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Nov. 11, 2009
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Phantom Base Runner

Tell me the ruling. Batter reaches 1st base, asks for a runner,umpire says ok. After a few pitches, next hit is to SS,who starts his toss to 2nd and notices no runner coming to 2nd,pumps again to 1st but to late to get hitter.
New runner never took his position on 1st.
Oct. 29, 2009
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC 60 Major

SoCal Gusto will not be attending. 60 M
Oct. 8, 2009
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Search for Easton Reflex

Looking for older model Easton Reflex C-Core model # SRX100-CX 26oz or 27oz
tried e-bay no luck.

Sept. 3, 2009
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Vegas Oct.2,3,4th

Curious, who's going to Lvssa ,in the 60's.
July 21, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SALT LAKE

I think that SSUSA and SPA still conflict with each other on some major tourney's ,with neither drawing good.
Another fact is that the entry fee's to these have become unrealistic to self sponsered teams. We all love to play but after a while you have to justify money spent for what your getting in return. Try putting a figuer on how much each at bat is costing you.
We enjoy going to the big tourney's to play against teams we don't see locally.
I realize there is more enjoyment than that but playing locally gives you some of the same benifits.
Another issue is,buying your award (ie ring) if you are fortunate to win one.
June 2, 2009
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: PPR-Reno

Knowing that SSUSA monitors this board, I think giving examples of PPR interpretations by umpires may be helpful. I need to beleive that the PPR rule can some how be changed to take away most of the interpretation of the rule.
Both these examples happened in the same game.
Low ground ball w/moderate speed to pitchers glove side,pitcher makes attempt to field ball at GROUND level, ball jumps and hits him in wrist. Umpires rules dead ball out, reasoning, trying to protect himself. When I questioned how that could be, he just said "my interpretation".
Last one, hard ground ball through the box,not touched by pitcher, again ruled, dead ball out. I asked for the director and he over turned the ruling.
Umpires hate the rule, but it's on SSUSA to make sure they know it.

April 8, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Practice in the OC (orange county,ca)

Friday am in HB corner of GoldenWest and McFadden,fellow runs some hitting and fielding drills,open to all.Never been there,so don't know more than that.
Wed.and Thurs.8:30am @ ElDorado Pk on Studebaker in Long Beach,hitting and over/line,fun and organized,all ages of seniors $1.00 donation for balls and stuff.
April 3, 2009
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Mesquite Tourney

part of that judgment call is,'When a batted ball strikes the pitcher in the arm(including glove),wheather or not the ball ultimately strikes any other part of the pitcher's body,AND in the ump's judgment,the pitcher had NO opportunity to make a reasonable defensive play on the ball,the PPR applies. I've seen ump's miss this one.
Hitting up the middle isn't going away intentional or not. Suggest you invest in some gear AND pitch from rear of box.
I notice you are on the front rubber and you don't back up.
Added to that the PPR rule is not complete and everyone knows it. To not let the pitcher back(straight) out of that protective 6' box and still have the rule apply is nuts and why it can't be changed prior to next year is unresonable.
March 17, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: SSUSA recommended hotels

Which specific hotel or hotels are you talking about in Reno.. I want to make sure if better rates are coming I want to make sure we get them. We have already reserved.
Feb. 12, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bad idea by SSUSA

sorry should add, they can't give out res. info for ANY up coming tourney.
Feb. 12, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bad idea by SSUSA

gary#27-concerning Mesquite Spring Worlds,my guess as to why they are not doing the room thing there is, because I don't think they can reserve enough rooms to accomadate all the teams. Tried there resv. hotline,they can't give any room rates out because they havn't been given any info from SSUSA.So hard to compare rates if your trying to plan ahead.
Feb. 5, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Bad idea by SSUSA

Has anyone noticed that World and other 'ring type' tourney's have a huge increase in fee's when you don't use SSUSA's hotels. Phoenix example, $660 fee and a $140 refund when you verify 5 rooms or more at accomadations set up by SSUSA.
What about the teams that stay in 'economy type' lodging so they are able to go. I think the idea is outrageous.
Oct. 15, 2008
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: 3:30PM scheduling conflict Mens 60AAA elimination bracket?

you are correct, it's being corrected.
nice catch by the way
Sept. 30, 2008
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Who are they ?

Does anyone know anything about Boca Senior Softball,out of Florida or Penn Hill 60's not sure of location.
Both teams are not shown on ratings board. Should be 60 aaa's
Oct. 30, 2007
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: T.O.C. in Florida

In the 60 Majors, what teams are planning on going ?
Oct. 25, 2007
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 60 Major results

Anyone have 60 major results from Phoenix ?
July 28, 2007
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: MID INF Switch Hit..Speed...59 Looking for Team Riverside or OC

How about an e-mail address or phone #.
March 6, 2007
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Palm Springs

I won't speak for the condition of the field but Dave D. said they would have fences up. I understand they are using 2 fields only.
March 3, 2007
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Miken Ultra II's at Spring Worlds

Word is, they have BLD's for Friday only.
March 1, 2007
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: SSWC Spring World

Concerning BLD's ,there will be a bat list posted on this site and sent to the mgr's via e-mail, I hear with-in the next day or so. All other fields to be used will have the normal SSUSA bats.
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