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Discussion: adidas melee

Are there any adidas reps out there that have any of the new 2019 bats for sale right now
Hi Mike,
There will be a bunch of reps in Vegas trying to cover all of the different venues. Lee Trotter, Paco, Ken & Myself, that I know of.
Thanks for asking

Mark 44 McDaniel
Yes, we should all have the new 2 piece Adidas Senior Bat available for sale

Mark 44 McDaniel
Mark, he is asking do you have any NOW.

big cat7: someone must, I saw a guy with one at a tourney this past weekend, said it was delivered to him Saturday, sorry I didn't ask who he bought it from.
mck71 & big cat7,
Yes we have 2Piece Adidas Senior Bats NOW & more will be coming in as the tournament progresses.

Mark 44 McDaniel
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