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April 1, 2019 bucs15 | Topic: Players looking to join a team Discussion: 60 player looking for AAA or Major team in Maryland Just found out today our 60 Major team (High St Bucs) is disbanding,due to lack of players and injuries. I live in Westminster Md play 2nd,1st some 3rd catch and dh.Hit 650-700 with some power to all fields. Average glove and give 110%. I'm coming off Knee surgery but am ready to go.Thanks Dan Barnes @ |
May 19, 2018 bucs15 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Loudon Add the 55s as not playing a single game.I've seen the fields and no way will they be playable tomorrow. Cancel the tournament and refund or credit the teams there money. I do have a question for SSUSA would you be liable for any injuries encored playing on a unfit field. Some will say just don't play but then you forfeit your entry fee.Jmo. |
March 24, 2018 bucs15 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: legal players Over the last couple years I've seen more and more players playing on teams that don't connect to there home state. Could someone explain this to me, also does these rules apply to Isssa and Spa? |
May 9, 2015 bucs15 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Looking For A Team in ACC Tournament Hey Baer I for one would love to have you guys back,not so sure about the rest of the team.Not really sure why all you guys up and left for team Disconnect I'm sure you all had your reasons.I hope we may be able to come together as we had a very good team.Anyway best of luck and hope to see you soon.Dan Barnes #10 |
April 25, 2015 bucs15 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Major plus problem Mr.Manassas I understand your frustration.We High St Bucs 55 major have been to tournaments were we had to play 50 major+ teams.This is no big deal to us.So next time a sanction denies you for lack of teams we will gladly play you guys.Your a great team and only make teams better playing against your level of talent.Best of luck in the up comming year. |
Jan. 26, 2015 bucs15 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Home Run Webbie25 I remember those days when you ran all home runs out,but you also played and finished a complete game.Hell now your lucky to get 5 innings in.Speed the game up any way possible.JMO! |
March 25, 2014 bucs15 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Home Run Thanks for the help guys.Got email today from Reebok stating to send receipt and picture of bat and they will refund me.Thanks Reebok.BTW Allen weather was 70+ in Tampa and 70+ with low humidity in Myrtle Beach. |
March 24, 2014 bucs15 | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Home Run Hello Alan.I bought a Barrage from you guys in Tampa after my Miken broke.Spoke to a few guys at your tables and they spoke highly of the Barrage so I wanted to go with more a more durable bat.First swing out of rapper was home run and I was very impressed.Heres the problem only swung it 7 more times that Tourn,so here I am in Myrtle Beach this weekend and my 5th AB the bat breaks.Now I've been threw enough senior bats to know most come with no warranty but less then 15 swings.I understand you only sell the product but have you heard the phrase quilty by association?I have sent Reebok two emails to no evail.They need to make this right.Ok I just vented hope to here from Reebok soon.Good luck to you and Team 1 Sports this year I'm sure we will see you soon.Dan Barnes High St Bucs. |
Dec. 17, 2013 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Time to eliminate senior bats Ok make the change to ASA or USSSA bats and see the outcome after one year.Sure home runs will still be hit but you will have so much bitching about certain teams-guys swinging hot bats it will make your head spin.Using the senior bats keeps us all equal and thought it is more of a offensive game due to power and speed of ball good defenses will still prevail,Good or excellant defenses make the routine play and occasional great play were as average teams makes to many errors to be a consistant winner.Sad but there are more then you think who would shave any bat to hit a bomb.I'll never understand how someones ego can justify cheating.Remember fellow ballers at the end of the day it's a game!Oh by the way bat testing is a joke ask any upper level player. |
Dec. 15, 2013 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Time to eliminate senior bats I think the idea of going to 1.20 or lower bats only create a huge headache.How soon we forget the problems that effect the young guys and the fact that they are rolling and shaving bats.Same thing will happen in senior ball,there are just certain guys that will cheat no matter what age they are.At least with senior bats we are all playing on a even keel.Our team has played multible senior ASA tours and can't compete against the teams swinging illegal sticks yet those same teams never win anything but ASA tours.JMO.Happy Holidays. |
