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Discussion: Status of the GSC bat

The link below may be helpful to those who wonder when the GSC bat will be released. The GSC CEO is currently being accused of Affinity Fraud... this is explained in detail within the article... but it is one of the absolute worst types.


Recognize that at this point Mr. McKinlay has not been convicted of anything. But he is being accused of some pretty onerous crimes. I am hopeful that anyone who has invested in GSC will receive some form of restitution. Perhaps the phone number below will be of value to you.

Anyone with any additional useful information can contact the Orange County, CA Supervising District Attorney Investigator, Damon Tucker @ 714 648-3615.

Bob Woodroof
MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL courtesy of the legal system, such as it is.

Does this mean I won't get a tour of the GSC factory like those guys that posted they saw it?

What a fine upstanding citizen this guy has turned out to be. I'm sure glad that my friends were smart enough not to invest any money with God's Sports Company.
More: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/couple-697108-investors-authorities.html

here is copied and pasted version of link....such a shame to use people's trust AND religion to pull a fraud on honest people.....money IS the root of all evil

"A Coto de Caza couple faces 23 years in prison on charges of using their church, friends and family to defraud them of more than $3 million.

Businessman Steven Andrew McKinlay, 58, and fifty-six-year-old Kristi B. McKinlay, a certified public accountant, will be arraigned Tuesday on charges of defrauding investors and stealing more than $3 million in an affinity scheme.

According to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, the pair allegedly duped a Major League Baseball player, a family friend who came into money through a devastating personal injury, and a cancer patient who wanted to secure an inheritance for his family.

The owners of God’s Sports Company, the McKinlays allegedly took money from investors and used it on a $10,000 a month rent for a San Clemente home and $7,000 a month rent for a Coto de Caza home, paying for their daughter’s wedding, purchasing a luxury suite at the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Stadium, purchasing cars, and paying off old debts and day-to-day expenses.

Several victims were associated with the defendants through their church. Such schemes are called affinity frauds.

“Affinity fraud most commonly happens in church, where victims are asked to invest with a false sense of trust in an investor who preaches morals and ethics,” said District Attorney Tony Rackauckas. “I want to remind the public that affinity fraud can also happen with people having the same nationality, race, or are living in senior living communities.

“Nobody is exempt from affinity fraud and people should vet everyone before investing, especially those they have a lot in common with or they think they know well and can trust.”

The McKinlays are charged with 10 felony counts of using untrue statements in the purchase or sale of a security, one felony count of grand theft, and one felony count for the use of a device in a scheme to defraud, with sentencing enhancement allegations for loss over $100,000, aggravated white collar crime over $500,000, causing property damage with loss over $1.3 million. If convicted, the defendants face a maximum sentence of 23 years and eight months in state prison. The McKinlays are in custody on 3 million dollars bail and must prove it is from legal resources....."
I researched GSC back to January 15th, 2014....it was interesting how many people vouched for the company while others doubted it......here is a copy of one poster who played for a GSC team....I wonder how he thinks now...I did call Jason at GSC and left a message about the bat and its future (if there is one)...here was post

from 2014, January

Jan. 17, 2014
Men's 60
828 posts
My bad. Let me rephrase.

For what it is worth, I will manage / play for a team sponsored by GSC this year. So I hope my comments are viewed as biased, but not untrue.


The people/families at God's Sports Company have a vested interest in the P413 coming to market. This is not just a job for those employed by GSC, but more importantly it is their ministry. Their passion and commitment is real. If this bat never reaches the marketplace then the people involved with GSC will have endured a tremendous loss. The loss can certainly be measured in real dollars to the investors and to those being paid by GSC, but how can you measure the loss of a dream or vision.

Not withstanding to previous monies paid to Bill. Steve will honor that commitment to those who bought bats before he sells a bat to any other person. From multiple individuals within the organization to my ears (face to face). That being said GSC has not turned on the credit card machine so the majority of us are just disappointed that the we can't buy the latest and greatest (insert name here)Iphone, Xbox, whatever.


