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Discussion: MidWest Championships

Folks are quick to criticize when tournament data is not posted. So great job by the staff to have the Midwest Championships that completed yesterday already posted on line. Good job.
I was going to write a post about this
Great job on getting the scores out
Next tournament, please bring some clouds..lol
Where are the completed tournament scores for 70 major?
Found partial completed bracket.
crusher ... Refresh/Re-download the data file ... You have an interim mid-tourney version ... It's complete, with Minnesota P5/Ancell (18) over the Okies (10) in the Championship ..
Coop3636...could have used some grass on the outfields as well (maybe because no clouds lately?). Those were some of the roughest outfields I've played on since playing senior ball. You had to play the outfield like you were a hockey goalie. A few of the fields were OK but most were in bad shape.

Thanks to SSUSA for a well run tournament, good umpires with great attitudes and an overall good time. Just would have been better with a little grass in the outfield.
The field conditions on #4 were the worst. The outfield went up and down (not even at all) there were only weeds. The outfields were bad on all the fields.

The grounds keepers only lined the fields, but nothing else at all but a little rack here or there. No drags, no water between any games as I watched 3 in a row on one field. Infields were terrible, outfields were terrible. Umpires were good, stats on line were good.

If we are going to continue to go to Rogers (which seems so far for so many teams) then the City needs to step up to the plate and take care of their fields.

With the number of teams attending this tournament not sure why we could not have done it in 2 days instead of 3 for the 50's, 55's and 60s. Only 2 games a day is not much on the first day. We could have played later games, and I saw empty fields at times.

Move this tournament to Columbia or KC.
creins ... You're the second advocate of the two-day schedule theory for this event to step into that "mess" ... Here's a reprint of part of my July 9th reply on same ...

SATURDAY (As was scheduled)
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM as scheduled = 40 games (2 slots open at 5:00 PM)

5:00 PM = 2 games
6:30 PM = 6 games
8:00 PM = 6 games
9:30 PM = 6 games
11:00 PM = 6 games
12:30 AM Sunday = 5 games

We could probably roll the 12:30 AM games to 2:00 PM (1) and 3:30 PM (4) on Sunday, but we don't schedule beyond 3:30 PM "IF" games due to travel issues ... What would you do? ...

Just a suggestion for a 2 day tourney
Start early and run late on Sat and later on Sunday.

If you run the Sunday "IF" games later, it only affects 2 teams.
It is better to make it better for the majority and not the few.
I would rather start at 7 am on Saturday if we had to and play late on Sat and Sunday.
My team would be able to travel more if that was the case. Most would leave after work on Friday.
Just my 2 cents worth
Brett .. It's probably best you leave this one alone and defer to the official SSUSA "schedule geek"! ... We don't go beyond 3:30 PM "If" games as a company policy for travel purposes ... Starting at 7:00 AM has never (?) been approved for us by any facility (the earliest we go anywhere is 7:30 AM in Las Vegas) ... But let's say for the sake of (meaningless) discussion, we could start at 7:00 AM ... That just changes the last round of games (above) from 12:30 AM Sunday morning to 11:30 PM Saturday night ... Not sure that would be perceived as a material schedule enhancement by very many players ... But heck, the next time the Midwest rolls around again is like 50 weeks from now, so there's no pressure to restructure NOW! ... Cheers!

Do you like single elimination?
Do you like champions being determined by a coin flip?
Do you like teams bowing out due to injury?

That's pretty much what you're setting yourself up for.

If you shorten a national tournament to two days there is no chance for schedule recovery if inclement weather strikes, or when the power goes out, or an on-field injury occurs. This is a very simple concept. Once you've given Friday away and chosen not to play, you can't get it back.

Keep doing your thing, Dave. As a fellow schedule geek, I appreciate the bracket logic and all of the variables that you have to deal with when putting a schedule together.

I will leave this alone after this last comment.
The tourney that was played at Texas AM last weekend started at 7am on sat
The 50s and 55s played on sat and Sunday only
They had 7 teams in the 55 AAA division and it was 105 degrees.
It does happen in SSUSA and the teams didn't complain anymore than teams that have to play 3 days.
I agree that the 3 days gives a lot more wiggle room for weather, long games etc
I will concede it probably works better with the 3 days
Just please look at each division for each tourney and if it is small, try to make it a
2 day tourney.
I will see you in Vegas.(hopefully will get to play all 4 days)
PS.. I wont respond again to this thread, I know it gets old.
I see the issue with all the games, but if you moved back to KC with 8 fields instead of 6, that would maybe work better.

Dave no comment about the field conditions. They were the worst I have seen and they did not even work the infield. Hope they gave you some $$ back.

Any chance we can move next year back to farther north to get some of the Minnesota teams back?
Here's something to consider. Arkansas is NOT even considered to be in the Midwest.
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