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Messages posted by amr-4-lc

Aug. 16, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Looking for a Senior League Rule

in our senior league we have a rule similar to those above. we designate two HR hitters per game, if they are walked without a strike being thrown it is two bases, and runners advance two bases as well. if a strike is thrown during the AB it is only a one base walk. the part of the rule i don't understand in our league is that it only applies from innings 1 thru 5, the 6th and 7th innings when you can argue (games tend to be on the line during those last 2 innings) are a little more important than the previous 5 innings the intentional walk rule is done away with. somehow that doesn't seem to make much sense. any legitimate HR in our league will see a walk in those innings with nothing they can do about it. i agree with the statement above, these guys pay the same amount of money as anyone else in the league to play and have fun, only to have the bat taken out of their hands at the end of the game. to me a simple solution is that you have the walk rule for the entire game not just certain innings. unfortunately at this point, the rules committee believes that the rule as it stands is fair. opposition was voiced to the rule at our members meeting but to no avail. thoughts on whether or not you guys believe this rule is fair and other suggestions to maybe improve on the existing rule.
July 19, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Player Safety

We were more than willing to play the 8am game, you guys weren't, player safety should be first and foremost. We also had a Saturday game scheduled at 9:30am, and then our two scheduled games in the afternoon as well. So I would have to say that I disagree with your reasoning, as our day would have been just as long as yours.

Good luck to you guys as well.
July 18, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Player Safety

Our team played in a tournament this past weekend (leaving out the particulars). On Friday the weather was not very cooperative with plenty of rain. However, the tournament committee tried squeezing in two games before the day was out. The fields were not in our determination safe to be played on as we had the 2nd of the two games. I will say that the two teams before us did play their game, with what our team thought was an extended risk of injury because of the field conditions. We approached the Tournament Director and asked if we could have our seeding game pushed back to Saturday morning because of the safety concerns (we as a team voted not to play, even if it meant taking a forfeit) not worth the risk of injury. It was worked out that our game could be played Saturday morning at 8am, however the other team declined saying they would have to get up too early for an 8am game. Long story short, we were pushed into a corner to play our game on Friday as opposed to Saturday morning. It seems the decision was made to accommodate a team having to get up to early as opposed to player safety, we as a team chose player safety over and above everything. (BTW - we end up with a forfeit) Legitimate concern on our part? Was the right decision made by the tournament director? Thoughts and comments welcomed.
Feb. 13, 2017
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Dudley Lightning

Guys, looking for opinions especially from those that have or do use the Dudley Lightning. Started using the DL last year 34/27 balanced, really like the bat. My question is this -- is their that much difference between the 2016 model and the new 2017 DL 2.0 model? Debating on whether it's worth purchasing the 2017 model over the 2016 model. I've also noticed online that the price difference between the two bats is roughly about $60.00. Any other bat options/suggestions for me -- i'm typically a line drive hitter with an occasional home run here and there.
June 30, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: What is the Proper Ruling

In our Senior League last night we only had 9 guys for our DH. Our opponent was kind enough to lend us one of their players to catch the second game so we could play with 4 outfielders (although we knew he was technically not on our team). Don't get me wrong, we were thankful to them for helping us out. Given that, it would still be my impression that the player who was catching should still play with the intent to make any play at the plate that was necessary to hold up the fairness and integrity of the game. Fast forward to the bottom of the 7th inning: our opponent had bases loaded nobody out, down 3 runs. Next batter hits a groundball to our 3rd baseman, fields it cleanly steps on 3rd and throws home to complete the DP. This is where the problem began, the catcher was about 5 feet behind home plate and never made an attempt to catch the ball and force the runner out at home (easy DP as the runner on 3rd was only about halfway to the plate at the time of the throw). After much discussion the umpire nullified what we felt should have been a DP and not only that awarded the baserunner on 3rd home plate. So instead of having runners on first and second with 2 outs and us up 3 runs -- they had runners on first and second with 1 out and we were only up 2 runs. Did the umpire make the right call on this play? Seems we got penalized twice on this play by losing an out and also them being awarded an additional run. Any thoughts?
May 3, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Brickyard results