I don't know for SURE when the P413 will come to market, but I know for SURE they are doing everything they can to make it happen.

Mike Adair
GSC 60 M+
THREAD NOTE: The topic of the GSC-P413 bat has been a matter of high interest and SSUSA Message Board commentary for several years. In light of the events transpiring over the past week or so, we suspect that will continue to be the case. We are not interested in restricting constructive commentary here, but we WILL remove any posts that:

• Are disparaging to the defendants in this case (one of the only four fundamental posting rules); or
• Violate their constitutionally protected presumption of innocence pending either a trial resulting in a conviction or some other plea-based disposition of the matter.

Thank you.

I think Bkb555 has said it all...whole thing was a joke from beginning! When you can't get a bat to market because you have no one to manufacturer the bat, it's BS to take anyone's money! To many good bat companies out there to waste money on a company's promise of a fantasy bat as they put it!
just swing miken the proven one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bkb555-As one that played for GSC/Joe Brown's this year, I know Mike Adair felt, and was given assurances many times, that GSC was coming through for all involved. I actually do have a GSC bat in my bag right now-they did produce some. Mike was duped like everyone else and DOES NOT DESERVE ANY CRITICISM HERE. For those who know Mike like I do, know his honesty is above reproach. And I will also say there is NO ONE on our team that should be attacked in any way over this.

Mark Weber
Wood, the softball community thanks you for the post. This has been a duck for a long time...a duck that is now visible for all to see. You can run but not hide from the truth. And the truth is, this is just sickening.
Having worked in law Enforcement for 30 years, the media can sometimes blow things out of proportion but I don't think that's the case. Yes Mac hasn't been convicted of anything but a lot of people probably saw this coming according to people I know.

I don't know the guy only seen him around, but if you look like a duck, walk like a duck, and quack like a duck you are probably a duck.

Sad he used religion to take money from people, even sadder he lived like a king on other people dimes.... I mean dollars......

The investigation isn't over and those close to Mckinlay can surely expect a knock at the door from some nicely dressed people wearing badges from the DA's office. That's a given.

I feel bad for those of you who may have invested, and restitution is a huge joke.
I stand by everything I said on Jan 14, 2014. Not withstanding obviously I was wrong as of today.

We as a team were self sponsored in 2015, we removed ourselves from the GSC banner after the Reno tournament. We did so not because we were no longer sponsored but because we did not want any perception that we were playing softball on investor money.

I never have received nor wanted to receive any type of funds from GSC except for tournament expenses.

bkb555 - I don't think I know you, but if in any way my actions have cause you or anyone else to have doubts about God's true nature. I ask for your forgiveness.

As I said to my team and to anyone else who knows me. My faith is in God, not in man.

Mike Adair
Wow..I just want my bat! Paid for 2 got None! LOL
Mike...I apologize for copying and pasting your name to that post above....it could have been posted without throwing your name or team in there....I am sorry for that

I am upset that this man used people's trust to gain financially with no regards to people that were stepped on along the way.....many good people were duped and there is a lot of anger and resentment among players and friends and others who enjoy our game