Jan. 15, 2013 bucs15 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: ISSA OR SSUSA TOC Paco13 you need to join one team and stay with them instead of freelancing every tournament.I have played against you numerous times and you are a excellent ball player in either 50 or 55.IMO you do not belong playing AAA at all.Maybe I'm wrong but we have been told you can only play these tours with the roster that got you there.Maybe rep from issa or ssusa could verify.Anyway good luck this year and I'm sure I'll play against you somewhere.Dan (Who's on First) |
Jan. 12, 2012 bucs15 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rotator Cuff Advice I fell off a roof 6/27/11 and crushed my right shoulder among other injuries.Throwing shoulder was so bad bone needed to be removed as well as some muscle,all ligaments and tendons were so severely tore-mashed surgeon did the best they could to fix.I was told I would never raise my arm above my head let alone throw a ball.Well worst thing to tell a diehard baller is he can't.Went to Winter Worlds with new team(Metro All Stars)in November and managed to get in 5 ABS.I started throwing last month and feel I'll be playing the field come WTOC in Tampa.Just remember work hard and pain don't hurt! |
May 2, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: LOUDOUN VA. TOURNAMENT High Street Bucs 50s will also be there. |
April 28, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Is it fair............ #6 I say be honest let the coach know.Here is another thought.We travel to 6-10 Tournaments a year that start on Fridays some as early as Thursdays,WHY? With the economy people can't afford to miss this many days from work for basically bracket ball-seeding.Most of these Tournaments only have 6-25 teams at best and your telling me you can't get these games in 2 days.Remember back in the days when there were 40-80 teams in every Tournament and they found ways to get them in.Hell I never in 35 years remember playing Thur only Fridays and these were Nationals. |
April 18, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: My Miken Did Not Break Posters With a name like crusher you gotta be kidding.You have only seen one Miken broke, either your kidding,you have only played one game in your life or your just lying.Hell I see at least a 1/2 dozen every tournament we go to.Now get of this board with your nonsense. |
Feb. 28, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Bat Doctor Needed Wagon487 ditto here,let me quote a old move. "Some people you just cannot reach".Sound familiar.Name that flick. |
Feb. 27, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Bat Doctor Needed I have posted a couple times on the durability of the Miken11.This is my 3rd season in senior ball and to date have broken 5 ultras, one on the very first swing of the tour.I always use my yellow MM for batting practice and it is breaking in great.As soon as my last Miken breaks I'm switching to the yellow MM combat.Scrappy is correct if you want durability and return policy plan on spending 300$. |
Feb. 27, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: Bats Discussion: Bat Doctor Needed I have posted a couple times on the durability of the Miken11.This is my 3rd season in senior ball and to date have broken 5 ultras, one on the very first swing of the tour.I always use my yellow MM for batting pratice and it is breaking in great.As soon as my last Miken breaks I'm switching to the yellow MM combat. |
Jan. 24, 2011 bucs15 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Are some Positions more important than others? Ditto southpaw I don't believe in individual awards my opinion is it takes the whole team even the coaches to win or even compete.Say your Strong up the middle and weak on the corners well good hitters will find the weakness's and stay away from the strengths.As for 3 outfielders we play this occasionally when teams continue to hit middle,we try to mix things up and change there swings,sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.Anyway just my opinion,See you all @ the TOC and good luck to all. |
Dec. 15, 2010 bucs15 | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: softball player or not I to would play no matter what bats or balls the sanction dictates.Here is the problem I Have been playing slow pitch for 35 years mainly c-d some b and in the last 5-8 years no matter how they try to solve the bat issues some AHOLE finds ways to cheat and alter bats regardless of composite or aluminum.That is why I say use any bat on the market or let Tour Director supply the bats, This way we will all be equeal with the same sticks.I was once told a couple years ago from a major player that if you ain't cheat-in you ain't winning,well I'd rather be considered a loser then a cheater,I love this game and will do anything to uphold the integrity of the sport. |