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Discussion: Reebok Barrage Legend is GREAT BAT

Hot out of the wrapper! love my Mikens, but need 200 swings to get spider webbing and true breaking in for maximum output
have grey two piece balanced, black one piece balanced and white two piece max end load and all are good- rate them this way- gray, black and then white- but REEBOK BARRAGE LEGEND is even hotter. This could be best senior bat on the market right now. Ball absolutely jumps off that bat in a few swings. Surprising pop! Thanks Alan!
like that allan...have you patented this method yet.....LOL.....
i haven't been able to use mine yet for games except with a 52 ball (actually this is the only ball i have hit with it)and it does hit them real nice,just like my melle did.....at the moment tho i'm battling a back prol so haven't been able to really lean on it for power,but my easy line drive swing is really propelling the ball....
Alan, Mad Dog, I like mine also. Mad Dog, you will remember me showing mine to you at Huntsman.
Ed Andrews
(970) 729-3145
Alan and Ed

You guys seem to be the Barrage experts. How is the durability holding up on these bats. If it is like the Mele Legend that would be GREAT!
I have also been swinging this bat in colder temps as I live in colder region. As stated above, a few have experienced early breakage on defective bats but for the most part, a relatively strong, high performance bat.
Do either of you think 2 piece is in the near future
Is a 2 piece end loaded in the near future
I still have 2 oj's end loads . I use.white end load Mikens in winter ball in Houston
I bought 3 2 from you and 1 from Anaconda. In 2010 .When they 1st came out
I too like the Barrage and it swings like a mild end load from my standpoint. I have all weights, including 30's. I will be in Florida on 12/24, then driving back to Colorado on the 27/28th. If I can be of help, call on me. Merry Christmas!!!
Ed Andrews
(970) 729-3145
Reebok Barrage is a great bat. Hit quite a few HR's with it. However it broke in about 1 month of use.
Dave.. their was a Bad Batch ser# v55660 Reebok will replace it.
Go to youtube.com and serch for reebok barrage update.

Is there a Reebok Barrage with a different serial number?
I haven't seen one!

Kind of the same question: are all the v55660 bats defective and is there any other batch number out there?
Or are ALL the defective bats from the v55660 batch but not all of this batch is defective?
I looked on YouTube but did not see anything about returning broken bats. Does anyone know address I can send back my 1 month old 34/27 Reebok Barrage?

To: Surf and Tri

I am interested in purchasing a Reebok Barrage 27 oz.

But after reading the posts above I will only purchase the Reebok Barrage that has a serial number other than v55660.

When you get such a bat in stock, please mention it on this Message Board. I will then contact you.

I know Topgun broke two in BP on Saturday in San Diego. Not sure of the serial number.
This is where I sent mine, but I don't have an email or phone # for them, and I don't know if you need one. I would think you do. The guy I bought it from let them know I was sending it in.

Reebok International
Senior Bat R&D
1895 JW Foster Blvd.
Canton, Mass. 02021
First off I want to say thank you to Dwight for bringing the the 2 Barrage bats out for us (Top Gun ) to hit last weekend. They were as advertised, hot out of the wrapper. More so the 28oz then the 27oz. They only lasted 150-200 swings though. Hope they can get more duability built in for the future models.
It's very difficult to have both extreme performance and good durability. Look what Miken tried about 1 1/2 years with the red endload. Many duds redoing the hottest bat in senior softball. Most seniors say they want both, but when the rubber meets the road, performance is king. What we may spend on a couple bats( or maybe more), is a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend in and to tournaments every year.
Cyborg45, I have to agree with every thing you said and could not have said it better.

Dave Velasquez
Cyborg45 it's true it's difficult to build a bat with performance and Longevity(why would you) when you can sell 4 bats in two years instead of 1 bat! We had a Grey combat that had 3000 swings on it... we hit it for 4 years.. winter leagues in SF, tourneys, BP, and that bat hit with anything I ever hit.. wish it was mine and I would still be swinging it(not letting everyone use it as My buddy Mike did.. Longevity and performance can be done, however the bat industry is not in it to make us that happy.. they are in it to make money...who do you think keeps composites in the game... They love to make bats that are hot as hell, and have to have type of bat, so that we don't mind buying a couple or so a year... more money for them.. The Yellow combats used to last over a year also.. they are discontinued also.. make more money selling us the 200 swing type bats they all sell now.
Swing, Never swung Combats, but it sounds as if you had a really good one.I think that the bat companies today are trying to find the right combination. I bought an end loaded Miken two piece last summer. I have about 300 or so swings on it and it is just starting to open up. It seems real durable, but is taking forever to get the distance my red Miken has. I'll be able to tell within the first couple of tournaments this year if it has the right stuff. I'm just trying to state that the allocation for bats, even the fragile ones, are not that big of a percentage of the total cost of playing senior tournament softball. I take my wife, so my expenses are higher than a player traveling by themselves. But for me,the total for Reno and Las Vegas, is around $3500. So, for 2 bats a year at $400 for both, you're looking at about 12% of the total cost. And that's just 2 tournaments.
Update with the Barrage; Reebok called me today and is sending my money back, all of it. They don't have any bats to send out right now.
That's cool, better then what happened to the people who bought another company's bat and got nothing.
That's great new Don,, glad Reebok stood behind their product... I hope they stay in the bat game... I have only two of them left..;-(
Just returned from Florida, So. Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and now back in Colorado.

There are some defects in the batches but a small number compared to the amount sold and as you have read above, the scenario is being taken care of if handled correctly and patiently.

I have Barrages and Melees in stock if I can be of help.
Ed Andrews
(970) 729-3144
Amazing story to me. I asked you where to send back my broken Reebok Barrage bat. I had it for a month and it broke. I sent it back to Reebok R&D, like FFD mentioned above. I didn't even have a receipt. They called me yesterday and like FDD, they asked how much I paid for it and are sending me a FULL REFUND. Now thats a company standing behind their product. Bravo to Reebok.
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