Please accept my apologies and I'd SOUSA deletes my posts above I will have no objections
Southern Son:
This whole subject has been an albatross for 3 years or so. From my perspective, there were three groups of people participating in the fray... those that knew Steve for many years (preceding his GSC involvement)... those that came to know him via GSC (and some from the message board)... and those who didn't know him at all and didn't know what to think.
I had met him prior to GSC but didn't really know him (still don't). But long term friends of mine had known (some have been around him for 20+ years) and were extremely skeptical. I was in this category but consented to trying the 'April 2013 version' of the bat... I hit with Steve, two of his GSC EEs, his daughter, his son and a friend of mine (a 20+ year friend of Steve's). I was impressed with the bat's pop and could only take Steve's word for its durability... the latter became more difficult by the day.
I initially gave them a 'thumbs up' for it on the message board as well as allowing them my photo and verbal endorsement (You tube). I soon asked them to remove my likeness and statement because none of his statements came to be. Sooner or later charm wears off. For what it's worth, I was never compensated for my limited involvement nor was there ever any discussion of such.
Ironically, his wife has lived within 5 miles of us for a long time and her friends speak very highly of her... I've never met her. She met she Steve at church (so the local story goes) a few years ago and I'm told that they were married within 8 days.
I do not know who they obtained their funding from and or how they got it... from what I've heard and read, it doesn't appear that much of it has gone into the production of bats. But there a lot of Kristi's friends in San Clemente that are just sick over this whole debacle. Not being in their inner circle, I do not know the extent of her culpability. Like Steve, she's innocent until proven guilty... but as Benji stated, there does not seem to be a lot of wiggle room in this.
Both sides of the GSC threads have been bashing the other, to some degree. Those that knew Steve for a long time felt strongly skeptical (as stated above). Those who felt that he was a reborn man felt equally certain that we were just cynics. There are no winners in this one.
Bob Woodroof
That's a class act my friend, a class act indeed.
Now that this news has been posted.



I appreciate the apology, not necessary. Deceit in the name of God is vile regardless of original intent. I own what I say.

I work in the legal field and can say with some confidence that when this is finally fully disclosed, there will be a lot of; what were you thinking on a number of individuals part.

This is not a statement of support or condemnation, but rather:

Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

In this case Orange County Superior Court.

Mike Adair
I was personally at the factory and saw a few bats being made. The factory where they are being made also produces top of the line football shoulder pads and other products.
It appears that a lot of people got duped or fooled by Steve Mckinlay. At least by looking at the charges and comments from the district attorney prosecuting the case. cal50l, if you saw a bat factory or a factory where they made a few bats, maybe it was to fool you, seeing as how he has been arrested for fraud. I heard he had a fake warehouse/offices down in Southern California to fool potential investors.

I don’t think there’s any shame for guys that played on a team that he sponsored with investors money, like softball 4b. I’m sure they thought he was legit.

The shame comes if after you know better, or should have known better you still try to defend him. Keep in mind the charges aren’t for a couple hundred bucks and not getting bats. Its for millions of dollars and he’s charged with spending it on himself. He allegedly took money from people to build a bat, and instead rented an ocean front mansion, bought a luxury suite at Angel stadium, cars for himself and family, paid for his daughters wedding and lived a high lifestyle. He ruined peoples lives, And he used Gods name to do it.
Like I've always said, "Religion is merely a form of mind control."
Really, Wayne? That's your deduction from this?
K9er....how about the fact that this god can never be seen or proven to be existing even.....and you have to use your mind to even think he is there....thats mind control.....personally i could care in what you think..but when it tells me i have to think the same way...well..not gonna happen....
Let's NOT get off the main subject of this thread.
Nothing more will be gained by the continued regurgitation of the same facts. The inital thread said it all. It is what it is.

The (law)Courts have the final say and there are no bats forthcoming.I don't think that any more needs to be said.This is no surprise. Truth be told I think that we ALL knew getting a bat was a stretch goal anyway.
Titan, I don't think it is too far fetched to think anybody could start a new bat company....Remember Miken??? way back in early 2000's and lately reebok, and then most recently Dudley...sure these companies have deep pockets now but when they jumped into the unknown waters of bats, it was not in their background....shoes, maybe...softballs , yes ...but bats, no way...and they all did pretty good...anyway, to say that the thread is done is a bit premature....I have no stake in GSC nor did I ever but information is always good to hear from all sides
Simple Definition of integrity
: the quality of being honest and fair

: the state of being complete or whole

Full Definition of integrity
:  firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values :  incorruptibility

:  an unimpaired condition :  soundness

:  the quality or state of being complete or undivided :  completeness


Failed big time, IMHO

Stay safe everyone, the holiday traffic and weather is nasty.
Mad Dog if that is your personal belief that's your choosing & your business, no problem with me. For the record, I don't read that anyone on this thread is trying to get you to think the way that certain others do.
Just sayin'
bkb555, thanks for the info on this case. Would anyone know if any of the people who lost all their invested money had legal documents drawn up that were signed by the McKinley's for the purpose of at least protecting their investment or guaranteeing a stipulated return the McKinleys may have promised on said investment?
From the story above link......"Anyone who believes they may be a victim of the alleged scheme is urged to call the Orange County District Attorney's office at (714) 648-3615."

