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Discussion: TOC UPDATES

The TOC started a bit late at most places this morning due to heavy overnight rains. Directors and others are working to recover schedules and get teams on and off the field today.

I will TRY to update the message board as I get time.
Please be patient if info doewn't come through as quickly as you'd like.

55/60 Platinum seed games from Loyce Harpe Complex
1. Buell Fuel. (12:30 on Sat)
2. Doerflinger (12:30 on Sat)
3. FL Legends (12:30 on Fri)
4. Rock & Legends (12:30 on Fri)
5. Speedwerx (12:30 on Fri)
6. Olympian Athletics (12:30 on Fri)
7. FL Stingers (12:30 on Sat)
8. Pope Trnsport (12:30 on Sat)

PS- all star game result from Wednesday
American 33 defeated National 22
^^^^ that was seeding (1-8) after preliminary play, followed by their 1st bracket game time.
60 AAA from Diamondplex

1. Scrap Iron Heavy Metal (930 Sat)
2. Berkley Home Remodel (930 Sat)
3. L.I. Jaguars (200 Friday)
4. Crossfit / Great Clips (200 Fri)
5. DT Express (200 Fri)
6. Red Hawk Nation (200 Fri)
7. Chicago Panthers (200 Fri)
8. Old Stars (200 Fri)
9. Texas Thunder (200 Fri)
50-55 Platinum from Diamondplex

1. Deluxe Bakery (1100 Sat)
2. Walkoff (500 Fri)
3. Homer Lovers (500 Fri)
4. CPD / Ancell (500 Fri)
5. RBC Wealth Management (500 Fri)
6. Brickyard Classics (500 Fri)
7. Suncoast Adidas (500 Fri)
80-85 Men from Walker Road (pool games)

2-0. MN Masters 80
1-1. Buscs and Bulps 80
1-1. Chicago Geezers 80s
1-1. Center for Sights 85s
1-1. ProHealth Care 85s
0-2. New York Statesman
Seed pool play game scores and earlier Friday Bracket round games have been posted to the base Schedule and bracket sets from AUBURNDALE for ...

MEN'S 60-AA and
MEN'S 65/70-PLATINUM ...

Pool play is currently underway for MEN'S 65-AAA ... ALL eight teams in that division will commence bracket play at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning ...

40 Platinum times for Saturday at Loyce Harpe

4- CBD vs
5- Homer Lovers

3- Cali Gold vs
6- Thunderboldts

2- Suncoast vs
7- NW Legends

1- S2S vs
Winner of 8am game

50 SILVER UPDATES (should have posted last night)

1. High Street Bucs (930am)
2. Area 51 (930am)
3. Manifest (800am)
4. Finance of America (800am)
5. ETX (800am)
6. Bond 124 /RDD (800am)
7. Lakeshore (800am)
8. Grayed & Confused (800am)
9. Central FL Vipers (800am)
10. Drury Road Dogs (800am)

Good luck!
Pool play for the women's divisions has concluded-

3-0... Firestyx 40s
2-1... Colorado Ohana 40s
2-1... Motown Magic 50s
1-2... Kryptonite 40s
1-2... Unfazed 50s
0-3... Fireballs

Bracket play starts at 11:00am. Good Luck!
AUBURNDALE scoring and brackets are updated online through 8:00 AM EST games on Saturday morning ... Weather is vastly improved over yesterday, with chilly temps under cloudless skies and a slight breeze ...
40 AAA seeding games are now complete. The bracket begins at 12:30 for all

1- Y'all Next vs
4- Gigantes

2- NW 40s vs
3- Mission Possible

Good luck

Any updates for the 70 gold at Walker Road Complex in Lakeland ?
AUBURNDALE scoring and brackets are updated online through 11:00 AM EST games on Saturday morning
Would be nice to see updates at all fields please....todays technology certainly allows for it ....we like to see who’s winning too
55-60 Platinum
Winner bracket
Buell Fuel vs Rock & Legends
Olympian Athletics vs FL Stingers

Stil alive- Pope Transport, Speedwerx, FL Legends, Doerflinger

40 Platinum update
Winner final on Sunday
Suncoast vs S2S

Alive in loser bracket
Color by Design, Cali Gold, Northwest Legends, Homer Lovers, Thunderboldts

