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Discussion: Rule: 1.27 • FORCE OUT - FORCE PLAY

(b) If the forced runner, after touching the next base, retreats
for any reason towards the base he last occupied, the force play is reinstated
and he may again be put out if the defense tags the runner or the base to which the runner is forced.

I asked this in the other post and after thinking more about it I still can't come up with a scenario for why a forced runner would retreat to the previous bag??
If the runner was forced to advance and he safely acquired the next bag and then started retreating back he should be called out because the rules also state a base runner must touch bases 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in that order.

am i missing something here.. what is the purpose for part (b) of this rule?

It takes a pretty far-fetched hypothetical to fit, but let's try this one ...

• Bases loaded, none or one out ... Batter hits fly ball that's going to be a tough catch for outfielder retreating toward the fence ...
• R3 stays at 3rd to see what happens ... R2 takes off toward 3rd and R1 does the same from 1st, and rounds 2nd before both reverse course to tag up thinking there's a catch ...
• R1 retreats back toward 1st and (properly) touches 2nd on the way, but has his back to the play ... Ball drops, so now the force play is reinstated for all three base runners ... Throw to 2nd gets R1 on the reinstated force play ...

Again, that's a really random and unlikely (0.5% ?) factual situation, but it would fit! ... WOW, I feel like one of you guys dreaming up the facts to fit the rule, rather than the other way around!

1. Zero outs runner on 1st base
2. Batter 2 hits ground ball. Throw to 1st to force B2 out
3. Batter 1 reached 2nd successful. Then with time still in play retreats to
1st base getting tagged out, Dummy
crusher ... Please re-read B.J.'s question ... Your analysis ends with a tag play and not a force play ... (Dummy???)
lmao Thx. Dave.. I have to admit that was a good one.. and it's really good to know that we already have a rule in place just in case that should ever happen..

and as far as the dummy.. I think crusher meant the runner?? ..but I also do resemble that at times
I resemble that remark on occasion, as well ...
How about this.
Runner on first. Shallow ball is hit to right field and appears to be a single. Runner on first takes a big turn after second and interprets base coach's instructions that ball was caught, so retreats back, touches second and is approaching first when realizes that ball was NOT caught since batter is standing on first, so turns around and runs to second again. Fielder throws ball to second baseman standing on second and ball arrives before runner. No tag on returning runner. Is runner forced out, or must he be tagged?

Sounds like my team at times.
omar.. according to the rule the force out is reinstated so no tag is necessary
B.J. Yes l was definitely referring to the runner.

Dave, sorry l was not more clear.

Runners whether going to or retreating to a base must touch all bases in the proper order. If they don't they are subject to be out upon PROPER APPEAL.
Had a similar situation in a conference usssa game a few years ago.I’m behind the dish. Runner on second, no outs. Batter hits a low liner to center. My partner runs out and doesn’t make a call, at least that can be seen by the runner, who was off the bag thinking the ball was down. Then my partner turned around and signaled a catch. Center fielder got up threw the ball to second to double the runner off but luckily for the runner it was wide throw and he got back safely or else he would have been doubled off. We then caught hell from the coaches and rightfully so.
Rule of thumb: In Omar’s scenario and the above the umpire has to make a call for all to hear and see so baserunners aren’t confused and can react properly.
Well Dave, it happens. Witnessed it this year in a 50 and over league. Lot of guys that have never played before (or not since tee-ball).
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