core rating printed on it. The ball performed well in the heat.
May 15, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Carson City?? Just Curious

FOFO absolutely speaks the truth (actually he's being nice). Last year they were the worst field conditions I've seen. Many people with pulls and strains from running in the sand. Not to mention the cuts and bruises from trying to field a ball in that sand. Seriously, if you play there, wear a mask. I've played there many times in the last 15 years; I won't be back. Good luck.
June 27, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cenntennial Park Softball Complex Field Conditions

Gary is not exaggerating at all. These fields are the worst I have ever played on. How much fun is it playing when you're just trying to NOT get hurt? No fun at all. I too talked to many players who said will not be returning to Carson City. I won't be returning. I enjoy playing Senior Softball, but if these fields are the best they can get, then I guess I'll be staying home more. Such a shame.

April 20, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southwest Tournament

It really is a shame that Las Vegas doesn't give a crap about their recreational facilities. Sunset 5&6 are a couple of the worst fields I've seen in a while. Just plain dangerous in the outfield. We at least got to play at Arroyo on Sunday, but that place is starting to deteriorate too. Still one of the better complexes we see though. Considering how packed the Strip was this weekend, there's no excuse. Come on Vegas, spend some of that cash. Because you probably won't see our team there again after this year, not worth it.
Dec. 18, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1 and 1 curiosity

If you don't like this, just wait until NCSSA starts doing random bat testing somewhere around June. The fur is going to fly then. Haha.
Dec. 18, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 1 and 1 curiosity

Omar has a few facts correct in his post above, but does not paint a complete picture of what went on (must be a politician). Chico Senior is pretty accurate with what goes on in NCSSA, and he was referring to last year. The same held true for this years meeting. With the exception of the board is not responsible for shooting down the 1-1. It was the very few managers that were in attendance.
There were ONLY 22 managers who showed up, with the majority being 65 and over (I didn't do an official count, but the statement is accurate). No way was this meeting an accurate representation of the whole organizations opinion. But if you don't show up and vote then you just got to shut up and deal with this crap.

A board member brought up the SSUSA rule changes and there was a lot of discussion. I made a motion to adopt the rule change, and was soundly defeated (2-26 or something like that). There were only 2 other managers whose team is in the top 3 divisions, everyone else is below that. Which leads me to believe Chico is correct with the run spotting theory. We have to give runs to every team we play below the top division.

The board is ok with the TD's using their discretion to allow games with a 1-1 count, as long as both teams agree. We did this most of last year with great success in getting all 7 innings in. The only games that did not go 7 where very high scoring games, both teams in upper 20's or more. And that was only 2 games all year.
Before we started the 1-1, our games in NCSSA rarely finished 7, and tournaments we consistently an hour or more behind schedule. That's what really gets me. I hear non-stop bitching about the last couple games of the day being so far behind. In the last couple tourneys that had all group 0 and 00 teams, everyone played with 1-1 count. And we were way ahead of schedule!! Go figure.

NCSSA managers, if you don't like it then get off your ass next December, and vote.

Sept. 12, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Using a "no walks, strikes only" approach to shorten game time in a public league.

Wow, with all those rules you mentioned, I definitely would not be playing in that league. Jeez in our senior league if we used no walks, we would probably play 3 innings.
The only rule I like is no infield practice after the first. Why in the hell do you guys think you have to throw to the first baseman between every inning? It hasn't moved in the last 40 years.
Aug. 29, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sandbagging

9 55-Major+ and 36 Major teams for Worlds.
As many rules and regulations SSUSA comes up with, I guess it doesn't really matter if there is no follow thru.
Why even bother, or argue?
9-36 says it all. Ridiculous.
Aug. 7, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How does it work

I can't believe how many people come on here and whine about how bad they suck, and then expect someone to hold their... hand and lead them to the promised land where everyone wins. Hey thats it, lets all chip in and buy them participation trophies!

Follow the guidelines on this site and see if you qualify to get moved down. Simple.
July 30, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Re-rating process....

Heavi, it's really a simple process to be re-rated. BUT you have to try. If your record is really that bad, just follow the written instructions. Look under Forms tab.
May 23, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Question for Dave-Reno Tournament

Or dude...
May 23, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Question for Dave-Reno Tournament

Dud quit whining. You ever heard of KARMA?
March 11, 2019
Topic: Bats

Just read Alan Tanners email/ad and his statement that Dudley says they are standing behind their product is a little confusing. Are they standing behind their less then 100 swings guarantee? Or behind the current POS bat they are trying to sell us? Either way that's just frick'n pathetic. Really Dudley, that's the best you can do?
March 6, 2019
Topic: Bats

I completely agree with lb16, and completely disagree with bogie. I left Miken when I was breaking the Ultra II in 100 swings. Left Reebok when those only lasted 250 swings. I love Dudley because I get 700+ swings. But will move on if they can't or won't provide the same quality product.
March 3, 2019
Topic: Bats

Think this beating a dead horse now, but I just shattered a 14" HotW this morning. First 20 swings it felt stiff, 21-27 was launching the ball and swing 28, shattered. I loved the balance of the bat, if that means anything to anyone.
Feb. 26, 2019
Topic: Bats
Discussion: New Dudley

The bats are breaking. Not stress cracks. And hitting Evil Balls in a cage is not going to break a bat.SMH
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