40 AAA
Winner final is Gigantes vs Mission Possible
Stil alive- Y'all Next and NW 40s

50 championship Unfazed vs Motown Magic
40 Major championship. Kryptonite vs CO Ohana
40 AAA championship. Firestyx vs Fireballs

AUBURNDALE scoring and brackets are updated online through all FRIDAY & SATURDAY games ... SSUSA vs. Louisville Slugger Warriors All-Stars game up next at 7:00 PM EST ...
Nice job keeping up with things guys, truly appreciate it! :-)

55-60 Platinum
Winner Bracket Final Sunday
Olympian Athletics vs Rock & Legends at 11am
Still alive tomorrow at 8AM Buell Fuel and FL Stingers for sure, not sure how 5PM games played out (2 more teams coming out).
Where do you find the results?
All Star Saturday night at Auburndale...

Louisville Slugger Warriors • 18
SSUSA American All Stars • 10
Alanh - they are posting them here as quickly as they can. I happen to have a source in Fla! :-)

Loyce Harpe
55-60 Platinum
Winner Bracket Final Winner - Olympian Athletics
Speedwerx vs Rock & Legends currently in LBF
Sunday updates from Loyce Harpe Complex

Motown Magic double dips Unfazed tonwin the womens 50 division.

Colorado Ohana forces the IF game vs Kryptonite in womens 40 Major.... game in progress.

S2S beats Suncoast in extra innings of the winner final for 40 platinum.
NW Legends knocked off Cali Gold and Thunderboldts from Canada this morning and will now tke on Suncoast.

40 AAA- Y'all Next defeated NW 40s in extra innings and will now play Gigantes for 3rd place. Winner gets S2S.

55-60 Platinum
Olympian Athletics is unbeaten. They await the winner of Rock & Legends and Speedwerx.

More results to follow.

AUBURNDALE scoring and brackets are updated online through 11:00 AM EST games on Sunday morning ...
Congrats to Krypronite- Womens 40 Major Champions.

55-60 Platinum championship game is Olympian Athletics vs Speedwerx, who is currently playing their 4th straight game.
Mck71 thanks
55 Major- Speedwerx double dips Olympian Athletics with an 8th inning comeback.

40 Major / Major Plus- S2S hoods off Suncoast

40 AAA- Mission Possible wins in the bottom of the 7th over Y'all Next.

Heck of a day and weekend at Loyce Harpe Park.

Thanks everyone.
AUBURNDALE Divisions are complete and online ... Might have saved the very best for last ...

In the Men's 65-AAA, Brandford Nissan Seniors won in the bottom of the 9th (14-13) over the Florida Mustangs after having escaped the top of the 9th by turning a triple play ... Perfect end to a great week at Auburndale!

Congrats Brantford what an exciting finish!
Thanks Dave for the updates.
Any thing on the 70 Majors? haven't seen any scores or updates???

1. Vecter Scorpions (FL)
2. New England Merchants (MA)
3. Arizona Scorpions
Also: Advil Knights (CA) - 55-AA Champions

1. Starboard/OTS (DE)
2. Syracuse Cyclones 60 (NY)
3. Scrap Iron 60's Rockies

1. Venom 70 (FL) - 70-Major+
2. Slug-A-Bug (FL) - 65-Major
3: Pill & Pill 65 (WV)

1. Brantford Nissan Srs. (ON)
2. Florida Mustangs
3. MP Components/Bomb Squad (MI)

60 Major Results?
60-AAA Results?

All scoring and bracket results data are in my travel bag in the belly of the plane ... Right now that plane is in DEN headed West ... Will be on them Tuesday/Wednesday ... Auburndale is complete for all divisions assigned there ...
I want to thank Dave and all the people at the Auburndale Sport Complex for the great job that they did. Fields were always ready to go, games on time, umpiring was great, you guys couldn't have put on a better tournament. The teams were great. Weather was great. We hope to be back next year. Again thank you for putting on a great tournament, all winning teams should come to this tournament. By the way, all team member should see the Wounded Warriors team. they are super players. It was a honor and great to play against them.

Manager Paul
Cut Loose 65
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