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Men's 65

Messages posted by Parman

June 11, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: schedule of game times at 60's Missouri open,june 6&7, won't ever play their again

60 Mzjor
1. Dudley Lightning Midwest
2. Louisville Aces
June 10, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: schedule of game times at 60's Missouri open,june 6&7, won't ever play their again

1. Big DaddysDonuts-KC
2. 50 Cal-St Louis
3. Iowa Antiques
June 8, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Review of Missouri Open June 6-7

our 6 games all went 7 innings. All games were in the 20s and teens for runs scored
June 8, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: schedule of game times at 60's Missouri open,june 6&7, won't ever play their again

I'm just thankful we got to play. It rained like hell there Wed night-Thurs morning, the 65s and older didnt even get any games until 5 pm Thursday. I played on a 60+ team, we played 3 games Sat and 3 more Sunday. We were fortunate to get a high seed and did not have to play a 5 pm game Sat. Trust me the early morning games were plenty hot. In that valley where the fields are there isnt a whole lot of air flow unless its a very windy day. Overall I think the tournament director did a great job for the 1st tournament. Ive played there since 2007 and this was the hottest its ever been. A St Louis team played Sunday at 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, 1:00 and 2:30 pm on Sunday and I did not hear them complaining at all and they played 4 games on Sat. They were just glad to be playing. Many other States arent even letting players practice yet.
All the Midwest tournaments the rest of the year are going to be hot no matter what time you play- Tulsa, Rogers Ark, KC, Quad Cities, Colorado, Texas unless you play at 8,9 or 10 pm at night.
May 24, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Please, a story from anyone! Anything but Corona, Corona, Corona!

yes- churches and casinos are closed but abortion clinics, marijuana stores and liquor stores are considered "essential" and are open?? Makes perfect sense doesn't it???
May 23, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Please, a story from anyone! Anything but Corona, Corona, Corona!

League game from 2017. Late in the season, three teams are battling for the top spot. We play one of the teams. We are visitors and score 5 or 6 in the unlimited (last) inning to go up 13. They come up and we get the first 2 guys out. The next hitter is their weakest hitter (this past year this guy struck out swinging 3 times in a game). Our pitcher walks him, they start hitting and keep hitting, pitcher walks a couple along the way, this weak guy comes up again and hits a little dribbler along the 3rd baseline for a hit. Now we are only 4 runs up and their good hitters are coming up. And we end up losing 25-24. Knocked us into 3rd place at the end as we finished 2 games out of 1st and 1 game behind this team. We made no errors in their half inning and other than the walks they earned everything. Just goes to show even with 2 outs and nobody on, up by 13 in the last half inning, remember Yogi-"It ain't over, til its over"
May 21, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Net for Pitchers

Nets became mandatory in our leagues last year. However, last year a pitcher on the team we were playing in the last game of the season in the last inning with 2 outs got hit in the mouth by a line drive because he did not get behind the screen. Broken jaw, lost 2 teeth, it was pretty bad. A screen won't protect you if you don't get behind it. As for the argument that the pitcher should be able to field all balls that hit the net, I strongly beg to differ. Yes a weak dribbler will more than likely get fielded but there are a heulluva lot smashes up the middle compared to weak dribblers. The pitcher on my team the year before took 3 off his legs during the season last year. He refused play again unless there was a screen and the league managers voted it in unanimously.
May 21, 2020
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Best changes to improve virus safety?

I know of no one/team around here that wants to pay $400-$600 to play in a 1 pitch tournament. Forget that idea please.
May 18, 2020
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Reno 60's tournament

Duke-check this out. As of today our state is in Phase 1.5. This means I cannot play a league softball game with 20 guys spread out over a diamond, nor could I go into a bowling alley and bowl 3 games but I CAN go to a gym with 100 sweaty people leaving their sweat all over the gym equipment.
Makes no sense to me at all. If we are lucky, our senior softball league MAY start up the week of June 15. My county has approx 140,000 people, and 10 days ago we had 138 total cases (not all are active, some recoveries) with 5 deaths since this lockdown started about March 15th. That is 0.00013 of the total county population. I guess I just don't understand it.
May 15, 2020
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Rock in Reno tournament

Really a shame we have people on here suffering from TDS.
July 29, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Terminology

I think going to 6-10 would solve many problems. Most everything else peaks at 10 and many umpires do both senior and non-senior ballgames. Would be a lot simpler if every association had the 10 ft limit.
Aug. 15, 2013
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Western National Championships

