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Discussion: SSUSA Atlantic Coast Championships

Any scores for the SSUSA Atlantic Coast Championships available.....
why doesnt ssusa post scores like other associations or do they
Because they have an old style web page and no one that can manage it properly. They need to get with the program and update there technology.

Directors need to have access to the web page in order to post scores. It doesn't take much, just the right system in order to get it done.

At the risk of beating this dead horse again, it would be so simple to do it I can't understand why they don't. SSUSA has a facebook page. How hard would it be to have a tournament director take a photo of each tournament bracket chart at the end of each day or even at the conclusion of the tournament if daily is too much for them? Email the pics to SSUSA headquarters and they could post it to their facebook page.
I personally take pics at every tournament my team plays in and post it to our team facebook page. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, here's one I posted last year.


All they need to do is take a picture of the completed brackets and post them here. For some unknown baffling reason they choose not to.
Can you say "technology challenged!!!!! lmao.
high street bucs won 55 m+ PA posse won 40 m Team USA won 50M+
ssusa need to get there program right, rumors are out there this year usssa wants to get more involved in the senior softball. they have tournaments in Florida already.
Not a rumor, but NSA has also been in the process. And has been slightly for about 15 years. Both put on some good ones in areas this one does. Actually, ASA has done it for about 20 years, I used to do them for them.
Be it USSSA, ASA, NSA or even SPA. You can't beat SSUSA. It has taken years & years for SSUSA to get their Senior program perfected. Are they perfect? No, Are they the best program out there? With out a doubt.

I went to the ASA Western Nationals last year in Happy Valley, Oregon. It was a good tournament, but the director lost his ass. He ran the tournament for the good of ASA & lost a lot of money. All age groups & divisions were mixed to try & balance out the teams. It just didn't work. In most divisions there were only 4 or 5 teams. Not good for a National tournament.

I've participated in ASA, USSSA, NSA, SPA & Senior World Series over the years. At the National tournament level, they were pretty much good tournaments. But without the local regional tournament program, there was a lot of teams playing out of their SSUSA recognized playing levels. So teams would sandbag to win a ring. I went to NSA Worlds one year, 50 Major+ had 2 teams. They wanted us to play the best of 7 games over 3 days. What a joke.

All in all, competition is good for the sport. But from my experience, every other organization has a long way to go to match up to SSUSA's tournament process.

Mark McDaniel #44
Last Call 60 Major
Anyone know who won 50 AAA?
1st - Trinity Rizzo
2nd - GRC
3rd - Cavemen
4th - OA 50

55AAA -
1st - Md Cougars
2nd - Lynch Construction
3rd - Jackson Merchants
65 Major
1st NJ Hitmen
2nd High Street Bucks 65
3rd Jersey Masters Blue

65 Major Plus
1st Superior Senior Softball
Correction on the 55AAA, RVA finished third behind MD Cougars and Lynch construction.
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