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Discussion: Bat weights

Posted Discussion
Oct. 9
Men's 75
608 posts
I asked the local Miken distributor if he would weigh two U2 blacks of the same weight (27) and model. One was 27.02; the other one at 27.65. Both weighed twice and still in the wrapper. Does this mean the lighter one is not at specs for being an end load?

Oct. 9

652 posts
I have purchased quite a few bats over the years. I take them down to the post office and have them weighed. Every single Miken has been between 1/4 to one full ounce over the weight on the knob. Why, I don't know?
Oct. 10
Men's 75
608 posts
The two I weighed were also end loaded.
Oct. 10
Men's 70
339 posts
End loaded means just that, not that it should weigh more, a 27 is a 27 whether balanced or endloaded, it's just where the weight is at. I have never weighed a Miken that was not over weight and many 1 to 2 ounces over and as high as 3.
I have an original with ASA stamp and it was a 27oz that weighs 29.7ozs.
Oct. 10
Men's 60
645 posts
Its across the board.Doesn't matter if it's Miken,worth,Reebok you'll find the same weight issue. Like garyheifner I weigh each and every bat that I purchase and the knob weight rarely is the same as the bat.If I'm not mistaken and this may be corrected if I'm wrong.

The knob sticker indicates the swing weight and not the actual weight of the bat.Both the total weight and the balance point result in what the bat is "stickered". The same shell is used for both an endload bat an balanced bat.The sticker weight or swing weight is then determined by balance point and or amount of endload.
Oct. 10
Clean Up

68 posts
Of course there is some degree of tolerance for every mass produced product. Not sure what the tolerance is for softball bats but a half ounce would be a reasonable guess.

Miken is not the only company to be off weight.

A few years ago I purchased 2 Combat Ambush bats. Both bats were supposed to be 27 ounces and showed 27 ounces on the bat. But when the bats were put on a weigh scale, one bat weighed 28.2 and the other was 28.7 ounces. Not even close to 27 ounces. Luckily I was able to sell the bats.

Good luck trying to get a return on the bat because the weight is not exact!

Oct. 10
Men's 75
608 posts
Today I learned another idea about buying a bat. When told about the different weights, a guy said when he buys from a local distributor, he takes a bunch of the bat he wants and lays each one on a counter, barrel facing him. He slowly slides the bat towards him and he remembers where on the bat, it began to tip over. The one that tips over the earliest is the one he buys.
Oct. 17

32 posts
Okay, I am going to jump in here with my two cents worth because I have this problem. I recently purchased the new Miken Black Big Cat in 28 oz size. The bat felt light so I had it weighted. Actual weight is 27.2 oz. Now 27.2 oz is a far cry from 28 oz. Bats are sold based on weight, I have never seen a bat advertised as swing weight. I have a friend that purchased a 28 oz Miken Black Maxload that weights 29.7 oz and swings like a log. Needless to say, both of us are disappointed with our bats. Bats should be stickered to the closest actual weight.
Oct. 17
Men's 75
608 posts
What did the seller tell you when you brought this to their attention 1billyd?
Oct. 18
Men's 70
3236 posts
Titanhd, the sticker reflects the weight of the bat. It usually isn't precise.
The swing weight can be found by placing the knob on a stationary object and then weighing the end of the barrel. A typical swing weight would be between 16 and maybe 18 ounces. A balanced will be on the low end and an end loaded bat will be on the higher end.
Oct. 19

58 posts

I'm the friend 1Billyd mentioned in the earlier message. I contacted the supplier, he contacted Miken and they are sending me a return label. If Miken verifies that the weight is 29.7 vs 28 as stated, they will replace the bat with a true 28 Maxload.
Oct. 21
joel 1975

131 posts
where you will be lucky if you ever buy two bat's with the same weight stamped on the knob that both weigh that amount or even weigh the same.
Oct. 28

32 posts
Follow up post. Miken replaced my under weight Miken Black BigCat with one of the proper weight. The turn-a-round time for the exchange was one week from the day I shipped the bat, which I concider incredible. A BIG At-A-Boy for Miken.
Oct. 28
Gorilla Boy
Men's 50
271 posts
Glad that you got your bat taken care of. This is a little note to any body that buys Miken products. The varience in the weight department is supposed to be 1/2 oz one way or the other. Miken has a serial number for every bat they make. So if it mismarked then all you have to do is send it back to Miken through their on-line return policy. If you can work it out with who ever you purchased the bat from you might get it quicker. But I do know for a fact that the bats have serial numbers on them so they can be identified and stay on top of it. Obviously I am a believer that all bats are not created equal. Hoping that this will help.
Have a great day!

Mighty Mike Macenko
aka:Gorilla boy
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