If a 70+ year old player who plays primarily with a 70AAA team (Rating Index 3) is also rostered on, and occasionally plays with a 65AAA team (Rating Index 4) in emergencies, does he count as an "Out of Rating" player on the roster of the 70AAA team.
After the second time he plays down to 65-AAA, he will then become an "out of rating" roster spot on the 70-AAA team ... NOTE: Simply being "on the roster" is not considered in that count ... He gets one "freebie" per playing season ...
Thanks for the quick response. And for the clarification about "on the roster" versus actually playing.
Help out an old man. Not sure I understand the above.
To the point. Can a 75+ AAA player, play 5 tournaments
with a 75+ team and can they also play with a 70AAA team in 5 different tournaments?
Gary, as long as your 75 team stays under or at 3 ‘out of rating’ players you can play all season with both 70aaa and 75aaa.
(Dave will correct if l am wrong)
Gary ... crusher nailed it ... Thanks!
And I would think they wouldn't have to be different tournaments but if both age groups have games at the same time, you would then have the dilemma of which team to play for.
k man also triggers one other relevant consideration ... At that age, it's not uncommon for both 75-AAA and 70-AAA to end up in a mixed combined seeding and/or bracket group ... If that happens, a player rostered on both teams would have to select only ONE of those teams to play with in seeding pool play (and bracket play if they compete in one bracket) ... If the brackets are split, he may play for both, subject to the potential conflict of playing at the same times ...
Thanks guys that covered all my questions including Dave's last post which covered a consideration I had not considered.