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Discussion: Playing with a 5 man infield...

Posted Discussion
April 24

76 posts
I know that there are teams that play with a five man infield,other than 70 and above.
So I would like to get all of your opinions on how you utilize the middleman, when it comes to the double play situation. When or if he is used to turn it. Keeping in mind he is usually playing to the strong side,based on the hitter.
April 24
Men's 60
649 posts
The way it was taught to me and the way we played it was the middleman always has the bag. if played correctly the second baseman should be playing so deep there is no way he could ever cover the bag.
April 24
Fred S
Men's 85
297 posts
I always played my middle fielder as a rover especially if he has good range and strong arm. IMO he is more valuable as a rover than parked behind 2B.
April 24
Omar Khayyam

1353 posts
Our team has had it both ways. At times we have had an excellent rover and it is true that now and then he tracks down a soft fly, and even occasionally gets to a ball this is misplayed by a shortstop or a second baseman and still makes a play.

We also have an excellent 5th man who plays on the edge of the grass up the middle. He routinely turns 2 or 3 double plays a game.

The fifth man is more valuable for us playing as an infielder and also covering second base in lieu of shortstop or second baseman.
April 25
k man
Men's 65
332 posts
When given the option of 5 runs or a middle infielder equalizer, we have always chosen the middle infielder and it usually works out for us. He's usually offset from the pitcher, and takes most of plays at the bag. A major deterrent from guys shooting the middle.
April 26
Men's 50
232 posts
I like the 5 man for my team. The problem I see with others is they just put a guy out behind second. If the 5 man truly doesn't know how to play it you are wasting him.
A good 5 man moves left to right so the batter sees him trying to cover a hole. A better pitcher will pay attention to batters and let the 5 man know glove side or hand side, meaning where he is pitching the ball and covering.
A good 5 man moves to get the batter to hit the ball where the defense wants it. EX as a big lefty the 5 man played weak side and pitcher pitched me outside. If I want the left side hole I have to pull the outside pitch.

So bottom line is if your 5 man just stands behind second go back to 4 outfielders.
April 26
Men's 60
69 posts
To run a 5 man, you better have 3 outfielders that can cover some ground. If not, a good team will run them ragged. I see the young guys running a 5 man, plenty of wheels in the outfield. Would seem to me to be more difficult in the Senior division. Maybe the opportunities to turn double plays offsets the amount of ground each outfielder has to cover.
April 26
Men's 60
649 posts
Fred S. there is a difference between playing with a rover and playing the 5 man.

Hat man is correct too.The most important position in the 5 man is the pitcher.If you can't pitch to it you shouldn't play it.All pitchers middle and in- no outside pitches. He has to be able to pitch to the defense and field the postion as well.
April 27

96 posts
Hatman I have played the 5 man for years. A and majorball back in the day. Now I pitch for team Usa 50 major +. To me the least important player in 5 man is the middle guy. Never and I mean never should he be running around back behind me. I would put a stop to that. Very important is of. If they can't cover than don't do it unless last resort... Next your pitcher must be able to pitch to it. Inside if playing strong side. Outside if playing to weak side.. the pitcher than steps into the hole to fill in the infield.. the middle guy takes all throws and turns the double play. Keep your better fielders at as and 2 nd Reid Miller#4 team Usa
April 27
Men's 50
232 posts
I agree with you totally
not trying to say the 5 man is the most important just saying if you use the 5 man make sure the pitcher and everyone else knows how he is used.
I guess when i say running around i mean more then just standing directly behind the pitcher and 2nd
April 29

1996 posts
As one who played the middle for the last 8 years of senior ball and the last several years playing men's ball before that I wil share my insight. Titanhd is basically correct that the theory is the middle man takes the bag on dp balls. That being said on certain hitters that I know are dead pull hitters sometimes I'll tell the secondbaseman or shortstop totake the bag.
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