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Discussion: Quadruple Play?

This happened this weekend in Phoenix on Sunday Morning in the game between Joe Brown's All Stars and SoCal 55's.
Second and third, no outs, 5th run on third. We walked the next batter to load the bases in hopes.....
One hopper is hit to third. The third baseman grabs it one step from the bag. The runner, hoping to confuse the third baseman, steps back on third. The third baseman then tags the runner first, steps on third for the second out, and throws to second for the triple play. However, not realizing the double play at third had happened, the second baseman threw to first for the 4th out, completing the quadruple play. I thought I heard the umpire say 'Everybodys Out, inning is over!".
Unfortunately, the umpire would not give us credit the next inning for the extra out!
There are 17 false statements in this tall tale. Later this week I will prove them one by one!
Dave-I say every one of those 17 statements are true and I will endeavor-ad nauseum-to prove them if it takes until 2020.
Dave and Fran-we may call on you for a ruling so we can dispute that also! Don't hesitate to chime in!
Good one Dbax.
Ad-nauseum is an understatement.
It was in fact a Quadruple play, however the umpire said he could not award 4 outs due to the fact that So Cal 55 had a 60's major player on their roster that had not been approved bye the rules committee.
Maybe we should go to the rules convention and ask for a rule change to carry over outs from one inning to the next. That would shorten games. Umpires would love it! Gosh, can you imagine the scenarios and the inane discussions that would happen on the message board with all the crazy things that could happen with the advent of that rule??
Webbie misstated, he tagged the runner first, then stepped on 3rd, 2nd to 1st. So it was a legit. What Webbie did not underscore was, the ball was a rocket, the sun was blinding, even to the point we stopped the game for 15 minutes, and Webbie made an outstanding physical reaction.
Mike, that is my first false statement proven!
Quoting my first post-"The third baseman grabs it one step from the bag. The runner, hoping to confuse the third baseman, steps back on third. The third baseman then tags the runner first, steps on third for the second out, and throws to second for the triple play." I think we said the same thing.Dave-you are making a mountain out of a molehill! If you are going to misquote me and take things out of context, I am going to start writing mega-paragraphs in triple spacing, with bullet points and misspellings of the word Summerville!
This topic has become floccinaucinihilipilification!
But floccinaucinihilipilificationalities are a welcome diversion here! It is time to lighten this message board up.
Mark, even though it your statement is correct, I do not care. I will prove it wrong. Just waiting for my I phone to update a pic of the play.
That's some funny crap right there.

You guys better watch out Tim may send you some things for Christmas and list them on this message board.........
dbax - MVP most "clever" post award! I have a ring for you! LMAO
Actually there is only two out recorded...

and the runner at first gets is awarded home base because....

while the ruling was being decided Dave snuck into the official rules PDF and edited the official rules to say...

If with the bases loaded the third baseman tags the runner at third first while still on the base he is automatically awarded home base and scores..

Man...this re writhing the rules stuff is fun...

No wonder Dave did it in the middle of a decision..

Also...slap hitter..you still have not posted whether you played in that western national the year you said you only played one tourney with Rated Sports...

Sometimes silence....SCREAMS
Quadruple play? Can't top that. I'll bet some sheepish looks were all over when that occurred.
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