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Discussion: Milwaukee Classic

Posted Discussion
May 20

38 posts
Milwaukee Classic
Does anyone know the results of this tournament?
May 20

6 posts
Milwaukee Classic
50AAA - Upper division
1st - WC Thunder
2nd - Pope Transport
3rd - Rockford Chiropractic
4th - Big Ten

50 Lower Division sure of the order

1st and 2nd was Gizmos and Iowa Antiques (not sure who was first and second)

3rd and 4th was Milwaukee Magic and someone else (sorry don't know the order or the other team)
May 20
Yankee fan

19 posts
Milwaukee Classic
Iowa Antiques won the lower division over the Gizmos. MN Lumberjacks beat Milwaukee Majic for 3rd place I believe
May 20
Men's 55
26 posts
Milwaukee Classic
How many teams in this how was the competition ?
May 23

6 posts
Milwaukee Classic
8 teams in Triple AAA (7AAA 1 major). The competition was very good. played 3 seeding games and then the 8 teams were broken up into two division; upper and lower. Top four seeds in upper and bottom 4 in lower. The exception was the major team which automatically was placed in the upper division (believe they did not win a game, but had to give up runs against everyone they played). All games were competitive.
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