I did place a call to Jason (formerly at GSC and his number still working) and he told me that he left the company last July after improprieties that were happening....he was very open but could see the light and left before things got too bad for him....I was amazed at 1) he was still answering his phone and 2) he was open about what happened.....too bad for all involved
Dear K9er,

Many people hide behind the guise of being Christian. Seems as if some got caught up the in the name of Christ and capitalism. Others hear that and think to themselves, "What could go wrong?"

In my case, I don't need to read something written several centuries ago to know right from wrong. Is the only thing in a motel room that isn't bolted down. And is the thing that has caused more pain, death and wars in all of the mankind.

"When I die, I want to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is." ~ Ayn Rand, on the Christmas card she sent me.

Your mileage may vary.

Have a Happy Kwanzchristmakkah.
bkb555. I agree with you in theory but,neither Miken,Dudley nor Reebok took orders for bats before they had a factory to make them.
I feel the need to address this briefly. As Benji4 stated the press has a tendency to blow things out of proportion.

18wood, to touch on what you said: I too have been to the GSC factory in South Carolina. The company was making bats but not mass producing because as we all heard there were many hiccups... understandable. As you stated, yes this company builds shoulder pads for the NFL and is also one of the leading manufactures of carbon fiber car products.

- There was not a "fake" factory.

I as many others have been to the office in southern California. This was meant to be a shipping warehouse but as the bats were never mass produced, the warehouse served as a "corporate office" until the shelves could be filled.

-there was no "fake office" to fool investors.

That being said, I am not backing what the Mckinlay's did nor do i pretend to know the details. The crimes they are being charged with are as stated, innocent until proven guilty, but again as 18wood said, Kristi was very highly regarded in her inner circle and highly trusted. That is because she herself was a multimillionaire for decades. She was the original and primary investor in the company, investing from what i'm told over 2 million dollars of her own money. That being said, and those are facts, its clear at least to me that this was not a premeditated get rich scheme. Kristi and through Marriage, Steve were already financially well off.

Whatever events transpired after her money was gone, may have been outside of the law either through ignorance of it, or not, who knows. But they were with the intention of making the bat to production. All in all, it's not right if what they're being accused of is true, but at the same time its not right for it to be called a bogus operation or a way for them to "live like kings" as the brush they've been painted with insists.

Just 2 cents from another person who vouches for Kristi, and feels sad to see her in this position.
Warning track Power:
A couple of clarifications...
1) It wasn't me that stated that I had been to the factory and I never went to the warehouse here in Orange County either.
2) I hear the same things about Kristi having wealth prior to meeting Steve. I heard just the opposite of Steve... from folks who have known him for 20+ years. He certainly didn't have money to pay back the plantiffs in the 2006 bankruptcy case.
I cannot say with any level of certainty what their intentions were regarding the bat. But...
1) 4 years or so Steve made a promise to the previous investors (when he partnered with Bill Gately) and, to my knowledge, none of them were ever made whole. He changed the name of the company to God's Sports Company at that time.
2) At the same time he made a pledge to see the bat to fruition and to build it inside the USA... and that it would be superior to any previous senior bat.
3) In April of 2013 he made the claim that the GSC had been approved... and would be in production very soon... the approval is one promise he made that became reality... but not the mass production part.
4) The GSC team used the bat in Reno in 2013 but it was soon 'pulled back' due to it being too long (i.e. longer than 34").

