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Sept. 28, 2017
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Infield fly interpretation

If field conditions are such that wind & sun are affecting pop ups to the left side,
is a pop up in the infield to the left side still automatic infield fly rule?
We had that in the game today & umpire did not call infield fly because of the wind & sun & shortstop did not catch the ball.
Aug. 15, 2017
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Looking for a Senior League Rule

Looking for a Senior league rule that deters the teams big home run hitter from being walked most every time he comes up to bat.
Aug. 12, 2017
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: 75+ age rule question for 2018

2018  Season,  75+  teams  may  draw  up  to  five 
underage players, all of whom must be 74 year old.
Can the 74 player turn 74 in 2018? 
Aug. 1, 2017
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: what is correct call

Runners on first and second. Batter hits ball up the middle & it glances off pitchers chin guard into the runner as he left 2nd base. We called dead ball & hit runner out.
Cannot find ruling.
March 29, 2014
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule covering team movement

The question concerned the whole team moving, not just one player. Thanks
March 29, 2014
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule covering team movement

Is there a rule covering a team that chooses to move down?
ie: 70 Major choosing to move down, would they be 65AAA
or 65 major?
March 26, 2013
Larry S
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Promoting Tournaments

Allan55 you hit the nail on the head!!
June 2, 2012
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Any rules about location of safety screen?

This is our rule:
For their safety, it is recommended that all pitchers use the pitching screen. The pitchers screen is for pitcher protection. The edge of the screen shall be placed no more than 12 inches from the edge of the pitching rubber. A batted ball hitting the screen will be treated as any foul ball.
Jan. 11, 2012
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rotator Cuff Advice

Right arm pain since last July 7 games in Dalton. MRI in Mid Dec. Official results: partial thickness tearing involving the supraspinstus, infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons (3 of the 4 rotator cuff tendons). prominent biceps tendinopathy (chronic tendonitis with scarring) without tearing.
Had arm physical therapy. 1st steroid shot lasted 10 days. Last week shot lasted 6 days. Blue pills no help. Dr has me on lite exercise with hopes steroid shot & exercise will ease pain with operation final choice. I am 69 yrs old outfielder & don't need sling shot arm. Want to play into 80's. Do I keep exercising & hoping pain will subside to livable, or get operation??
Aug. 15, 2010
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: thoughs on entry fee & tournament rainouts

meant to say YOUR thoughts......
Aug. 15, 2010
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: thoughs on entry fee & tournament rainouts

ISSA Worlds in Manassas 60AAA all pool games washed out. Rescheduled to 2 double elim games. Some teams went 2 & out. Is full entry fee fair?
(no amount of games were guaranteed).
June 29, 2010
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 60+AAA tournaments in July

If you look at the SPA tournaments web page you can see the Watermelon Classic in Richmond, VA is same weekend as Tri-City Classic. I heard on my grapevine that there were 10 60+ teams signed up for Richmond. You could send the TD Scott Southworth an email for more info.
April 19, 2010
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: To screen or not to screen...

We have been using the screen for two years in Charlottesville twice a week for games and have yet to have an issue over the screen getting in the way or causing a controversy. It has not stopped anyone from having fun. When you hit the ball & hit the screen,its a dead ball. Larry
Dec. 14, 2009
Larry S
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Richmond Virginia 65+ Major team looking for players

Richmond Virginia 65+ major team looking for players. Interested plz email zindorf21@yahoo.com
April 1, 2009
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What Rule covers runner returning to 2nd to avoid tag?

What actually happened in the pickup game was when the runner going to 3rd stopped & reversed direction to avoid being tagged, the shortstop yelled "out", he reversed directions. What print rule covers this?
April 1, 2009
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What Rule covers runner returning to 2nd to avoid tag?

the 3rd baseman doesn't step on 3rd, he starts running the runner back to 2nd. Does he have to run him all the way back before runner out?
April 1, 2009
Larry S
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: What Rule covers runner returning to 2nd to avoid tag?

If runners are on 1st & 2nd base, grounder to 3rd baseman & 2nd base runner retreats back to 2nd to avoid tag. What rule covers him returning to 2nd? Is he out as soon as he reverses direction??

June 23, 2008
Larry S
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Utility player looking to join a team in SW Virginia

What age??
March 24, 2008
Larry S
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: sore quads

When I first started senior softball at 59, I thought part of the spring ritual was to pull my quads. After 2 years of this I found a stretch exercise that REALLY WORKS. Grab hold of a stationary object to balance with one hand, use the opposite hand to grasp the leg around the ankle and lift it towards your buttocks. Do this for at least :30 sec occasionally pulling your ankle extra hard. You will feel your quad stretch. Try to do each leg 4-5 times after you get to the field. I have never had a quad pull since I started doing this exercise & have had others tell me it really works. Larry VA.
March 24, 2008
Larry S
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Ultra II break in period?

The bat advice I follow is by Anthony Kelly at www.kellysultimatesports.com. He says DO NOT use it for batting practice. Ready to go right out of the wrapper & no break in. I use it in all SPA games & agree. Larry in VA.
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