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Discussion: Field, etc. Problems

Is it me or have I seed deterioration of services at tournaments.

Last week there was no water available except at the snack bar in San Clemente, CA.
At BLD Riverside the bases were incorrect lengths but couldn't be changed as the field crew were not available.
Most tournaments, very seldom are the fields marked, sprinkled or anything at all done between games.
Last year in Vegas (worlds) the tournament director had to use a sprinkler can of water to water down around home plate because of the dust, etc.
Hope to see better care of the fields in Vegas this year.
bruiser ... You've touched on one of the two principal items that are most difficult to control in a tournament environment: Field conditions (the other is "local" umpires) ... We are fortunate in Las Vegas that our partner, LVSSA, is as good as anyone else in the country on field prep matters ... LVSSA "gets it", they work very hard and they are invested in the best end result ... Don't worry about field prep in Las Vegas! ... As for the water issues, below is a reprint of the notice we generally have on the bracket boards when weather is likely to be warm to hot ... It's bottom line is: We will do our best to get water available and provided timely, but YOU are ultimately responsible for your own health and welfare as it relates to hydration ... Thanks!

High Temperatures & Personal Hydration

SSUSA provides water and drinking cups in (or available near) each dugout during our tournaments. In almost all instances, support for getting the water deployed and, more important, maintaining the water during the day, falls on the Park Staff at each venue. Park professionals have other responsibilities in the context of field preparation and general facility related tasks.

Accordingly, we STRONGLY advise that players come prepared to handle their OWN hydration needs and not to rely solely on the tournament or park staff to be able to immediately respond to water issues in or near the dugouts. The staff will handle water requirements as efficiently as possible, but no guarantees can be made that the timing will meet everybody’s expectations.

Thank you for taking the necessary steps to protect your health during the anticipated high temperatures forecast for the week.

SSUSA Tournament Staff

Water jugs for each team are always available behind home plate in Las Vegas. We are trying to get power hoses for the infield at some of the complexes this year.
San Clemente: The water fountains are on the upper level next to the Men's room and ladies room. As for field prep. The City provides only one field prep in the morning on all fields. That's it!! That's because a maintenance company is sub contracted. When we are there in July we hire out that maintenance company as a separate cost and pay them cash each day. Rarely are the fields NOT prepped between games. And sometime during the day the fields are watered down. The guys do a great job. We get similar service from BLD and Diamond Valley in Hemet. Regarding BLD we have had great luck with the managers at BLD Perris. If and when we have a base issue (or pot hole) its corrected immediately. Setting up a line of communications with the park managers is key for us. Especially Tom at BLD. In Hemet my only complaint is the morning crew has a habit of not unlocking the Men's and Lady's rooms. I have to chase them down and ask. Its like this: The squeaky wheel will always get the grease.

BTW you can bring water into BLD and San Clemente.

Have a good one

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