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Discussion: offering slow-pitch softball hitting Clinics in Phoenix, Az
Look up information on the website for upcoming Hitting Clinics in Phoenix area February 21st and 23rd. Sinn up quickly limited numbers and look for future Academy's in March and April. Work on Swing mechanics and get lots of hitting with individual and group analysis.
Steven Imlay
Gentlemen, a lot of guys talk hitting, but this man TEACHES you how to improve your swing. This is one clinic worth considering.
Mark Weber 65 Major Plus
Mr. Imlay was on the lead instructors at the Senior Softball Camp December 1-3 at Cocoa Beach Fl. He has the knowledge and ability to improve your hitting skills.
Steve's hitting Academy is a great way to improve your hitting skills,he's a great teacher and implements alot of high tech technology in his hitting Academy.
I'm interested in opposite field hitting.
? -- if you want to go opposite field then sign up for one of the sessions, Steve is not in the HOF just because he hits home runs, plus he will have other instructors there helping him that are also very good all around hitters.
John G.
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