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Discussion: New Miken Senior line for 2018

Hello Everyone,
I had the opportunity to be at the Softball Magazine Senior camp in Cocoa Beach last weekend. Gene and his staff put on a fine event and we got to debut the new Miken Senior bat lineup and let the campers hit them. One very small tweak and some awesome new graphics and again Miken has a formidable line of bats to choose from. They will again be offered in a balanced version, 1/2 ounce end load, and a full ounce endload. The sound and performance coupled with fantastic durability make these a must have. Shipments begin around the end of January so if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Alan Tanner
Team 1Sports
If you want to get a look at the new Miken line I have posted a couple of videos on my you tube channel. Go on you tube and put in Alan Tanner Softball and you will see a video explaining each one and the first video of me hitting the 1/2 ounce end load versiontat I made yesterday. I will be posting the other videos soon for you to see . Miken should be releasing the first shipment around January 22nd or so. If you need more information just pick up the phone and call me.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
I just got back from a hitting and video session in Vero Beach this morning with the new Miken Big Cat 1 ounce end load. I was certainly amazed by its performance and shocked at the distances I was getting off a bat with 100 swings on it. The sound and explosiveness coupled with extreme distance makes this one of the very top bats I have ever tested. The video is on you tube now if you want to see it....

Team 1 Sports
With all due respect. You might as well photoshop the next new bat into one video. Nothing changes.Same swing-same "400 ft" statements. No matter which bat everything is the same except the color of the bat.You do know your stuff but, with you swinging it's not saying much about the bat. Next video let your Pitcher swing (hit).


But I don't see any difference in the performance of this years bat over last years bat.
How about doing a Head to Head comparison of the bats? Maybe then I can have a good reason to get the new bat.

Every new bat is the best bat ever out of the wrapper! Also the most durable and when it breaks in, look out!!

Being told Easton is back making senior bats? If so do you have any feedback or will you be hitting that bat to compare it with the others?

Fair observation guys so let me give you a little More detail to help you understand where I’m coming from. Last years bats were so good I was afraid when the engineers wanted to change them some. After testing prototypes and now the finished products they are indeed better and here is why. At 60-85 swings we are achieving the same results that we had to wait until 250-300 swings to achieve before. Are you going to hit balls 50’ farther? Most likely not but EVERY player at EVERY skill level will benefit in MORE HIGH PERFORMANCE SWINGS in this entire bat line than ever before. It’s great to get 1200 swings on a senior bat but at what level of performance are they? This will also greatly benefit older players with slower swing speeds in their quest to get their bats game ready. The break in period is shorter, the high performance is there and the durability is still outstanding. I did notice personally that I did achieve a certain rise in batted ball speeds and distance as well but each player is an individual with different technique, strength, and mechanics. I do know that these bats are incredibly good with the biggest sweet spot of all of the senior bats.

Incidentally, the pitcher and each of the players on hand hit these bats too. I said little to them and let them all have their own observations and opinions. Each of them had hit other bat brands along with Miken this past year. Every single player observed the immediate response after taking the wrapper off and unanimously agreed that they were better than anything previously hit. Everyone of them ordered as least one or multiple bats.....

Benji, I am aware of Easton’s return to senior Softball. Being the bat geek that I am I will check them out and report in on them as well. Easton has made some good products over the years and it’s good for senior Softball that they are back at it again.

In closing, when I post information I put out the facts that I have seen or experienced to the best of my ability in an effort for each senior player to make the best decision on any equipment they purchase. I love the game, the players, and the equipment. If I can do anything for you guys just reach out...

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
I just invented the best mouse trap ever. Who wants one, oh wait I'll have a better one in a week.

Everyone should know that senior bats have a 1.21 rating can't get any better than that.

I do understand some bats are better then others, but it still goes to the old saying, it's not the arrow it's the Indian.

some say 325 others some say 425, last time I looked the furthest fence we play on is 325 or 300. How much further do you want to hit it and do they give any extra runs for distance.

enough with this nonsense. If your bat is not performing like it use to, you need a new bat, you do not need a new bat every time a new bat is introduced to the market, unless you have deep pockets.

Find a bat that you like, work with it, hit it till it breaks in and use it till it breaks. REPEAT!
Alan, I appreciate your knowledge and insight as well as the descriptions of the new bats. Watching your reviews helps me (and I'm sure others) make decisions when we are in the market for a bat. I like the reports on the distances, weighting, velocity etc. Keep up the good work. I figure it this way, 400ft. homerun range is something to consider if the wind is blowing in, it may knock it down but it will be past the 300ft mark. 400 footers are great, I mean which would you rather catch a Bluegill or a Muskie?
It's not the distance when you hit the sweet
spot that's important. It's how far or hard you hit it when you miss the sweet spot that's the big deal.As Alan pointed out, the new Miken has the biggest sweet spot. Therefore players of all skill levels will benefit from using one of the new Mikens.Who cares about hitting the ball 400 feet? It's hitting it 310 when you would have only hit it 290 with another bat that makes the new Miken different.
Alan hits the ball well, no doubt about that.

What I would like to see all these bats put on a machine the swings exactly the same and let's see the results. Not a guy like AT who works out and swings just about every day hit balls that are traveling 350 all the time.

How does that compare to the every other a week or so senior player who reads theses post. Every bat out there performance in the hands of it's owner. As for the sweat spot it's either 12 inch barrel or 13 inch no much more to say.

It seems to me that the bats that are very hot out of the wrapper, longevity is a issue, just common sense.

again the only reason to go out a buy a new bat is yours cracked or it was stolen.

Not because someone hit a softball 400ft with version 364 of the same bat.

I was asked to hit a brand new senior bat once and hit a ball that traveled over 400ft, wow I thought I need to get me one just like it. well guess what the new one I bought never hit a ball any where near 400 ft. Don't understand why, but I ended up selling that bat.

All I am saying is don't let the hype affect your money making decisions.

My 2 cents.

Probably many on this board are not every other week or so players. I hit at least twice a week and I'll bet the majority of followers on this board are tournament players who do likewise.

Also, isn't it comforting to know that when your bat does break and you can't find another 2008 Combat you can view the videos and find something comparable to what you're accustomed to?
Alan, how does the Big Cat do with a 52/300 ball?
every player looks to improve his game one way or another....of course every item we use is attempted to be made better over the previous model....why else do we put model years on new vehicles, they are all the same right???...I get "sucked" into this "trap" every year when all the new bats are released...but you know what???...They ARE better....I don't hit 400 feet but if I go from 300 to 315, that may make the difference between a ball by the short stop a little faster or a gapper between the outfielders....I like Alan and he gives great information...he has never steered me, personally, in the wrong direction with equipment and I respect his opinions on equipment...I will never blame my equipment for being responsible for poor playing no matter what sport I play and I take advantage of all the best in softball, hockey and golf....that way, I know my equipment is at it's best and the rest is up to me.....I never leave the field and say, I wished I had used another bat.....Alan is just passing the information onto us and I, for one, appreciate any input to excel in my playing ability....just my opinion
The Big Cat happens to hit those very well. In my Bp bag I keep about 8 of those just out of curiosity during testing. ( Obviously we use an entire bag of those when testing ASAbats) I’m not sure if you are aware but Mikens ASA version of the DC41 has the same one ounce end load as the Big Cat. It swings very similar as swing weights are close. The ASA DC41 technology is different as it’s engineered specifically to hit the ASA 52/300 and 52/275 balls. When you hit that bat you will see but it’s performance that it’s tuned for those balls and hits them even better....

Team 1 Sports
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