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March 8, 2021
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: New to Dayton Oh. area

Try the Dayton Legends Club. They participate at several ages, levels, tournaments and leagues.
Jan. 25, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: TOC Updates

With the 2020 SE version of the iPhone, “IT” told me that I had to go into “Settings” then to “Safari” to refresh the web pages. Guess there’s “different strokes for different folks.” But then I am one of those octogenarians! 😏
Jan. 25, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: TOC Updates

You are correct in saying we need to refresh our devices to view the results. However, some of us don’t wish to loose our browsing history, cookies, etc. Just sayin’
Nov. 26, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous

60? 60? Wait 20 years then talk to me! 😏😏
Yes, we are blessed to be playing at this time of our lives!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Nov. 4, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Nationals

Dave, I'm old and confused. When I view the 65-85 Session 1 schedule, I see "CenturyLink Sports Complex Ft Myers," located at 14400 Six Mile Cypress PKWY, for the 70/75 Gold Division. Then further down the page, I see "CenturyLink Sports Complex Ft Myers," located at 1030 NW 16th Place Cape Coral for the 70-85's. So, for the 80's, tell me where to go Dave. LOL
Aug. 16, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Nationals

Thanks birdie.
I tried to view them on my cell phone earlier this morning and they weren't there. Had to go to my computer and the "cursed" internet.
Aug. 16, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring Nationals

Where are they posted?
March 19, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: COVID-19 Treatment

To begin, this is not meant to be a sarcastic post, so please don't read/respond to it as being one. I pose, what I believe, a legitimate question. I've heard an enormous amount of information about diagnosis and prevention of the virus and the total number(s) of those infected. But, let's assume that one has contracted the virus, properly diagnosed, and isolated. What, pray tell, is the treatment? Do I get me a glass of orange juice, a hand full of day/night quill, aspirin, or any other OTC medication and try to sleep soundly for a couple of days, or what? Maybe some antibiotics? I just heard a number (accuracy unknown) of 84,000 + that have survived this virus. No statistics have been offered as to age, physical condition, whether their immune system has been compromised, etc. etc. However, they survived! So, how did they treat their illness? Suppose I'm ill, and feel like I've felt hundreds of times before with self diagnosed, everyday flu? Do I do what I've done those hundreds of times through my nearly 80 years, buy my OTC meds, go to bed and ask everyone to leave me alone for a couple of days? Or, before that, as some pundits suggest, rush to a tent in a parking lot and get a mouth swab, wait a few days for the results, then take the recommended treatment? Once again, how do I treat my illness, with or without a diagnosis? Are our labs seeking a cure? Or a vaccine for future injections? Again, this is not meant to be sarcastic, so please don't treat it as such.
Nov. 9, 2019
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule Interpretation

Sorry, but I have to throw a different perspective on the interpretation presented. I was on the team which was batting. Several of us in the dugout heard the “infield fly” call. The runner on first heard it also and remained on first until most players of both teams realized there was no runner on 2nd. Ergo, no infield fly. By the time the runner on first had proceeded to 2nd, the fielder had retrieved the ball and made the force out at 2nd. The delay created the out. Under normal circumstances (no infield fly pronouncement) and the fielder dropping the ball, the very good possibility existed that both the runner, as well as the batter, could have been safe. Since we had one out, the ruling was the the batter was awarded 1st base, the runner was out (now called a force out) and we had two outs. Question. If the umpire created the confusion, what ruling would have been fair to both teams?
July 27, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: How does a 55 major team who has their own 55 major division end up playing in a 50 major division

50 vs. 55? Hmm. Five run equalizer? Hmm. Can't really speak to the equalizer thing. Since I play with the 80's we take and give runs also. But, I can speak to the five (5) games in one day while going through the brackets, especially, when the temps are between 90 and 95 (and higher on the field). Went through that a few weeks back. Fortunately, we were in the winners bracket, so we only played four that day. And what was that phrase again, "play...like real men." Gentlemen, tack on another year or two, then come talk to me!
March 15, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Spring worlds

At least with the Worlds, you know field assignments. In the Nationals, we have had no indication we’re even playing next week.
Feb. 11, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: tournament

