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Discussion: Seattle Steelheads 55+ AAA recruiting players

Washington, Oregon, Idaho States: Seattle Steelheads, a men’s 55+ AAA tournament team based in Puget Sound, is recruiting players. This is a new team. We have heard that there is an abundance of men who wish to play tournaments, but they can’t find a spot on one of the established teams. We will be doing a series of tryouts to recruit a full team for tournament play in an around Washington, Oregon and beyond. If you are interested please respond here with your contact details.
Open Tryout at Torguson Park in North Bend on August 24 at 10:30 am. BP, Fielding, Short Interviews. All positions are open. If you are in Oregeon or Idaho, just contact me and I will catch up with you. We aren't expecting folks to travel in from out of state.
Hi Bruce,
What is your contact number?
Hello Bruce M,
What is the best and quickest way to contact you? Or call me @443-421-6579 at your earliest convenience.
Interested. What's your contact info?
I am interested also, Bruce. Please post your contact info.
Also, interested, but I'll be out of town on 8/24, based in Sammamish, don't see a way to contact you yet.
Bruce M,
I am still interested but like Brucesky I will be out of town on the 24th. Please post contact info so we can talk and maybe make other arrangements. Thanks
Gentlemen - I didn't see your responses until now. We still have a few open spots. Please contact me at bmaclaren@outlook.com or 425-763-7145
We will have a few spots open. Please contact me if you are a free agent looking for a tournament team in Washington State: 55 or older. Thx.
We have a great core team now. Still a few spots open. If you are a free agent looking for a tournament team, let me know. Thx.
Bruce M, you needed to respond sooner than 3 months later. I found another team.
Hi Bruce, Great that you found a team! Yes, as I mentioned on October 30, I hadn't checked this post between August and October. I left my contact details above. My full contact details are on this site.
Seattle Steelheads: Still have a few spots open. If you have experience and are looking for a team, please contact me. Thx
Thx. Bruce K. Send me your contact details and experience and I'll call you. I do have a few spots to fill.
whats up Bruce
Just "signed" one more great guy. I still have two spots left. Please let me know if you are looking for a tournament team in Washington/Oregon/BC/Idaho area my contact details are on this site. Thx
Thx. John - send me your cell number and I'll call you.
Our roster is full for 2020. Thanks to all those who have contacted me.
Are you still looking for players? I pitch, catch, 1B EH
Hi Hitwithme10. Actually, my shortstop just broke his foot and is out for the season. I'm looking for a shortstop.
I have two spots. They just opened up over the past weeks. If you have experience and are looking for a great team, please text me. Thanks.
Filled both spots. We are full. Thx.
I have two spots open. Please text me at 425-463-7145
I am interested and very available. I have references. I can play any position like a starter. I hit to all fields with power for high average. I can pump up when needed. I can make any tourney. I will text you. ER
RECRUITING FOR 2021 SEASON: We are looking for good players for next season. By interest, please text me at 425-463-7145.
We have a couple spots that will be opening up... We have a strong core team...
I would apply for your team, but there's too many peoples name that start with the letter 'B' \m/
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