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curt snow
west warren, MA
Men's 60
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Aug. 12, 2024 curty | Topic: Bats Discussion: failed bats i cannot understand the following: if a bat fails to comply, for any reason, why a player would want or continue to use it? Ego? I know there are cheater bats out there, available on line and through "friends." I have also seen younger players using senior bats in "open" competition. I'm talking about safety as my main concern. Yes, it's great to hit the long ball, but what about the "miss" hit that gets a pitcher? One time is too many! And to use it in other associations? Please explain any opposing views. |
Sept. 10, 2023 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: safety base? scenario: r1 on 3rd base, 4 runs in, 2 out. Batter hits a sharp line drive to right field and "jogs to first base assuming r1 will easily score. Right fielder throws to first base to get runner for third out, throw does not beat runner. Offense appeals runner went to wrong base and appeal is allowed. Should run count? |
Aug. 2, 2023 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: No tag call i do not call runners safe as they pass a base, nor do i call a close fair / foul ball fair verbally. I would use a "safe" gesture in this scenario. I call an out when it occurs, and the defense (players) should know this by now. I think a non out call should signal to ALL involved that there was no tag. In this scenario it is not the umpires position to tell the defense or offense anything, as an out did not occur. I don't tell the defense when a runner misses a base and make no call on the initial play, so why would I help them in this case. |
April 25, 2023 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Senior Softball: A hitter's game? Every lost out (including walks) turn into runs. If you are a great hitting team, you might be able to give away a little, but that is not a succesful startegy. |
Oct. 17, 2022 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Courtesy Runner Rule Question here's an actual scenario, happened in the very first Tournament of Champions. We had a very fast runner, that also played defense. He actually ran in every inning! He also earned the MVP ( we won the tourney / age division.) He was protested twice as having run too many times in an inning, but 1 was for himself, 1 as courtesy. Truth is stranger than fiction!! |
May 20, 2022 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Commitment line on a tag up. appears to be no commitment line violation from the op, but that runner is out @ 2b for failure to retouch after the catch- dp. R2 safe at 2b. IF SS touches runner from 1b, then on bag = triple play! |
Jan. 12, 2022 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: WHY ARE THESE OFFENSES CALLED DIFFERENTLY AAH BJ- this scenario CAN happen in your case-- if no runner except the runner on third were to advance, even on a hit, if the defense is an it's toes! |
Jan. 11, 2022 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: WHY ARE THESE OFFENSES CALLED DIFFERENTLY BJ-- simply for understanding purposes: in your scenario, ball fielded by shortstop, thrown to second base for force out. R2, leaves 2nd base but second baseman throws to third to get lead runner BUT that runner can return to second base, and must be tagged to be out, then third base throws to first to get b/r who isn't running-- triple play! I have been a part of this scenario! |
Jan. 10, 2022 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: WHY ARE THESE OFFENSES CALLED DIFFERENTLY Guys- 2 different scenarios: the runner on second MIGHT not have to advance in some scenarios i.e. force play on runner from first, the original runner could return. The batter does not have that option. If the batter ran past first without touching the base, that would constitute an appeal-- entirely different situation, as appeal makes the run scoring a timing play. My interpretation |
Oct. 6, 2021 curty | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: major plus i see an easy solution to the M+ division- any team so classified may play in their appropriate age division, @ Major, with out said team using senior bats. I realize that may lead to some cheating, but it would be minor I hope. |
Oct. 26, 2020 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: lost a greta player / person Senior Softball, the Northeast Region and the Baystate Bombers have lost a truly fine gentleman and player, with the passing of Mark "Woody" Davis this past week. Woody played with the Bombers, as shortstop, on many National, TOC, and Worlds teams, including our triple crown year. A great roommate and fun guy, he will missed by all that knew him. He and Mark "Buddha" Canagello hit more balls together than most of us will hit in a career. RIP and hit'em hard Woody. |
May 5, 2020 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: You make the call i stand corrected DD, and i knew that! Stick, when the out is recorded after the runs score except as above, they count- doesn't matter which base is appealed. If you defense is appealing, it actually becomes a "new" play. |
May 4, 2020 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: You make the call run scored before 3rd out (appeal)- counts. Again, any time run scores before 3rd out, it counts, unless b/r is put out before acquiring 1st base . Once runner has passed the base, he is assumed to have touched it and it then becomes an appeal play. This makes it a timing call. |
May 4, 2020 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: DO RUNNERS RETURN B/r attempted to go to second- therefore he is assumed to have reached first- making this an appeal play. Even if 2 outs prior, runs scored before the out-- they count. Second scenario: every player & coach on the offensive team would be shouting-- touch the base!!! |
Jan. 20, 2020 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Interference i would consider this- for this ruling- a timing play: Batter is out as interference occurred after batted ball, therefore completing his at bat. This situation returns runners to base occupied, meaning runner is not out. |
Sept. 16, 2019 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rule question a PINCH runner can go in any time ball is dead. |
Aug. 22, 2019 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: toothpick after a league meeting involving the Board of directors and offended coach, a decision was made to "ask" the player to voluntarily remove the toothpick- only while at bat. Ump's written input stated that the ejection's were for language and attitude, including so close to his face that he was spat upon. I was surprised that said coach had no objection to ump doing more of his games! End of story |
Aug. 21, 2019 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: toothpick lead off batter to start the game enters the batters box with a tooth pick in his mouth. Ump asks him to remove it, he refuses, saying it doesn't affect the game. Ump says he's not allowing it, ensuing argument gets a little heated. Manager gets involved, but ump prevails. This player is playing 3rd base and comes onto the field with the tooth pick again. Ump ejects him, citing both safety concerns and unsportsman conduct as it had been discussed previously. Ultimately, manager is also ejected resulting in a forfeit, as he was the pitcher. Manager retutned with a rule book demanding the ump show him any such rule. Anybody? |
Aug. 14, 2019 curty | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: courtesy runner/ batter Runners on 1st, CR on 2nd base, no out. Ground ball to 3rd base, fielder steps on the bag (forcing CR) then throws to 1st, safe there. Now CR comes to bat. Ruling was made that as he was no longer a runner he is allowed to bat! |
June 13, 2019 curty | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: interpretation my bad on "scoring line" as it was commit line. Runner called for out of base path went from second base to home plate in order to argue the commitment line violation. A part of the ensueing argument centered around the Coach calling time out before leaving his base & prior to the batter/runner being tagged. That one was a sticking point, but as time was NOT CALLED BY EITHER UMP, the play should have been a triple play. The coach was tagged, in jest, while arguing the call, so he could have been called out for that. My reasoning was he failed to touch bases in proper order. Some times it may be more expedient- league play- to satisfy everybody as best as we can and move on. My mentor as a rookie official told me- if neither team complains, the call is right. |