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Details for missouridave

Real name:
Dave Beckering
Saint Charles MO
Men's 60

Messages posted by missouridave

Nov. 23, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for Midwest 65 team

Good catch. Thought I typed in Illinois but obviously did not. Missouri borders Illinois so I am eligible to play for an Illinois based team as well.
Nov. 23, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for Midwest 65 team

Turning 65 in 2019 and most of team is staying at 60. 6'6" 245 lb. throw right, bat left. Line drive hitter who still hits occasional home run. Play 1st base and catch. Willing to play corner outfield spots for an inning or two when needed. Had a knee replacement so lateral movement not as good as it used to be. Played 60 Major for the last 3 years. Based in Missouri so can play for Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee or Kentucky based teams. Looking for a tournament team that plays Midwest tournaments as well as larger ones like Vegas. You can call or text Dave at 314-805-7987. Thanks.
Aug. 28, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Need an Outfielder for Vegas? 60 Major LF wants to Play!

Chuck is being humble. Very good left fielder with a good arm. This past weekend in Aurora I think he might have made 3 outs in 3 days. If you need a good player pick him up.
July 16, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: MidWest Championships

Folks are quick to criticize when tournament data is not posted. So great job by the staff to have the Midwest Championships that completed yesterday already posted on line. Good job.
April 30, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Knee Surgery or replacement

I also recommend getting a second opinion. I had my knee replaced at age 61. Better than it was but not as good as I thought it would be. There are some new options becoming available. In Europe they are now using an artificial meniscus rather than replacement. Not yet available in the US last time I checked. I also know that the University of Missouri Joint Center is now using cadaver meniscus rather than replacement. I believe you must be under age 55 to have this procedure. Good luck and if you have a replacement. It is critical that you do all of the rehab.
April 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: tournament brackets

DD I stand corrected. I counted the number of days prior to the tourney in error. As usual, you are correct. You have always been very fair and reasonable with me and I try to be respectful when I ask for any kind of assistance from you. Carry on! From one of the posters on this board who is not hiding his identity.
April 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: tournament brackets

Benji,the reason it is important to some people is whether or not they need to get a hotel room. For some folks that is an expense they would like to avoid if it is not necessary. In this case I agree that not having the brackets posted at least a week in advance is really not a good practice. I like DD and I know he is a one man show, but there is really no reason from a customer standpoint that they should not be done a week before a tourney. Just my two cents worth.
April 14, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Tournament Results

Curveball, what is posted is the top teams. What has never been posted are the completed brackets showing each score for each game. Not saying that is necessary but that is what has been posted for the last few years. It's a big file but I don't think posting the data would be a big hardship. Just my 2 cents worth.
March 30, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Cowtown Classic

Purcelce, The director has sent the brackets to all the managers. Assuming you are playing in the tourney, and your team has a manager, your manager has the bracket.
Feb. 28, 2018
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Are you serious.

For Dave Dowell. Here is the website ( a well know one) where on the very first page
they advertise "heat treated bats". Here is the link https://kellysultimatesports.com/
I was searching the net today looking for some reviews on a specific new bat. I also found several sites where they openly sell shaved and rolled senior bats. Not sure what we can do as senior players to discourage these open sales but it sure makes you wonder what some of the guys are actually swinging.

Feb. 28, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Dudleys

Cowboy Jimmy, The reason I did my post was I assumed that you did NOT know that the heat treatment might be a problem. Was not trying to cause you any problems just wanted you to know that this treatment might be considered an alteration of the bat. My opinion is that this treatment falls in the same category as rolling. JMO.
Feb. 27, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: New Dudleys

If I understand the heat treatment as I have read on other sites, that would be altering
the bats through a process other than just hitting a softball. That would make the bats illegal under current SSUSA rules.
Jan. 5, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bone On Bone

Mike, Sorry to hear that the team broke up. I was not actually there for Vegas the year you guys beat us in the finals. My daughter got married that Saturday in Austin, Texas. I tried to figure out how to get there on Sunday but could not get there! I was not one of the Auburn grads. We tied for 5th this year in Vegas in 60 Major and lost our last game on Sunday by one run due to a base running mistake in the bottom of the 7th. The team is changing this year and I will be playing for a different Major team. Seems like 5 or 6 years is kind of the limit even for teams that generally get along well. Hope to see you on a field somewhere but not likely with us playing in different age groups. Best of luck with your TKR and I hope the surgery goes well.

