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Discussion: Ulta2 with ASA stamp???

Posted Discussion
March 5

48 posts
Ulta2 with ASA stamp???
We all know how good the ultra2 with the asa stamp is.What I don't understand is why doesn't miken produce the exact same bat again.Since we are all looking for a bat that will out hit all other senior bats and that was one of the most durable senior bats that was out there. I think if miken wants to get back on top they should.What do other people think?

Just my rant for today
March 5
Hit the gap
Men's 70
154 posts
Ulta2 with ASA stamp???
I agree. I got three years out of mine and several thousand swings before it finally broke.
March 5
Men's 60
285 posts
Ulta2 with ASA stamp???
ASA stamp Ultra is the best bat ever made in my opinion. Im lucky that i have a few.
I heard they no longer had the mold of something of the sort but i believe that they aren't interested in selling a bat that performs and lasts. They can make more money selling us two or three new bats a year.
March 6

48 posts
Ulta2 with ASA stamp???
With some of the new senior bats that are coming out now that hit just as well and have some durability you would think that they should find that old technology. Just saying.
March 6

393 posts
Ulta2 with ASA stamp???
FOFO ,you are exactly right. They were TOOOOO durable and lasted TOOOO long.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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