Panther, what seemed, initially, to be a six team round-robin, with appropriate equalizers, turned into a one-and-done tournament. Admittedly, Monkey Joe’s lost to Chadwell in that one game, but, seemingly, the other five games appear to have been irrelevant. We’ve all been in situations in which the “seeding” games were irrelevant for bracket purposes, but the schedule presented no brackets. Just the apparent round-robin. I’m suggesting a different outcome, perhaps.
Feb. 11, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: tournament

Interesting: In the 75AAA flight, Monkey Joe’s is (in the brackets) identified as “1st.” Hmm. I was standing watching the award ceremony when Chadwell (the team identified as 3rd) was awarded the trophy and the other “bling.” Did my “lying eyes” deceive me?
Feb. 10, 2019
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: tournament

I see that the TOC scores are posted “online.” Would someone share where those “online” postings may be found?
May 19, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Loudon

This may not be the appropriate thread to pose a request for opinions and I don’t intend to “hijack” it, but it seems relevant to the discussion, as it deals with Loudoun and “rainouts.’ Dave will correct me if it isn’t. Situation: A four team bracket in which the four teams each played each other in the seeding games. One team went 3-0, while the other three went 1-2, respectively. Appropriately, in the bracket, the 3-0 team took the number 1 seed and played the number 4 seed (1-2), while the numbers 2 (1-2) and 3 (1-2) seeded teams played each other. No complaint at this point, as this has been the rule since we started softball so long ago. “The rest of the story.” Number 4 seed defeats the number 1 seed in the bracket (number 1 seed is now 3-1, number 4 seed is now 2-2 overall). Number 2 seed defeats the number 3 seed (number 2 seed is now 2-2, number 3 seed is now 1-3 overall). Number 2 seed defeats number 4 seed (number 2 seed is now 3-2, number 4 seed is now 2-3 overall). Number 1 seed defeats number 3 seed in the losers bracket (number 1 seed is now 4-1, number 3 seed is now 1-4 overall). All teams have played the requisite 5 games. Remainder of the tournament is cancelled because of rain. Final standings: number 2 seed, at 3-2, is declared the winner; number 4 seed, at 2-3, is declared the runner up, while; number 1 seed, at 4-1, is given third place. All is according to the proverbial “hoyle.” May I get some opinions about this. Nothing shady going on, but…. In a situation in which there are fewer than six teams, would it not be more relevant to have all the games count, as in a “round robin” formant? The number of games played would be the same – or less if no “if” game – so the cost to SSUSA would be unchanged. Opinions?
May 17, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Loudon

We’ve played the last two days and the fields were in excellent shape. Kudos have to be given to the grounds crew. Apparently, the games for today, Thursday, are cancelled, but the last two days, were great playing days.
April 24, 2018
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Ohio Move

You’re kidding, right? If you’re interested in tournament ball, check out the Dayton Legends organization. They have several teams in all age groups.
Jan. 6, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon

Not to worry. A few years back, I had the tear repaired in my throwing arm and it healed quite well. With mine, it was completely torn. As he described it, my ortho pulled the tendon back into place, sewed a piece of "bacon" onto it, then reattached it with two screws. The most beneficial part was that he eliminated the bone spurs in the rotator that had caused the tear. At the time of the surgery, I was given a "nerve block" which made the pain minimal - for about two days! Following removal of the tubes, there wasn't enough pain killers in the county to help! That lasted about three more days (grind your teeth and bear it, type thing). However, following about sixty (60) days of rehab, I was again playing the outfield. I still play the outfield and have a better than average throwing arm. Hope that helps. My theory is that if it needs to be fixed, fix it.
Dec. 31, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Ryan Harvey Tee Hitting & Hitting Tips Swing Makeover #66

But Bogie, you've been to Woodlawn and watched Ryan. His "pop-ups" go 325/350 feet! LOL
Sept. 28, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 60/65 Major World results

Just some info. No sides or criticism being offered. A firm called Quickscores, LLC, provides nearly hourly score updates. It's, usually. posted before you get to the parking lot. ISSA and some SPA venues use this service. I'm not promoting them or endorsing them, as I know nothing about the service, its cost, or how to employ them. Just some info.
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