i too played with my team at the brickyard classic this past weekend. i will say this, there was no logical reason for that tournament to be held as the weather dictated otherwise. yes we played, and yes we had the choice to say no, but as senior softball players who traveled hours to get to this tournament our natural instinct was to play. my guess is that the majority of players would have opted to play as well (just our competetive nature). i play the outfield and the conditions were at the minimum terrible .... to those that were injured this past weekend, i wish you the best and speedy recoveries .... it is obvious that player safety was secondary to the sound of all those checks being cashed by ssusa.
Sept. 15, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Age Group

I know this has been discussed on the site before, but I cannot locate those threads. Here is my question: I am currently 55 and play with a 50 Major team, going into next season I will turn 56 and still be playing 50 Major. Can I play in any of these other age groups: 50 or 55 AA or AAA along with my 50 Major team or can I only play with one team during the course of the season?
May 12, 2015
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Sad News

So sad, one of the guys in my Senior Softball League .... I have the unenviable task of informing all players that we lost one of the truly nice guys, and a great player on Monday in a traffic accident in Portage County. Our friend, Billy Knapp was struck and killed by a young driver while working with a township crew to fill potholes. News on the www.Silverleaguesoftball.org website.
Oct. 18, 2014
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Florida

What 50 major teams will be attending the 2015 Winter National Tournament in Florida in a few weeks?
May 21, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: ohio senior olympics softball tournament

FYI for any interested teams:
July 26-29, 2012
Registration Deadline is July 16, 2012
Register Online at www.ohioseniorolympics.org
AGE: All athletes must be 50 years of age by December 31, 2012.
Proof (Photo ID – Example: Driver’s License) of age is required when you check in at your event.
AGE DIVISION: There will be separate age-group divisions for men and women (5-year increments) beginning at age 50.
All team sports are divided into the following divisions for both men and women: 50+; 55+; 60+; 65+; 70+; and 75+. Age Divisions for all team competition will be determined by the age of the youngest team player as of December 31, 2012.
AWARDS: Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers within each age division.
Please note: Medals will NOT be mailed after the games. Athletes must claim their awards at the venue at the conclusion of the event.
Date: Friday & Saturday, July 27 & 28, 2012
Time: 9:00AM
Location: Victory Park Ohio
7777 Victory Lane
North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
Sport Chairperson: Charlie Barch, charlie.barch@chagrinschools.org, 216-408-9600
Format: The tournament will use a round robin format for each age group if possible. ASA rules with Senior Modifications. The Sport Chair reserves the right to change the tournament format for any age division based on the number of entries, space restrictions, or other circumstances.
Event Information: Teams must be all of one gender. Age groups for competition are determined by the youngest playing member as of December 31, 2012. All players must be able to show proof of age at check – in. No metal cleats. Game balls and bases are provided.
Athletes may only compete on ONE team per sport. Teams must provide their own bats, gloves, and practice balls. Game balls and bases will be provided. Team uniform must be of like design and color, with numbers on at least one side of the shirt. Team rosters shall be limited to 22 persons, including non-playing coaches, non-playing captains and non-playing bench personnel. All registration and team rules apply to non-playing coaches, non-playing captains and non-playing bench personnel.
All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in each age division will qualify for the 2013 Summer National Senior Games
May 21, 2012
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Please no more 8AM games SSUSA

that's too logical, isn't it? a couple of years ago at the winter nationals in fort myers/naples we played a 9am game, sunshine directly over centerfield. as a hitter you could not see the ball, you could only hope to guess where it might end up. there were 11 or 12 strikeouts (called or swinging) that game. it certainly was one of the least favorite or fun games that i have ever played in. the ironic part is if on that particular diamond they started at 10am the sun would not have been a issue, since by the last inning it had moved enough to not be a factor anymore.
April 13, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Not sure what this is saying, but.......