The McKinlays have been charged with affinity fraud to the tune of $3 M large.
We are now in Dec of 2015 and the bat still has not been mass produced... the previous investors have not been satisfied...
In a shorter time frame than this, and with a much lower capital base, several other bats have been designed, approved, produced and sold. One that comes to mind is Kevin Schullstrom's Nightmare... it came on the market in Jul/Aug of 2014... there were others.
I don't know anything about 'fake this' or 'fake that'. But I do strongly believe that the previous investors could have been paid and the bats could have been produced with the type of money that went through their hands.

Where does lack of intent/commitment end and fraud begin? I don't know as I'm not a lawyer nor a superior court judge. But I feel fairly certain that leasing beach front property (plus other stuff) was largely irrelevant to the production of bats. In fact, it seems to conflict with it if making prudent use of investor's money was a priority.
All of this (and more) could just be a series of incredible coincidences... or it could be something more sinister. They deserve their day in court as much as the investors deserve a return on their money. Unfortunately, it appears the latter won't happen.
Bob Woodroof
Mahalo for the updates...I came into contact with Bill Gately early in the process. He seemed sincere about what he was doing, thus I was considering marketing the bat in Hawaii. Sadly, this never came to pass! I know this the Truth always sets people free n it is the correct response to our life situations. We should let the system unfold n let justice take it course. Bummer is for all those who will lose out financially! Have a Happy New Years...Aloha, Fabe
Mike aka Softball4b is a class act with me, my friends...
I use to play with Steve on our 50+ majors team DEMOLITION. I've always had a bad JuJu gut feeling about him... We even had a few run in during our playing time, but brush it off. I find this unfortunate for those.. If true..? who were taken advantage of, by these two folks...

UPDATE: Since 12/24...
Steven Andrew McKinlay, 58, and Kristi B. McKinlay, 56, both of Coto de Caza, face 10 felony counts of using untrue statements in the purchase or sale of a security, plus counts of grand theft and use of a device in a fraud scheme.

Kristi McKinlay pleaded not guilty today, while her husband’s arraignment was delayed until Jan. 15, according to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
I'm no lawyer but years ago a family member owned a building whose main tenant was a law firm. I was hired to be the building manager and thru my time there I got to know all the attorneys pretty well. I sort of have an idea of how they think. After the preliminary hearings and depending on the evidence in this case (it sounds overwhelming) it wouldn't suprise me if one of the defense attorneys consults with the prosecuting attorney to try and cop a plea of some sort for their client in exchange for testifying against the other.
You have to wonder, She put in two million of her own money? Into what? They had no factory, and no one producing anything.... then to go after another 3 million and still no factory and no bats being produced....I feel sorry for those who were taken advantage of!
She may have been a victim just like the rest. I don't have the facts but in speaking with someone that knows a little about the 2 of them he may have scammed her also. Yes I do know she was is an educated woman that was also a CPA and knows the rules but sometimes love is blind to the improprieties that seemed to occur.

The story I was told is he meet her and they married 8 days later. That to me sounds like a predator looking for the next victim. I could be wrong but that is MY opinion on the matter. Was he selling her B.S. while this is going on? I don't know but it could be.

I think that the past improprieties on his behalf tells more of the story than we know. It is difficult for me to believe that a successful lady with a lot of good things in her life just decides to change all of it over night.

Con men are good at what they do, look at all of the successful intelligent people Madoff and many others duped.
Tattooball if what you say is true that's pretty wild!! The impression I get is that he was the ringleader. Whether she was a willing accomplice or duped I suspect she will turn on him and cooperate with the authorities in exchange for a lesser charge or possible immunity.
This case could take quite a time to resolve!!
If my memory serves me correctly, ED A. aka surf88, went to the that "factory" back east but had to sign a non disclosure on what he saw. Which I said was really strange back then.
In light of all this I doubt that signed piece of paper is worth anything.
So why hasn't he chimeg in on any of this.
Hopefully he is in contact with the DA.
Ed is dealing with some personal health issues that require his full attention. I can't speak of his contact with the OC DA, but he is in need of prayer concerning his more pressing issue.

