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Discussion: Some justice served.

SANTA ANNA -- God’s Sports Company owners Steven McKinlay and Kristi McKinlay pled guilty last week in Southern California to bilking their bat company and church investors out of $3 million.

They produced the GSC bat, which was used in senior softball. Steven was sentenced to 9-11 years in prison and Kristi has not been sentenced yet.

Too bad some kind of restitution wasn't included in the decision. But I hope they have a really bad time in the slammer.
Thank SSUSA for the news post.
Customers that fronted their money should have their bats in 11 years. 9 with good behavior.

Banned in Arizona
S T O O O P I D B A T S ! ! !

Bat should never had made certification anyway.

OK, return to C405's or even older ones.... I know you won't though.
Sad it ended this way...glad that truth n justice prevailed! I was one of those that invested time n small resourse to this product! Mahalo for the update. Aloha, Fabe
Just a quick correction- its GSC bats not GSF. GSF is a different senior team with absolutely no affiliation with Steve MacKinlay or his scam.
Mango thanks for the correction. The interesting thing is that a lot of guys played for both GSF and GSC, including me. But we were appalled at what he did in the name of God for his own gain.
"Customers that fronted their money should have their bats in 11 years. 9 with good behavior"

This is a sad situation all the way around. But thanks for providing some humor, I really needed that. And as they say, damn that's funny right there.
I remember sampling the bat in Vegas a few years ago. It was awesome! I committed to be a rep for my area and kept waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for sample bats to arrive but they never came. I was given assurances that I would be receiving them and that the company expected to make a huge splash for senior bats. Finally I gave up. I never invested so no money lost on my end.
Then when I found out the real story it was shocking but it made sense as to why I never received bats. I agree 100% with what Webbie stated.
Correction to Newsletter
A headline in the Senior Softball Newsletter last week regarding the sentencing of a God's Sports Company owner for fraud mistakenly labeled the company as "GSF," rather than "GSC." We apologize for the error. SSUSA

For you guys that claimed to have been to the Factory...

It's OK...

You can now come out of the closet and tell us where the Factory was or is and what you saw and did on your visit to it.

Staff and Mango:
Thanks for the correction on the GSF reference. For those of us who put a lot into the GSF team, and what it stood for, any connection to GSC is a bitter pill.
Clearly, a mistake such as this would be an easy one to make... long ago, there were many times I wanted to insert a C for an F.
I 'tested' the GSC bat 3 1/2 years ago. As clandestine as Steve McKinlay was with it, I have always wondered which 'version' we used that day... the approved one or something greater than 1.21. As Stick stated, every promise of a demo bat was followed by an excuse and more promises.
When I learned that the P:413 was 1/8" too long I spoke with Steve about this. He simply explained that it was actually the correct length but all of the other bats were too short (seriously). I thought that this seemed preposterous but he was adamant that this was the case... and so it went him.
He had even more ridiculous assertions prior to his association with GSC.
Bob Woodroof
My typo on that post, but you all know whom I meant. To bad so many got the screws put to them.
Scott ... You typed it perfectly ... The Newsletter had it wrong, which was solely our error ...
Dave, thanks but since i was a rep at one time for them and also was very negative about them, I should have known the mistake. But I'm surely not a typeist.
Question for Staff.......when McKinlay is released from prison, will he be allowed to participate in SSUSA softball?

Banned in Arizona
DBAX, are you banned from the Winter Worlds in Phoenix?
Dbax has NOT been banned from ANY SSUSA Home Office administered events ...
How diplomatic, Dave. You should run for President in 2020.
Being a member of GSC 60 M+ team. My wife and I did meet Steve and Kristi at their million dollar plus house in San Clemente. After we left, my wife asked me what I thought of them. My immediate reply was 'Bible Thumpers'. I attended a Lutheran College and have seen my share of those that are so vocal it becomes almost a 'show'. Jim and Tami Bakker come to mind. One of my own family even went through that, leaving a 3 minute sermon on his phone before you could leave a message. For those of us with a strong belief, people like this are embarrassing and disgusting. They lived high on the hog at honest people's expense. I hope they enjoy the next several years in prison, and maybe learn what believing is really all about.
By the way, Clean up-he really did have a factory that he took people to that was convincing. The people that invested were not stupid people. But the bat we had for the team was, in my view, a dud. I would never have used it in a game.

Were you at the factory?
If you were at the factory tell us about your visit.
Where was the factory and what did you see?
It is very unlikely the address given was the factory because that address is in a shopping center and most likely not zoned for industrial use.

Inquiring minds want to know!

I was not but I talked to a couple people in confidence that were and said it was convincing. It was probably a front. I will not betray a confidential conversation, but maybe someone else who took the tour might so others might not get duped again.
I noticed on the website that they said Steve received 9-11 years in state prison for his fraudulent scheme. The news articles down here in Southern California are reporting 5 years for Steve while Kristi the co-conspirator will get up to up to 1 year in county jail. Her sentencing is in December. I was wondering where the 9-11 years number came from and if its accurate. Can anybody share?

the website for one of the news articles is:

Or you can google "Steve Mckinlay fraud guilty" and it will give you more articles about his most recent fraudulent scheme, guilty plea, and sentencing along with articles on a prior scheme where he bilked investors out of money pretending to be a home builder.
you would hope it would be the 9 years.... 5 seems not enough.... if it were my money stolen, I would ask for full pardon.... I have access to a boat on the ocean..;-)
Hope it was consecutive time for each count with full restitution to be made. If not, it should have been.
We are not attorneys and make no effort to try to explain the plea agreements reached or the resultant actual/likely sentences ... For those so inclined, here are the Case Summaries for Steve and Kristi McKinlay ... They are lengthy documents, at eight and seven pages of small print, respectively ...

GSC/McKinlay Case Summaries: Steve McKinlay | Kristi McKinlay

Looks like he had a public defender. What a douche bag!

Banned in Arizona

He did and a good one. She had a costly private on. I looked them up back then.
Hope he is general population.
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