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Discussion: SENIOR BATS

This is my philosophy. Why spend the money on the newest senior bat when a year later you can buy the same bat for almost half the price. There are senior bats out there for $110 or less. To me for the most part a senior bat is a senior bat, they are all hot as heck. The only difference is prefernce either EL or balance or Miken over combat, etc. I am a little frugal with my scarce resources. So my new senior bat will be a 2013 version of whatever is cheaper. My 2 centavos. LOL.


I agree with this…I did buy the new Easton senior because I am an Easton guy. Besides this bat I swing older combats! Aloha, Fabe

So where do you get year old, in the wrapper or unused bats, at half price?

I'd like to get the white 2 piece Miken Ultra 26oz. in the wrapper for half price?

Or maybe the Reebok Legend?

Who do you know is selling them?

Info please....

The Combat 2012 Senior Gear bats are on sale for $99. Click on the bat on the SSUSA home page. It is listed at $159 but when you click on it, it is $99.
Your right! They have the Senior gear and the Twilight Senior for $99. I guess because sale on these two are down and I don't think the Twilight ever took off.
I really like the Senior Gear - the only problem is I could not keep the end cap in. I finally used a marine adhesive (on the fourth fix) and it has stayed in. Great bat with a lot of pop.
Yep!, Alan put me on the 3M marine glue and it really works. Don't know what it being marine glue has to do with it, but has worked so far on three of our team bats. Anybody experiencing this problem you should try it. Make sure both surfaces are clean though.
Ditto on the Senior Gear ... I'm currently using mine over my 2 pc Ultra II. I just seem to hit better with it. At $99, it's tempting to buy one as a back up.
I haven't seen "good" bats go half price, in fact the better the bat, the MORE expensive it will be later...case in point, Worth original senior bat...I got mine for 149 when it was under the radar and now it is 229 because it is a better performing bat...I would say if the bat is equal or lesser than the newer model, then it may be lower but if it is a dud, it is probably taking up shelf space and they are just getting rid of them....you get what you pay for in these instances
Paco 13 is right. We have the Senior Gear and the Twilight for 99.00.. The Senior Gear is a great bat with as much pop as a lot of the other senior bats. Yes the end cap can be a problem with a lot of different types of bats but Combat has had it's share of troubles. The Twilight never took off because of a couple of different reasons. One being that it takes a long time to break in. It is worth the money especially if you break a lot of bats. Just my 2 cents that ain't worth much. Anyway give me a call if you need a good cheap senior bat. 330-419-0205.

Oh by the way the hip replacement did kick my ass a little bit but I have started Physical Therapy and I will be ready to roll some time real soon. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

Mighty Mike Macenko
aka: Gorilla Boy
I just ordered Blue Senior Gear. Said 2012 model.99.00 what a deal
What is a shame is that I got an e-mail that the twlight bat was on sale for 129 and change. I order one and before I got the bat it goes on sale for 99 and change. I called and got too bad. What is a man to do. I will keep Tri18 number handy from now on. Thanks Harry # 20 NVFORCE. see everybody in Raleigh. N.C.
What you need to do is call me and I will be able to help you in certain situations. I believe my reputation speaks for itself. If you call Anaconda you get random sales persons. If you call me you will get a softball salesman that does care about the players and respects the buyer. Some things I can't change but with me you do have a chance.

Mighty Mike Macenko
I just want to thank Mike for helping me out with my problem. He solved my problem much to my satisfaction even though I did not buy the bat from him. Great job by Mike. Thanks Harry
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