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Discussion: New Worth Wicked Pro XL Signature Series

Hello Everyone,
A couple updates on the Wicked Pro XL. There is some new video footage over on You Tube where you can see the bat being hit. IJust put iAlan Tanner Softball in the search box and scroll down to it. It’s pretty easy to see how forgiving and high performance this bat is even early in its life. The good news is that the bat is highly durable and just continues To slowly get better and better as you hit it and it’s sweet spot is unmatched. Worth/Miken is telling me that dealer preorders are very strong so it’s taking a little longer to build up enough inventory to fill all the orders. They are going to try and start shipping to dealers towards the end of this coming week so they can get in players hands that are preordering. ASAP. You don’t want to miss out on getting one of these, that’s for sure! We will have some shipping out to Las Vegas to the BIG SSUSA Nationals starting next week as well. Most likely we will be set up at Big League Field of Dreams all sessions and Mighty Mike Macenko will be at some other parks as well. If you need anymore information about the bat just pick up the phone and call me.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Worth/Miken Pro Staff
If you are out in Vegas now and want to demo one of the new Worth Wicked XL bats look for Caros Vega from Elite as he will be set up at Big League Field of Dreams. Any other questions feel free to call me at 561-718-7504.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Worth/Miken Pro Staff
So several reports from the Wild , Wild West of Las Vegas.....
Apparently, there is a WICKED new sheriff in town and he’s taking over the fields. The more Wickeds getting out on the field, the more calls, text, and messages I get! Glad you like them guys....they just slowly get better and better and better. Better get WICKED and don’t show up with a dull knife to a gunfight....

Alan Tanner
Worth/ Miken Pro Staff
What's the difference between your signature bat and the Jason Kendricks freak? I loved the one piece wicked but it blew up on me. I then started using the Kendricks and didnt think there was any comparison. The freak was super stiff and didnt sound like a senior bat. It took hundreds of swings to start getting that good sound and performance i was used to from a senior bat. I will probably wind up with another wicked but i'm a little hesitant to get another two piece bat
Grab the new Wicked XL Pro
It sold out at Vegas and across the country. We made changes to barrel length, end loading, layup, and handle flex which all added up to one of the most potent senior bats and most importantly the most forgiving bat. I am expecting a shipment late this week as all my others have immediately sold out.
Alan Tanner
Miken/Worth Pro Staff
So...the last shipment sold out too but....I got some more in today and am expecting about 100 more bats on Thursday. The demand has been great and people continue to give me good feedback.

Worth Sports
What kind of durability can we expect?
Alan covers "durability" in his first post above.
Now that some more time has gone by and our durability tests have gone on, and on,and on.....and you will find the Wicked Pro XL among the top in duarabilty AND performance and THE top in sweet spot and in its ease of swinging. It remains the top seller across the country but fortunately the factory has caught up and I actually have stock. Thankfully.... the Wicked Pro XL is PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA .

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
I have close to 400 swings on my Wicked 2 piece and it still looks new.....really loosening up and smoking the ball....I don't think durability is an issue at all with this bat...some of you bigger guys may break it but us normal guys will be just fine
Alan, also that ASA Worth EST is hot right out of the wrapper. I love it my team mates love it and I believe they will be calling you to order theirs as i shut them down from using mine. I love my Wicked and my EST Great bats from Worth!!
I have 4 one Piece Wicked's, great bat. I purchased the Two piece back in September. Still breaking it in. I have found the Two Piece Wicked a Tougher nut to crack in regards to breaking in, in comparison to the One Piece. Anyone else having this issue?
Gonedeep - I am having that same issue, have about 250 swings on mine. Will be back at it again next year! :-)
mck71. Been at it with either BP or Tee time. Still sounds like a PVC pipe without the PVC performance.
Occasionally you will get a bat that’s a little stiffer than some others and take a bit longer to break in. My experience tells me that those bats that require a little extra break in effort reward you with a long, rich life of high performance. The Wicked XL Pro GENERALLY begins breaking in nicely after 100-150 swings. My experience also tells me that it has 3 different performance gears along the break in cycle. Remember that break in periods can vary quite a bit player to player depending on bat speed, strength, technique, types of balls being hit as well as their condition, and also weather. All in all you will find the bat to be among the very best ever produced. Best of luck !

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
Worth/ Miken Pro Staff
Picked up the 2 piece in Vegas from Carlos. Used it out of the wrapper and then again in Ft Meyers. Let's put it this way. I sold all my other senior bats. 1st time in 18 years I only own one bat.
Different bats with different batters and balls definitely breaks in with varying number of swings.

My 65+ day team got a new 2018 BigCat. The bat has about 2500 swings using 52/300 balls. It still is not broken-in! The ball flight limit is 295’ , do not know if distance will ever improve with the 52/300 ball.

I’m glad that you love the bat. I keep getting more and more reports across the country like yours. So much so that I have been informed that the Wicked Pro XL is now the #1 selling bat across the country. Fortunately, we ramped up production so we have some in stock.
Crusher....you are hitting softballs that really weren’t designed to be hit with that bat. The Big Cat is designed and engineered to be hit with 44/375 softballs NOT 52/300 which are for ASA bats. Go hit some 44/375 balls with it and it will break right in. After the break in is complete try hitting some 52/300 balls and performance will improve there too.

Alan Tanner
Team 1 Sports
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