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Discussion: Preparing for Hip Replacement
Not sure what happened on the last time I tried to post this.
Need help preparing for Hip replacement.
Core? Recovery? Prep? I drive 60-90 minutes to work, how long before I can do it?
Any help would be appreciated.
I've had both hips replaced. If your overweight lose some, get the VERY BEST orthopedic surgeon in your area, make sure they know you want to have an 'active lifestyle" afterward and I suggest you have a discussion on what material you want but most of all - DO THE REHAB!
Today Hip replacements are very successful and routine. You should be able to function "almost normally" in a short period of time (6-8 weeks). I returned to work in 4 weeks.
Good Luck!
Try this website: surfacehippy (just google "surfacehippy")
ALLPRO had great suggestions. Make sure you go INTO surgery in the best physical shape possible. You will come out of surgery so much easier. Try water walking. Before my surgery (metal in both hips) I went to the pool and walked/ran every day
Do the rehab ! I still do my hip exercises after 8 years. And I now play in three senior leagues and tournaments.
Good luck !
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