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Men's 65

Messages posted by NYTX

Feb. 10, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Texas 60 Team Looking for Players

Hey Joe - you can't have ALL the 60 year olds in Texas on your team! Only 20 guys on a roster!!
Aug. 31, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rocky Mountain tournament

I agree with all the comments about how great this tournament setup was with one exception - the outfield grass. Am I the only one who felt it was way too thick and slow? I felt like I was running in cement the whole time. It wore my legs out. Plus, every single into the outfield would come to a stop in the grass, causing the outfielders to have to run in to get to routine base hits. I was told the grass was actually longer in the past so maybe it was even worse in the past. Anyway, I was curious if anyone else felt the same way.
Aug. 20, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rocky Mountain Less Than a Week Away

Yes, I saw that sheet but there is no contact info on it. Thanks for the help, though.
I'll find out one way or the other.
Aug. 19, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Rocky Mountain Less Than a Week Away

Hi - does anyone know how the HR derby works on Friday - do we need to supply our own pitcher if we are in the contest? Do we supply our own balls? Any insight is appreciated.
July 25, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brackets for pool games for Aggieland Classic

Does anyone know if the results of this tournament are posted anywhere?
May 17, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Heart of Texas - Georgetown

The decision should have been to either a) take fewer teams or b) move to a complex with more fields such as College Station, Plano or a host of others in Texas. There will be several teams who will have a 10:15 PM start on Friday night and then play again at 6AM the following morning!!! How can that be? I don't know about anyone else but I'm too old to turn around that fast. They don't even let pilots turnaround that fast - they refer to it as being "illegal". Everyone enjoys a tournament with a lot of teams - but this format is crazy. And, I noticed the 50"s and 55" go late in to Sunday night for their championship. They can't be happy about that either. Good luck to everyone.
March 30, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Texas State Championships turnout

Dave - I always get a kick out of your responses. Keep them coming. I hope you also have a nice Easter. If I could be serious for one minute - is the reason why no other city, other than El Paso, is requesting they host the state championship because the cost is too high? I assume you guys ask the cities to pay for the right to host? Please correct me if I am wrong. With that being said, as the previous guys have suggested, more teams would participate if it was in Austin or DFW or even Houston. Doesn't that mean more entry fee money to the SSUSA? Wouldn't that offset taking a little less from a different city in return for hosting the tournament? If I am off here please advise. I agree with you that if we win (my team is going to El Paso) no one is going to care who else showed up. You are right about that. But it would be helpful and appreciative for us to have some understanding as to why no other city wants to host. I can only assume its money, because we know the fields are available. SPA is having a tournament in College Station the same weekend at a great complex and I think they are expecting 20-25 teams.
Anyway, I'm just happy to be playing, smelling the grass, swinging the bat, kicking the dirt, and enjoying the camaraderie. Much thanks to SSUSA and the other associations for letting us do so. Happy Easter to all.
Feb. 13, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: TOC UPDATES for Loyce Harps Complex

Sorry, may have missed it but - any results on the 60AA ?
Dec. 14, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: survey

DieselDan - I have been saying this for 5 years!! Playing 2 innings at a time is the only way to insure more ball is played. There is so much time LOST with guys slowly walking in and out each inning. Just play 2 at time for the first 6 innings and then play the 7th. There would be no other rule changes needed. I estimate this would add 10-12 minutes of playing time, which in a 60 minute game thats more than 15%. It could also possibly do away with the dreaded flip flop.

This seems so simple - what am I missing?
Nov. 30, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bone On Bone

I would also suggest Cryotherapy as a possible help in some of these situations. Not sure about bone on bone, but I have had 2 ACL reconstructions on my left knee and had pretty good pain and some early arthritis. I tried Cryotherapy, where you freeze at a negative 200+ degrees for 3 minutes, and it definitely helped reduce the pain and inflation. What worked for me was I did it every day for 2 weeks and then scaled back to 3 times a week for the next 2 months. After that, I noticed a significant improvement. Some people say that Cryo helps all kinds of ailments, but that wasn't my experience. It definitely helped my knee, however. After the 2 months, I stopped doing it but still felt the benefits for the next 5-6 months. Cryo shops are popping up all over the place and hopefully the price of it will continue to come down. I don't think it is covered by most insurance carriers.
Nov. 20, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: rules question

I have seen people do it so I assume it must be legal. Can't think of a reason it wouldn't be.
Oct. 18, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Time to Eliminate One Age Group?

I think this sounds like a good idea. Especially in local tournaments, when there never seems to be enough teams in each of the 3 age brackets (55, 60 and 65). Combining those 3 into 2 groups makes a lot of sense to me. In the locals, we usually end up playing teams outside of our age bracket anyway. It would also make the big tournaments even bigger because you basically would have more teams in each of the groups you mention.
I would certainly be in favor of it.
Oct. 12, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Dallas Spurs 60's looking for AAA and Major Players

I may be interested. I live in DFW and have been playing senior ball for 10 years, mostly at Major level. How do I get in touch with you?
Oct. 4, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Any results yet for the 50 major?

All of this is unfortunate to hear - one idea I had recently is to restrict all players to only play on 1 team (and 1 age bracket) for the Nationals. In other words, don't allow guys to play one weekend for a 50 team and the next weekend for a 55 team. God Bless the guys who are physically able to do so, but it creates this concept of "pickup teams" when you see the same guy playing for 2 or 3 different teams. We have it as well in Texas where I play. I wonder if it would make more sense to restrict all players to commit to one team and not jump around. I'm referring only to the big tournaments, such as Vegas.
Sept. 27, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Reloaded 60's So Cal Moving to Major + next season looking for 2 outfielders

I assume you have to be a California (or adjoining) state resident? Reason I ask is because I have heard someone say that Major Plus does not have the strict state rule. I don't know if that is accurate or not.
Sept. 4, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Adjoining State rule

I have a question I hope someone can respond to. I have heard different comments/opinions regarding the adjoining state rule and when/if it no longer is required. I have heard for a Major Plus team you are not required to reside either in state or in an adjoining state? Is that accurate? For all ages?
Also, at what age bracket (if there is one) does the adjoining state rule no longer apply? I have heard different answers on this one too. Any accurate info on these topics is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
April 11, 2017
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Players in OK/TX/NM/ARK/and LA

What age bracket and which team?
March 14, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: shoes

All due respect to Hat Man, I tried these shoes and I strongly suggest ordering 1 size up (or at least 1/2 size up). They run small, and I have tried several pair. The only way to know for sure is try them on yourself - they are sold in several different retailers and in the Adidas Outlet Stores, if you live near one of them.
Oct. 20, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Speed up rules

There is such a simple solution to this - and its stated earlier - Bat 2 innings at a time. In other words the visiting team gets to bat the top of the 1st and the top of the 2nd before the home team bats at all. There is so much time wasted between innings that this will absolutely quicken the pace. You can stop at the buffet innings. I've been suggesting this for 10 years - some guys take forever to get out of their own dugout and on to the field. Often times its the darn pitcher, who has the shortest walk!
I think they should test this theory in a tournament or 2 and see what the results are. Or maybe just do it in the pool games?
Sept. 30, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Looking scores 60 in Vegas

Mike - I guess I'm slow because I see the Scoreboard Link but when I click on it I only see a list of Tournaments and dates. When I click on the Vegas 65, all it tells me is the time and date and the fees and a 5 game guarantee. I don't see any game brackets or scores. What do I have to do to see the scores?
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