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Discussion: Dimarini One

How many of you swing this, and how do you rate it.
I have last years model. The yellow one and got it for a good price. It hits just as good as any senior bat I have and I have almost every brand of senior bat. To me it hits solid. Great line drives and can hit the long ball with know problem for me at 65.
New endloaded 2014 model is completely different than anything Demarini has had..and they did an excellent job with it. One of the best Demarini has come out with, and one of the hottest senior bats I have ever swung.. It has a similar feel to a Reebok in my opinion. The Balanced senior for 2014 is a different composition than the endload, and feels somewhat similar to the green one that was out last year. The endload breaks in sooner and is game ready in maybe 40-50 swings, where as last years model took twice as long to break in. Last years green model rewarded hitters who had good bat speed and could compress the bat...the 2014 endload is more responsive and will appeal to hitters with all levels of bat speed and skill. JMO
Got the new end loaded 27 oz.(light blue) Have about 300 hits on it. Some where surprised it hadn't broken yet. Love the pop and distance that it gives. After about 100 hits it just came alive, constantly turn the bat in my hands after each swing, is starting to show nice webbing also one 3in. long hopefully cosmetic crack not really a raised surface. But over all its the one I,m most happy with as far as distance an jump off the bat right now. Will baby it till it breaks, then back to the Ultra2 with the 2000 ASA stamp which has about a 2 thousand hits on it (old faithful)
Dimarini The One.
The Hottest Bat I have ever swung, ( 28 oz end load ) Our team, LAF 50 major had one end load and one balanced to demo in Bullhead City tournament Feb 27, 28 and Mar 1. The bat was literally hot out of the wrapper. It took about 25 swings to reach its maximum potential. The ball jumped even more impressively then my rebook end load. We have some big boppers on our team, at least two players with 400 foot homeruns in them. In bullhead we hit with it in batting practice in the morning hitting heavy wet balls and then used it in tourney games and everyone to a man thought it was awesome. We figure we had about 450-475 swings on it before it broke. The End load is considerably better then the balanced.

We have played Az Elite a few times and everyone on their team has one or more and most seem to swing the end loaded version.

We as a team are looking to purchase 10-12 of these bats in a package deal if someone has them available at the right price. Let me know if we can work out a deal.

LAF 50 major
I was in Vegas this weekend playing. Saw AZ Elite using Dimarini One's. Can someone on AZ Elite tell me what the model number was?
I was able to pick up a used Demar 28oz from one of my Sr. Buddies, had at least 50 hits on it? I put another 30+ on, and yes this bat is really hot.. she breaks in quickly.. got to hit it in a pre-game BP, and this bat easily placed balls in the 330'+ range. (my witness was EASY E. During our game however, it did develop a slight spiral crack towards the end of the barrel. :(

I have a NIW 30OZ coming for back up, during BP(if you can?), try to use low Comp balls.. it does not need a lot of BP... I highly recommend this bat...
This past week in a tournament my old 30oz Centenarian easily placed a ball in the 330-350' range. It is now in its 3rd year and is scratched up, however no cracks or splits are visible.

Sounds like all these new bats are so hot that 450' should be the normal stroke. The ball was 44-375. Have not hit a 52-300 though, do not know what the old Cent would do.

The old Cent is also great for hitting a screaming grounder thru infield when a HR is not needed.
My question is for Alan (Tri18). I've heard nothing but positive feed back from FHC players as well as many players in The Villages league that have either tried or purchased the bat. Several tournaments ago(FHC), a vendor set up demo bats on a field that wasn't being used. I took about 15 to 20 swings with the end loaded model. It had a good feel and the ball(375/44) seemed to jump off the bat. My question for Alan is this. Some time ago you were going to do a complete review of the "Demarini One" end load. Have you completed your testing and what are your thoughts.

Jeff, Ocala, Florida
Hey Jeff,
This is Dave with AZ Elite. The 2014 Demarini bat's are really really good. I compare it to the Reebok line, only better. Me personally I've never been a fan of Miken. I use to swing Combat's and Reeboks. Give me a call 602-885-5437. Vegas was fun, I hope your guys get healed up.
I play for Famous/Fattboyz Demarini 40s and so far we all really like our bats. They are lively out of the wrapper but also durable. I swing the 30 oz endloaded version and am very impressed so far.
Well, I got my DeMarini, put 60+ BP hits on the 30oz this past Saturday, the weather was in the low 80's in San Diego, the bat open up at about 30+, the sound coming off it really changed, my best shot was about 360+.. however, it developed a spiral crack on the "ONE" started on the "N" towards the end of "E". As for the 28oz, it blew up after an additional 35+ hits so all together I put about 150+, after getting it with 50+. The bat has very good pop, so I'm questioning the durability at this stage.. used mixed BP balls Trump Sr. Stote, X-Rock, Utrip Hot Dots.. please post your results should your bat develop any cracks..

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