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Discussion: Top Gun Yuma Tournament

Why was this Tournament Canceled ????????
Insufficient number of teams (7) entered!!!!!!!! ... The mix was: 40-AAA, 50-Major, 50-AAA (2), 60-AAA, 70-Major and 75-AAA ...
WHY CAN'T WE GET GUYS TO GO TO YUMA AND PLAY ON THAT BEAUTIFUL COMPLEX....this is now two tourneys that have been canceled. WTH?
I think it is to close to Vegas on the calendar. Would be wise to move Kingman Spring Worlds to Yuma. Beautiful complex.
Jan/Feb we go. We were close to signing up this year, but had a few guys who couldn't make dates. I really want to play there.
A message I posted last week for SSUSA...

As I look at the tourneys for the year for the South Western area Cal and Arizona I took 2 divisions 50s and 55s being most popular and noticed there's almost twice as many tourneys in Az as opposed to Ca.? 15(Az) / 8(Cal) but team wise there's 106 Ca. teams to 32 Az teams, just in So. Cal alone there's 52 teams, why such disparity tourney wise when Ca. has almost 3 times as many teams? prices of the fields?

Seems like you guys could make a heck of a lot more money having tourneys in Ca. as opposed to Az.(nothing against Az. fine state!) I'm thinking not a lot of Ca. teams are traveling to Az for any small tourneys. I did not go back prior years so maybe your alternating years and this year is AZ turn for more tourneys or is it this way every year? either way just wondering the thinking behind it?

Dbax Were playing in two weeks in So. Cal (Hemet) so far we have 30 teams registered (50s through 65) probably couple more before tourney date, then we have Vegas just two weeks after that, we would probably have more if Vegas wasn't so close.
lowprofile, after playing on the fields in Kingman at the Spring Worlds(great state and the people in Kingman are awesome). There may be even more teams not traveling to AZ.
EMJ, I went to AZ many years ago just visiting and yes the people were so very cool, as for the fields I cannot comment on them as I haven't played on any of the fields. Maybe due to desert location the fields are not the best IDK? but I dont want to slam any state, I was just wondering about the disparity in number of tourneys with the big difference in the amount of teams is all.

I truly dont want anyone in AZ to be upset with what I have said! was just curious.

lowprofile ... My apologies for not replying to you earlier, so I'll fill you in a bit on your question/observation about the number of AZ vs. CA events ... The apparent disparity in favor of AZ is because the AZ regional State Director there runs a lot of smaller qualifiers and recreational tourneys, none of which are TOC qualifiers ... The TOC events are all run by and administered from the SSUSA Office in Sacramento ... (They are highlighted in light blue on our Tournament page.)

There are two California site TOC events, the Northern California (Sacramento) and Southern California (Hemet) State Championships ... In Arizona there are 1½ TOC events ... Half of the Spring Worlds (Bullhead City and Kingman, but not Mesquite, NV) and the Winter World Championships (Phoenix) comprise the Arizona component ...

Also contributing to the illusion of disparity is the fact that the NCSSA and SCSSA are large senior softball associations that run a lot of events in NorCal and SoCal, respectively, and are very similar to what the AZ independent director does ... There are a lot of really good events available in both states, and all of the promoters involved are really good at what they do ... Good luck! ...

Dave no appolgies neccessary, I know your a busy guy! So yes I do see your point sir, I was not aware of thier NCSSA so I get it being alot of them are none TOC qualifiers, so it makes since now. And yes we are lucky to have SOCALSSA as I think it gives most any team an outlet to play here in So. Cal. and usualy these tourneys draw a lot of teams.

Also I'm truly happy this year your putting our state in Hemet, I know we tried to get you guys to go to Hemet as a lot of us signed a pettion to get you guys to try Hemet.... it looks like it passed! SOCALSSA does a great job and I'm sure most of us are happy we have them.

So thanks for getting back to me Dave and explaining the situation to me...nuff said I'm done with this topic. Are you going to be at the Vegas tourney at the end of this month? if so I will come hit you up for a quick chat!
Yep, I'll be in Las Vegas as one of the Field Directors at BLD all six days ... Will also be at both Manager Meetings at Boulder Station the night before each session ... It's always nice to put a face with a username! ... Play safely and good luck! ...
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