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Discussion: Speed up game

Posted Discussion
July 7

8 posts
Just a thought on speeding up the game. How about the visiting team bats 2 innings then the home team bats 2 innings just through the first 4 innings then finish the last 3 as is. There are other versions of this that can be talked about also. Doing it through 6 innings. Visitors bat once then Home team twice visitors twice ect sort of like the bowling format. I think the 4 inning would speed up the game just enough and keep it closest to what we have now. This would save the time of switching 2 times a game. I'm guessing at least 5 minutes let alone the extra mileage running back and forth to the outfield.
July 7

42 posts
I don't understand the obsession of the wanting to speed up the game. It appears the vocal crowd is inconvenienced by the general principle of the sport. Perhaps these individuals who want specific/significant changes should explore starting another softball league to incorporate different formats (e.g., shorter time limits, virtual gaming…).

This topic has been beaten to death, however, there isn’t a cat so flat that you can’t run it over one more time.
July 7
Men's 75
608 posts
What is this "running back and forth to the outfield" which you typed of ctown?
July 7
Men's 50
48 posts
If everyone on the defensive switch lightly jogged off the field, that would help speed the game up.

If your abilities or desire have digressed to the point where walking off the field, or to your defensive position is your only option, then limit yourself to an infield position.

We the players have more control over speeding up the game this way.
July 8
Nancy Allen
Men's 55
1440 posts
crown, the seniors do that in leagues here. I personally am not a fan of it but understand why they do it. Hustle helps, but as we get older, we lose a little pep in our step. I am a little bit of a purist on the game. So I am a little biased and am not in favor of a lot of changes except hit and sit. My biggest fear is that we regress to hitting off of tees or using pitching machines. This is a joke, but if you want to speed up the game why not go 1 pitch?
July 8

76 posts
We play it in league twice a week. It's not set up to give the old guys a break from going back and forth between innings.
We play 9 innings in the time it takes for 7.
Pitcher has 3 warm-up pitches for two innings. Don't need to wait for the pitcher to find his mask and shine guards. The next batter up is already on deck.
I think it's a good option for seeding games and let them end in a tie after 7.
July 8

76 posts
Clarify 7th..if it's a tie,leave it that way.
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