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Discussion: Broken Miken Ulttra ll
I just broke my Miken Ultra ll two piece. I am looking for suggestions in purchasing a new bat. I am 66 and weigh 180 lbs. Using the two piece the last two years, I hit hit 10 and 5 home runs respectively. I have always used a balanced bat. I have heard a lot about the Dudley Lightning and the new Louisville Hyper Z. Thanks.
go for the dudley lighting, i just bought mine and used for the 1st time this weekend..i like it better than the u2 and seems to be more durable from talking to fellow ballplayers..
Dudley for me also, but my Ambush just keeps going and going. Both have great pop!
Dudley Lightning balanced.You cannot beat the performance and durability.
Dudley 13 inch barrel will be a closer match than the Dudley 12 inch extra end load to your 2 piece
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