i think i can answer that very simply. we have 4 solid teams in our league and a strong presence of major and a few major + players in the league as well. the majority wanted to play doubleheaders one night a week, thus limiting the amount of teams in the league. if we played two nights per week we probably could have had the opportunity to have more teams in our league. i think the screen is a non-issue, as long as it's applied fairly centered to the rubber evenly on both sides.. it is league play after all, no need for anyone to get hurt. if they start using the screen in tournaments then i think you might begin to have an issue.
Feb. 20, 2012
Topic: Tournaments

does anyone know which complex the 50 major will be playing at for this tournament in october.
June 27, 2011
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: pitchers

guys, the reason i asked the question was because a pitcher was starting his motion towards home plate paused for a moment then continued his pitching motion. in this particular instance it didn't involve anything to do with windmilling. thanks for all the input, great to hear different opinions on the subject.
June 26, 2011
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: pitchers

guys, a question for all the pitchers out there. is the pitcher allowed to pause during his delivery, or once he starts must he continue straight thru the pitch? this is a question regarding senior softball.
June 2, 2011
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: rule clarification

guys, would like some feedback on this issue, have not been able to find an answer as of yet. in our senior league last tuesday night we had a situation with runners on 1st and 2nd nobody out. batter hits a ground ball to 2nd base side of first baseman, backhanded play is made by first baseman. he hustles to make the out at 1st (very close play, by the way) in doing so he runs directly across the white base and the orange base impeding the progress of our runner's attempt to run thru the orange base. obviously our runner slows down to avoid a collision, although one happened anyway. the question we've been tossing around is: we believe the runner has the right to run directly thru the orange base in an attempt to be safe. does the first baseman have the right to run thru both bases and impede the progress of the baserunner. it was always our understanding that the orange base was put in to avoid these types of situations and the first baseman could/should have just touched the white base for the out. looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
Sept. 6, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: anyone use a pitcher screen in league play

cureveball - i forgot to add and remembered after reading your post. the net was suppose to be centered in relationship with the rubber - but the pitcher was allowed to pitch from off to the side of the rubber - his foot did not have to be in contact with the rubber, just close enough this way he was equal to both sides of the rubber and not using the screen as an extra defender on one side more than the other. this way he was also able to pitch from either side equally and not have to worry about pitching over the screen if i read your comment correctly.
Sept. 6, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: anyone use a pitcher screen in league play

guys - we used a screen for the 1st time this year in our senior league. outside of a couple minor issues it seemed to work fairly well. with that being said, the general consensus by the pitchers in the league was that they DID NOT like the screen. the major complaint was that they became ineffective as a fielder (and i know you run into the issue of safety vs. being able to field your position), our rule was if it hit the screen - automatic out. if the pitcher fields the ball behind the screen - dead ball, batter and all runners awarded 2 bases (the pitcher was allowed to field anything that remained in front of the screen). the most obvious problem we had in our league was the pitchers moving the screen to either side of the rubber depending on whether a lefty or righty was at bat. the arguement from hitters was that the screen should be placed just in front of the rubber, with the rubber itself positioned in the center of the screen. the screen was not intended to be used as another defender by taking away a portion of the middle shot that was available to hitters. it was simply there for the protection of the pitcher. we had a couple of instances where batters refused to get in the batter's box until the screen was centered to the rubber because the pitchers moved them over to take away part of the remaining middle shot that was open. will we use the screen next year, i really don't know - but i suppose that's something that will have to be sorted out at next years meeting.
Sept. 4, 2010
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: columbus ohio tournament

old buck, thanks for the info - appreciate it.
Sept. 3, 2010
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: columbus ohio tournament

guys, just a follow-up. anyone know anything about this tournament?
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