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Discussion: Player ID renewal

Where on this web site is the place for player ID renewal. I read it was on my personal pade, but I can’t seem to find it. Can someone help me?
I too would like to renew online but see nothing on my homepage
I think that your best option right now is to call the office during the week.
They do not update the home page until AFTER Vegas which is essentially the end of the 2018 season (I know this because I called the home office! :-)

So 2 options: 1) wait until after Vegas, at some point your home page will allow you to do it online or 2) call the home office and do it there, they said they won't mail out the cards until the end of Oct at the earliest.

Hope this helps.
well, that sucks !!
Question for SSUSA Staff:

This year there are three tournaments listed in October that says 2019 Event.
If your card expires end of 2018 season would you need to renew card to play in any of these events just like the Winter Worlds?
T.C.Sr., since almost everyone is busy with the tournament right now, I checked with the office. The current one season player cards expire October 31 as would any multi-year card that is good until 2018. So looking at the 2019 roster tournaments that you described in 2018, it would depend on which one you are referencing. My guess would be that you are asking about the Winter National or Winter World. Both of those are after October 31. The other 3 (non TOC) are before that date. There are people at the office if you have other questions on this.

The office said that they have been taking renewals over the phone and would be glad to do that. As mck71 also stated above, they will not be mailing those cards out immediately, but a player should show up as good on the rosters that are generated.
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