Did any of the others that claimed to have visited the "FACTORY" sign non-disclosure papers?

everyone keeps asking about factory! They Didn't own a factory nor did they Pay a factory to produce their bats as they needed to make a go of it...they had a run of bats for their beta testing, however GSC didn't have anyone to produce their bats.. They were asking Demarini if they could make their bats for them towards the end... At the end of the day, 3 to 5 million $$$
didn't go to the effort to produce a bat company.. Two homes rented for personal use at 17k a month and the high life is closer to the truth..
Mike, I forgot about that though we share the same problem. I put it aside as with my others and manage around them. Takes some of the stress off me anyway.
Take care and have a good new year.
Stick not sure that my perception is based on facts. these are some things that were told to me by someone that lives in the same community.

The Fact that she has her own attorney and has entered in a plea and he has a public defender and has postponed the arraignment may tell more of the story than some are looking at.

They will get their day. As I said there are many kinds of victims in this. Not just the investors. People paid for bats they will never receive. Players bought in to this B.S. and used their credibility to help promote this, and they may have unwittingly damaged their credibility. It does seem as though some are calling people out on this. I am sure that by the time they realized what was going on it was to late.

How about the church members that welcomed him into the church, they are just as much a victim of this as any. Friends and family also, imagine going out in the community and others point and say "they were friends with those 2".

It's called a con for a reason, they steal your confidence and use it to exploit bad.
swing for the fences

If there was no "FACTORY"
Where did those that "claimed" to have seen it go to?

The factory wasn't owned by GSC bats it was a manufacturer that was going to make the bats for them. NDA's are very common in this business. I have signed them with many manufactures and testing facilities. These people have intellectual properties that they need to protect. I am a little surprised that they let in people that did not have ownership or operational commitments to GSC. Normally you have to be vested in the company to get in places like this.

Like I said, many appear to have been conned in this. Mike and Ed are some of the guy's that believed in a product presented to them and the belief that it would make it to the market place. I think that make them more of a victim than accomplice.
Tattooball said it all Pull My Finger!
Tattooball I recall at the 2013 SSUSA worlds we (OKI) were handed a GSC senior bat for all of us to try out. I thought it was a great bat!! Shortly after the tournament I committed to be a rep for GSC. I was hoping to get a couple sample bats for players in my area to swing that would generate some sales and I'd make a little petty cash. I never got any sample bats. After the fifth or sixth time being told it would be several more weeks before I'd see a bat, I figured something was up--a revenue issue of some sort. I never suspected what was going on!! I didn't invest any money or anything but I feel awful for those who did.
Stick I understand, sounded very good and many tried to make it happen. the unfortunate part is good people got conned and I just hope for the people on this board realize that good people with solid back rounds tried unwittingly to promote this.

This doesn't mean they are bad people. Con men are like magicians they make things appear to be different than they really are. I am sure these reps that tried to get this bat out to market didn't profit one dime. It probably cost them plenty. They probably gave up family time, travel expenses and more to go places they normally wouldn't have to promote this and all for a total lose.
I suspect your right tattooball. I've encountered a few con men in the business world and they can certainly make things appear so good that it's hard to resist. The saying that "if it's too good to be true then it must not be true" (or something like that) applies.
S T O O O P I D B A T S ! ! !

I may have mentioned before, this STOOOPID BAT should never have been allowed in Play. It is/was a Prototype Bat with a Decal / Label - Whatever!

I'm with Benji . . . Can you say A F L A C ! ! !

Have Fun, Be Safe,
Jeff White #7
AZ Elite 50/55M+
Does all this mean I won't receive the bat I paid for in September 2010 and have been promised by GSC reps on a regular basis since then?
CPM, maybe you're lucky, one of my old BP partners died still waiting for his!
In 2013 we were given the GSC bat to test in our pre game warmup, 3 of us broke it in 40 swings. A Start Up bat manufacturing business is crazy at best, And then you're going to build a Senior 1.21 to compete against Miken, Dudley, Reebook, Combat, DeMarini .... YOU ALL know this takes REAL big money.
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