Aurora is a great complex. 12 wonderful fields. Don't let the 325' fences scare anybody. It's like playing on a 300' fence with the altitude. Our 55 major team played last year and had a great time but unfortunately we could not get enough to make the trip this year. Brock you are so right $$$$ talk and California has more clout than Denver.
June 2, 2013
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Major vs AAA- "Equalizer rules"- 55+ division (or all other divisions)

Taits- Thanks for your comments. I always have fun playing (way for fun than not playing) and the team had fun playing, just seems like when we match up against a 55+ AAA team, it's a real big hill to climb. Its tough for our team to do all the "big" tournaments like Reno, Dalton, Vegas, West and Midwest championships as we are self sponsored where we could match up vs. other 55+ Major teams. We try to attend 3 of the 5 every year.
June 2, 2013
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Major vs AAA- "Equalizer rules"- 55+ division (or all other divisions)

I play on a Midwestern 55+ major team and there's not too many of us around this part of the country. We have played 4 tournaments so far and in only one has there been any other 55+ major teams (and there was only one other in that tournament). We have played many 55+ AAA teams this year. I think our record vs. them is 1-8 and we were a top 8 team at Vegas last year. I understand AAA is "one step" down from Major but I think SSUSA needs to look at the "equalizer rules". Besides the AAA team getting 5 runs, the major team has to drop down to the 3 HR limit and then outs. This actually penalizes the major team "two steps" and makes it really tough to overcome when playing a team that is "one step" down. It should be one or the other, give the "one step" down team either 5 runs, or play even and use their home runs limits. The AAA team getting both "equalizer" rules really puts the major team behind the 8 ball. What do others think? Is playing down and giving up "two steps" too much of an advantage for the AAA teams?? or just about right??? I know there's some damn good AAA teams out there.
Oct. 9, 2012
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Congrats to the KC Barons

Congrats to all my ex-teammates I played with on the KC Barons. Very proud of you guys. Keep representing the Midwest.
Oct. 9, 2012
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: LV World Tournament Discussion

At Shadow Rock in the 55+ Major Division, on the previous Sunday morning the games started 1 1/2 hrs late as no one from the Las Vegas County/City Parks Dept or whoever was responsible didn't show up and they were the only one(s) that had a key. The strike mats, defibs and tournament bracket posting and I dont know what else was stored in there. A delay like that should have never happened.
July 18, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Blowing up the middle in Senior Softball - are screens next???

This particular game 5 HR's were allowed and neither team had hit more than 3 in the game if I recall correctly.
July 14, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Blowing up the middle in Senior Softball - are screens next???

We sponsor ourselves and don't have a ton of money but I am going to try and convince everyone on the team to pitch in $5-10 each and buy Big ED a facemask and shin guards. There is no need to take a beating out there even if it is unintentional.
GaryHeifner, your idea of an 11th fielder within 5 feet either side of 2nd base is excellent.I think that would put a stop to this in about 3 seconds. There would probably be a lot more double plays if we went to this too. Guys would "avoid" hitting it up the middle.

July 11, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Blowing up the middle in Senior Softball - are screens next???

I am going to try to convince our pitcher to at least get some shin guards. I know that would have helped quite a bit if he would have had some on when the rockets were coming right up the gut.
I just have a problem when shot after shot keeps coming up the middle and guys are shifting their feet to do it. No need for it, period.
July 10, 2011
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Blowing up the middle in Senior Softball - are screens next???

Is this really necesaary to blow up the middle?? Played another major team this weekend and at least 10 balls were hit right up the middle in the championship game. The last two, one hit our pitcher on the shin and the next one hit him on the ankle. After that I had enough and called this team out. They cried like a bunch of 2 year olds, thats softball, blah, blah, blah. One guy even said after they won the game and I quote "That's why we're here". I have no respect for a team like that and they showed they had no class at all. Yea, it's softball but don't tell me you can't control where you hit it. This team was purposely hitting shots right up the gut. I caught and I damn well knew what they were doing. Our team didn't hit any up the middle, nor did we even try to. Yea it's part of the game and yea our pitcher maybe should have worn equipment but I see very few pitchers that do in the tournaments we play. Everyone knows that Ultras, Combats, Reeboks are all hot bats but I just think teams can play the game without blowing up the middle. I have always agreed with Dirty that screens were an unnecessary evil but now I am close to reconsidering that maybe they are needed after all.
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