Jan. 2, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bone On Bone

WarEagle Mike,
I had my TKR in early December and I started playing in April. In April I was still taking it pretty easy and not even attempting to run full speed. I can give you several tips from my perspective. One, take all the pain medication they offer and take if BEFORE you start hurting from the surgery. In my case I got a nerve block for most of my entire leg so for 24 hours or so no pain. My doc was right though, take the pain medication before it really starts hurting and you will do fine. I also used a machine for a couple of weeks that I could hook my leg up to and it would automatically bend it. Believe it or not that was much better from a pain perspective than just laying on the couch. Do all of the rehab they recommend. You want to get as much bend and be able to straighten it as much as possible. Whatever you get within the first 90 days after surgery is all you will ever get. In my case I cannot run as well as I could before but I can sleep at night and I can run OK in a straight line. Turning and stopping are a little more difficult. Overall the TKR was the right thing for me to do. By the way, what happened to you guys? We did not see you at Vegas last year or this year. Hope you guys are still playing. If you want more details or want to talk you can call me at 314-805-7987 or email me at davebeckering@hotmail.com. Best of luck with the surgery.
Dec. 20, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Thanks to SSUSA

I just want to say thanks to SSUSA for listening to the players. I appreciate you trying to fix the issue with the TRUMP Stote in the heat and humidity by coming up with a different ball. Also a thank you for doing the survey on the 1 and 1 count. We got the opportunity to tell you what we wanted. Also a thanks to Dave Dowell for trying to find a better way to post scores going forward. Hope he can find a solution.
Dec. 20, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Having been involved in quite a few public surveys for municipal government I can say that anything above 15% on those surveys is considered good.
Dec. 8, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: rotator cuff surgery re attachment of the supraspinatus

tc4whir, I had a completely torn rotator cuff. The plan was to fix via scope. When they went in I also had a frayed labrum and three bone spurs. So they had to open me up and then did the fix. My experience was very similar to the other posters. I had mine done in Nov 2012. The doc let me hit in the TOC that Feb but I could only throw underhand. I did all of the PT plus other work post PT. First year was difficult. Second year was better and felt completely normal the third year. Do all of the PT and as one poster said, do not go too fast. Best of luck. P.S. When I called my teammates and told them that I could hit at the TOC, the response was where could they have this miracle surgery since I was not a good hitter before!
Nov. 26, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a MidWest team

I found a team for 2018. Thanks to all who called.
Nov. 23, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bone On Bone

Capt. Kirk, I had my left knee replaced almost three years ago. My orthopedic surgeon told me that the PRP does hold some promise. BUT, it only will be beneficial if you have some meniscus remaining. The whole idea of using the PRP is to get the meniscus growing so you don't have bone on bone. In my case it was too late because like you I was bone on bone and no meniscus was left. I have read several articles that suggest an artificial meniscus is being used in Europe but it will be a while before it is available for knees in the US. Good luck but with bone on bone but today I am not sure there are any other long term solutions other than a knee replacement. In my case I could no longer sleep so the replacement was the only option. Cannot run like a used to but I can sleep and play without pain. Good luck.
Nov. 21, 2017
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Looking for a MidWest team

63 year old, throws right, bats left, 6'6" 245 lbs, play 1st base and catch, willing to play corner outfield spots or 3rd base in a pinch, have had a knee replacement so I don't run as well as I used to. Based in Missouri and played 60 Major last two years. Team is changing so I am looking for a new one. Good hitter with some home run power. Looking for a good group of guys that I can contribute to. Willing to travel. If interested you can call or text Dave at 314-805-7987. Thanks.
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