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Details for Sloball39

Real name:
Ron Petre
Braselton GA
Men's 60

Messages posted by Sloball39

Dec. 2, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Travelers Softball

I am trying to find information on a player from the Tampa, FL area, Bob or Robert Kelly. He is currently living in TN.
April 12, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: GSS Memorial Tournament

We are looking for 50/55,60, and 65 AA/AAA team to play in a one day tournament at Bethesda Park on May 7th. Tournament is to honor past members of the Gwinnett Senior Softball league. For information contact me through this message board.
Ron Petre
League Commissioner
Jan. 23, 2015
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Georgia player looking for 60/65 team for 2015

Elite 60's has disbanded and I am looking for somewhere to play.
Jan. 15, 2015
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Georgia based 60 Major team looking for infielders

It is Darrell Moreland out of Woodstock. We need to solidify our infield if we are going to be competitive at the Major level.
Jan. 13, 2015
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Georgia based 60 Major team looking for infielders

It is still Darrell's team. I am helping him manage it.
Jan. 12, 2015
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Georgia based 60 Major team looking for infielders

Elite 60's team looking for infielders too improve our team after being move up to Major. Third base is the primary position we need to upgrade.
Jan. 27, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Are some Positions more important than others?

Corky makes a very good point. As for someone else on the field handling the things Corky mentioned, remember that the catcher has everything happening in front of him. He is the logical player to control the game.

Defensively he is still 10 of 10. I would always want to build a team up the middle first.

Dec. 30, 2010
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: ISA/SSUSA Senior Nationals

ISA is mistaken if they think they will draw alot of the Half Century teams to play in a national tournament. They will only draw the teams that always play. Most of the teams in the Half Century are happy to play their 4 games once a month and go home. I played in Florida for years and the pattern never changed. Same quality players and teams will show up.
Dec. 18, 2010
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: How did you get your start in softball?

I played basketball in high school and college, but when I went to Viet Nam in 1970 there was nowhere to play. I was lucky to be assigned to the Americal Division (not a grunt). On Sunday afternoons, my unit would play other units in softball for kegs of beer. After Nam, I was stationed at Fort Meade, Maryland. They had an 11 field complex and I was hooked.
Feb. 16, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home run rules

I am not sure of the place or the dates. Harry was trying to find us something so we did not have a long gap between tournaments. Harry found the tournament but didn't understand the term and neither did anyone else.

Feb. 16, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home run rules

I guess the right term would have been "The Kids".

Feb. 11, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home run rules

The tournament is being held in Georgia..
Feb. 11, 2009
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Home run rules

Our senior team is looking to play in a one day tournament in order to get in a couple of practice games. The tournament is against younger teams and the home rule rule is "San Diego 1". Can someone explain the term and its origin to me?
Oct. 20, 2008
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: looking for a competitive team in South Florida

Alan check with the Florida Half Century softball organization at www.fhcsoftball.org . They can advise you of all the senior teams in southeast Florida. I am from Miami and played with South Florida Blitzz out of Kendall.
Nov. 12, 2007
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Bashbro1 Crunches the SSUSA Adjoining State’s Population Numbers!

I am a little late getting into the discussion. Can someone please bring me up to speed on the current adjoining state's rule, especially with regards to Florida and California. Are they still stand alone states?